incel creates new snappy quote

42  2018-07-04 by brd4eva


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The "Dark Triad" meme is one of the cringiest concepts to come out of TRP.

What is it?

People who have certain bad character traits get more sex. Sociopathy, Machiavellianism and something else.

By that logic, incels would be the most laid people on the fucking planet.

Well, the last of the triad is apparently narcissism...

I'm somewhat of an aficionado on the subject of narcissistic personality disorder.

One of the traits of people with NPD is that they're seemingly charming, social, funny, intelligent. Up until they secure narcissistic supply, adulation, favors, admiration, subjects, etc.

Their greatest tools are manipulation and deception. There are varying degrees of narcissism and NPD. Most of us carry one or two traits, but above a certain number of them, the more abusive the narcissist becomes.

So it makes sense to me that, people like this have more self esteem in appearance. The truth is that they're fragile children in a grown up's body. The moment they're unmasked they reveal how just addicted they are to narcissistic supply. And just like an addict with withdrawl symptoms, they will behave like that, so that the supply never stops, and just like an addict, diminishing returns will occur, in romantic relationships, for example, they will usually cheat because of it.

These people truly are wolves in sheep's clothing. It's a strange kind of self love, a grandiose sense of self, and self worth while the reality is that they are master pretenders.

They use people, usually men are more inclined to have this condition and usually in cultures where individualism is more the norm

Tell me more, senpai~ ❤️❤️❤️

is the last thing money?

The ones who are a bit smart probably do

Basically they believe "Chads" have what psychology describes as Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy. Ofc they're LARPing pseuds so they can't actually define any of those traits properly.

it is real, and i would say that it's probably true that those dudes get more laid. it's simple logic, if they are more willing to manipulate people, they are willing to manipulate and lie to women for sex. if you have no morals and just tell women whatever they want to hear with no guilt, you'd probably get laid more.

but it doesn't prove women are specifically attracted to dark triad traits, it just proves that people with no empathy who are good at manipulation get more pussy , which is well, duh.

clever reasoning for a retarded perv like yourself

it's not my fault you can't get laid bro don't take it on me.


i assumed you were one of the incel brigading the thread. if not, and you were simply calling me a degenerate, yeah you're right.

to be fair everyone lies to get laid though

sure, but it all sorta depends on how far you're willing to go. most guys are at least vague with their intentions instead of literally saying "i want to fuck and never talk to you again" cause that would reduce your rate of pussy by like 70%. not many go the lengths of outright lying about what job they have, the fact they really want a relationship but intend to dump them after a few months of sex, etc etc.

yeah dunno i see both women and men soing that tbh

Yeah not really tho.

... no?


Yes. Unfortunately, these women get punished for not being skeptical about other people

I base m y beliefs on what real and what's scientifically proven over whyat a bunch of kids on reddit call "cringy". God fucking dammit what a stupid word.

I base m y beliefs on what real

Lol riiiiight

You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you. Guess what, the blackpill is real. The halo effect is real. Mate copying is real. Hybristophilia is real. Continue to live in your little bubble and ignore anything I say because I am an incel though. Must be nice to be so ignorant.

Guess what, the blackpill is real. The halo effect is real. Mate copying is real. Hybristophilia is real








Yeah it is science, here, read these (Also lol @ how you didn't even respond to anything I said you just tried to discredit me by using epic le maymay text formatting):

On the halo effect: (Paid, read abstract) (Paid, read abstract) (Paid, read abstract)

Mate Copying:

Hybristophilia: (Paid, read abstract) (Paid, read abstract)




There I beat your argument

You need to click on one of those mental health ads that keep popping up


Lmao what's it like knowing all the secrets of human sexuality and still being unable to get laid you loser

It is actually relieving.


this but unironically

Nice job being stupid.

thanks! nice job being virgin

This whole thread is just free dough worth at least a year for that hungry pasta eating sentient robot

An integration of the Machiavellianism (MACH) and psychopathy constructs based on a dimensional view of personality and personality disorders and a recognition of B. Karpman's (1941, 1948) conceptual distinction between primary and secondary psychopathy is presented. Positive associations between MACH and both primary and secondary psychopathy were found. It is concluded that the Mach-lV is a global measure of psychopathy in noninstitutionalized populations (i.e., one that assesses but confounds both primary and secondary psychopathy) and that the primary differences between MACH and psychopathy are not traceable to substantive theoretical issues but to the different professional affiliations they are associated with: personality and social psychology and clinical psychology, respectively. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

What does this have to do with hybristophilia?

Murderers usually score high on the dark triad test. (Initial attraction for females and infamous attraction)

The study says nothing about murderers or female attraction.

So, what is the take away from all these studies?

