For all of Dramas undercover SRDines

76  2018-07-04 by WeWuzKANG5


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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We have to deport

i also post in /r/politics and /r/veganfoodporn

come at me

I also post in /r/politics

We already knew you were in idiot, but did you have to prove it?

in idiot

come at me

posts in r/politics and r/veganfoodporn

Ok, I got a good feeling about this

fisticuffs isn't exactly the forte of the party of Dukakis.

Ted Kennedy drowned the shit out of that woman so shut the fuck up... Dems is stand up.

Not on purpose!

...I think

seems like people coming in you is whats causing all the problems.

He gay lmao

low effort


Horrible meme

-impact font

-missing a lot of words that are in the template

-doesnt even refer to the car as a "bad boy"

A meme doctor

I haven't seen you in ages. Here I was thinking you finally died of terminal autism.

I have shit ass internet when I'm not at college 😒

Poorposters pls go.

Also wtf is That site looks like being OP feels.

r/drama is gayer than srd in every possible way

Like if loving bussy was a bad thing.

implying faggots are gay

/r/drama is /r/subredditdrama but with mega cancer HIVAIDS gonorrhea ebola polio

No we are just fabulous and embrace our toxicity. Imagine trying to run a drama sub that isn't toxic...

Nah. SRD doesn't deserve bussy.

Eat shit


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U mad