The take away is that life isn't fair or isn't as pleasant as some would have you believe. People acknowledge that the halo effect exists but for some reason don't think unattractive people don't suffer from the opposite implicit bias (Horns effect). Mate copying is basically showing that social proof/warm approaching doesn't work that well (For unattractive people) because every time you get rejected socially you become less attractive to the opposite gender. I only brought up the discussions about the dark triad and hybristophilia because people constantly tell us that it is our personalities that don't get us laid/relationships, when pedophiles, murders, rapists, racists, and blatant sexists get into relationships just because they look good.

Yeah, no one thinks hot people don't have it better. People who are hot and have outgoing, charming personalities reap more of society's rewards than the rest of us. I'm not sure people disagree with that so much as they disagree that life is hopeless because of it. Believe it or not, everyone has their shit to deal with - being crazy, dumb, ugly, etc., or all of the above. They've decided to accept shit and work with what they've got so they don't want to ride your pity train. They tell you your personality sucks because IRL the most annoying person people know is the dude/dudette who complains about their problems while rejecting help and not setting any meaningful goals to make their lives the best they can be. Or, complaining about shit that's not going to change. If you don't make everything about you and care and ask about the shit other people go through, you'd start believing more people understand and care.

I don't complain about my problems irl? WHY ARE YOU ASSUMING THIS SHIT? Stop skirting around the issue, you people don't even try to understand. I say it is hopeless online because that is all I have been shown in my life. It is hard to work with I got when I am far below average in almost every regard. You literally can't understand cause you are not in my position, I don't need you trying to tell me I don't or didn't seek out help. I have only been a self-described incel for 2 months, before that I was doing everything in my power to gain a social circle / improve myself / etc. It is hard when you are literally shorter than the average female, no one thinks you are a sexual being. Also, hot people don't have to have charming personalities to be liked, they can be literally anything and be seen as charming, that is what the halo effect fucking is. People assumed for so long that I was a nasty person (Or at least treated me like one) all because of my looks. And before you say some stupid shit about me having a shit personality that isn't the case, seeing as how I have had girls say they were interested in me online through vc or text but when they see my face they ghost/block me. I know other people go through shit but I am telling you what I go through. I am telling you how I have been bullied since I was a kid by people for no reason. I am telling you how I have been trying dating apps since I was 18 with no success, which is extra disheartening when I can find an attractive male and put his fabricated height in the description or find an overweight female and they both get more attention than I ever have gotten in my life. I am telling you how I went to the gym but in the end I looked ridiculous because of my height. I am telling you how females have winced at the proposal of being my partner romantically. I am telling you how I have been rejected at every social function I try to approach females, even when I just introduce myself they say they have a boyfriend or some shit, when quite clearly they just don't find me attractive. I am involuntarily celibate, not inescapably celibate.. But at some point you just have to give up. I can't keep wasting my life trying to find the 0.00001% of the female population that might find me attractive.

I don't know you or any of the other incel guys irl. I'm letting you know why people react the way they do online. I mean, what do you want from us? It sucks that society is shallow and rewards people for looks and/or superficial charm. Men are supposed to pursue and women are supposed to gatekeep sex. That's terrible for men who aren't conventionally attractive or who struggle with social skills. Everyone just takes this shit for granted and no one questions it. Randos on the internet aren't going to understand and will give you crappy advice. What can you do? Especially since everyone thinks incels are school shooters now. It's probably not a good idea to make it your identity, but that's just me.

Places like braincels and are just places where we can vent. It got tiring to hear the same advice whenever I used to go on self-help forums or ask people on reddit for advice on women.And when I implement the advice it usually fails. It really doesn't matter what we call ourselves, society will still think badly of us, whether people say it or not. Ultimately I just want to tell people that they shouldn't expect much if they are in the same position as I. Some might call it a crab in a bucket mentality but it isn't, because a lot of incels try to looksmax or change things about themselves in a futile attempt at attracting women. It is just so no one else gets hurt.

This is a better Snapshill quote than the linked thread. Congrats, you're famous

Of course it's being disregarded because you're an incel. You're trying to make statements on a topic, you've proven yourself to fail entirely at. It's like a maths student who consistently fails every math class, screeching at the teacher about how it's not his fault he's failing, it's the numbers and methods he's using that's wrong.

Are you dense? The authors of these studies are people with degrees in their respective fields and accolades that you and I will never achieve. These are facts of human behavior. You shouldn't disregard it because I am the one who says it, that is literally stupid as fuck. If anything, you could say you doubt it, but even then, you should be smart enough to read it yourself and see that I am correct in what I am saying. Also, that analogy is retarded. Here is a better analogy:
A student is failing a calc class because he has an IQ of 80. He tells people that he isn't very intelligent and he can't pursue higher math courses but they yell at him saying that it is because he isn't trying hard enough. He goes home every day and studies for hours, taking tutoring lessons in his free time. At the end of the day his cognition prevents him from understanding calculus while people of normal or above-average iq tells him it is because he is lazy and isn't try hard enough.


Maybe try going outside and talking to people, instead of sitting in your room circlejerking with other mentally dashed people about how mean women are for not fucking you.

I have and I get shit on for existing. Women have been cruel to me since I was young, nothing will change. These studies and surveys just show what has always been real to me: If you are unattractive you are trash in the eyes of most people.

You don't get shit on for existing, women haven't been cruel to you since you were young, and things could change. But, that would require you to change. Which won't happen, as you've dug in your heels and entrenched yourself in a fortress filled with bitter autists.

They don't show that, at all. Which you'd understand, if you weren't so desperate for it to be true.

Why are you trying to gaslight me lmao? You know why I have become an incel? Because I overheard my co-workers saying that I was probably gonna be the next incel shooter like Alek Minassian. That fucking broke me because I told myself I would never be like incels because my parents raised me to respect people. Whenever I got bullied my parents told me that those people wouldn't be successful in life and whenever I got rejected my mother told me that one day I would find someone that loves me, but I haven't. And women have been cruel to me since I was young, how the fuck are you going to tell me what happened in my life? Men have to but for the most part it was most men avoiding me with a few bullying me. Women had no problem bringing me up as the butt of their jokes saying "Oh you probably have a crush on X" and I hear them all laughing and the girl in question saying ew. I have had girls play pranks on me saying they want to date me and laugh at how excited I got. I have had girls lie about me exposing myself to them on facebook in highschool to the point where the "friends" I had stopped associating with me. Things could change but it doesn't seem likely. Also you didn't even read them you stupid fuck. Everyone awknowledges that attractive people have easy lives but don't think unattractive people have harder ones. Unattractive people make less, they are more likely to serve harsher sentences for their crimes, short men are 2x as likely to kill themselves than tall men. Fuck off, please. You don't know what you are talking about.

Lol, you were already an incel long before that. If you're old enough to have co-workers, it's a behavioural problem that's been going on for years before they talked about you.

Yeah, your parents lied to you. That sucks. instead of being a manchild about it, grow the fuck up.

I have never talked to anyone so dimwitted and evil at the same time. Peace.

Ah, the double "I'm done talking to you comment." Classic.

For real, I'm not evil, nor am I dimwitted. I do more kind things in a year than you do in a lifetime, and work part time (alongside studying) taking care of people with various disabilities and impairments at an assisted living facility.

The problem is, you're at a point where you're in blatant denial about reality and need someone to point out that the emperor is wearing no clothes.

People like you are unsympathetic assholes, I am done talking to you.

somehow i doubt that

People like you are unsympathetic assholes

Calls people scum of the earth then says this, oh buddy

I don't know, willfully ignorant people are pretty bad. I don't really hate anyone but people that will deliberately misrepresent and or ignore evidence.

Real life pro tip bud: the reason you people get mocked is because you pull out these articles showing that you see women as nothing more than lab rats. Seriously, the best thing for you will be to leave that life, work on yourself, and try to be a genuinely good person that looks for the positives rather than the negatives. Because if you keep going down this path, if this is really, really the hill you want to die on, you've guaranteed yourself a life of sadness.

"The best thing for you to do is ignore reality"
Got it, thanks!

Okay, then die alone. At least you can't say someone didn't try.

So if a non incel posted the study it would be a valid argument ? Holy fuck you are stupid


Keep making glorious pasta for us, sir.

Hahahahahahahaha you made my day with this thank you. Keep being you, it's going to work out just fine

Neat. How much sex do you have though?

It's sort of true though, I work in mental health and men who are ASPD or women who are BPD are generally far more charismatic and manipulative and are better at tricking or coercing people into sleeping with them.

/u/TransexualWiener now you know why your incel kind is the most pathetic group lol

/u/MMDT nice post

I'm going to start running soundcloud thug game.... will post results soon..... I'm a 23 year old virgin but I bet with a cool face tat and some booming bassdrums and rattling hi hats and agressive anti social behavior the girls will flock

Are you retarded?

Shut up faggot before I smack the shit outta you bitch

(No offense this is just me running thug game)

I want to see a Venn diagram between drama and braincels

Imagine believing such a bullshit study to support you. Obviously a bully is better at putting themselves out there

How is it a bs study? Because it contradicts your worldview?

I see somebody quoted me

Lmfao. The people in that thread are beyond deluded

u/shoonx how can you unironically type this on r/braincels of all subs?

You're just a normie

Being a Chad is just a cope. Stacy is using Chad for his essence. It's a communist conspiracy to sap and impurify the precious bodily fluids of American men. Every time Chad succumbs to a femoid, he loses essence and is one step closer to death.

Nothing left to do but LDAR.


Lay down and rot.

Lmfao. The people in that thread are beyond deluded

lol wow you took my comment and ironically copied and pasted it pretty clever there pal

The fact you’re focusing solely on the copypastas prove you have failed at EVERY aspect of your argument. You wrote all that bullshit to make yourself seem intelligent and probably to make yourself feel that way too.

Well sadly, at the end of all this not only are you pathetic, you’re just sad. You’re sad because you simply could not sustain a single valid argument throughout the entirety of this and yet you genuinely believe you have been.

I’ve had several people messaging me as well that this ‘shoonx’ account is just another bullshit dummy account for you to hide and bitch behind.

Well I’m not gonna continue to babysit for you, you clearly love the attention you’re family doesn’t give you so ultimately I just have resolved sympathy for you.

I hope you prosper and attempt to better yourself as well as your pathetic object you call a brain. You should also sign up for some speaking and listening classes, as well as reading and debating classes. You clearly have not been taught in any of them so I’ll leave to your own devices.

By all means claim ‘victory’ because what your definition of Victory is, is just feeling like you’ve accomplished anything, no matter how tiny, anything. Just so you can go a day longer without putting your head in a noose.

Anyways my dear friend, have a lovely day, try to not kill yourself!

Are you claiming that this account is just one of multiple dummy accounts being ran by one person? Adorable.

A tad schizophrenic, are we? This little essay of yours is amazing. I’m flattered that you took the time to write this collective nonsense. I really hit the wrong button with you, somewhere. <3

Then by your own comment you’ve displayed how ultimately dumb you are.

Wanna stop talking to me?

Then how about block me, how about do anything other than continue to engage with me. Cause all you’ve continued to do, is show ultimately how petty and pathetic you are.

‘This little essay of yours is amazing'

😂😂😂😂 you literally sound like a fucking 10 year old child having a temper tantrum cause you got bullied online....

That entire paragraph you just wrote PERFECTLY summarizes how EVERYTHING I’ve been saying HAS GOTTEN TO YOU.

The fact is you know I’m right as well, otherwise you wouldn’t be getting this mad right now.

Like i said before you stupid little bitch, want me to stop embarrassing you?


You sound like a 13 year old girl crying cause some other girls wrote mean shit about you on Twitter......

I can’t tell if you’re shitposting are if you’re genuine. If you’re shitposting, please, daddy. Teach me the ways of this gloriousness

You're projecting buddy. I'm not a snowflake. In fact, I've been wrong plenty of times about plenty of things. I'm not a bad person. I tutor kids in 4h, I volunteer in habitat for humanity and I volunteer to help people in recovery from addiction. What do you do?

You say you have a moral high ground because I'm shitposting. Do you not see how you're painting with a mile wide brush or do you just not care?

Sensei, please. Enlighten me

Drama is a mix of alt-right Japanese culture fetishists and the dreck extracted from the primordial underpinnings of the MRA/incel movements. There isn't any particular reason that sub would not get banned under the circumstances that r/T_D got banned, if we didn't have white supremacist admins who make it impossible for this site to shed its anti-diversity and alt-right tumors. If there is a hell in which the tar pits of blood and fire eternally burn, surely a place like r/Drama would be infested with the mightiest of sinners who would end up relinquished to such a purgatory to scream in the flames for all time and beyond (to use a metaphor about hate groups) but it's unlikely there's any real justice in this universe or the Elliot Rodgers-grooming, Japanese pedophile subs like T_D and CringeAnarchy would have been defenestrated and mailed in pieces to the nearest multicultural laboratory to be dissected for future generations so as to inoculate themselves from the disease of hate.

This is god-level shitposting. It's beautiful.

Congratulations! Your comment is frontpage material! Now I'll comment something (before reading I want to say you that I'm talking to the people who don't have an opinion of this, because I realized that some people are taught to believe in a god, and that's what I hate, forcing people to believe in something that you do.):

Religion sucks, every god is fake, we created gods for trying to explain things that we didn't know, like rain. No god is real, and religion is one of the reasons which proves that some people are still monkeys.

I want to say something to Christians: If your god is real, why the gods of other religions aren't real too? Most gods that people believe in have born in the same date and did similar things... I won't say them because it's a lot of work, but I want you to search them (only if you believe in any god). I'm glad that day after day more people are atheist, think about it, when has any religion told the truth? They just want to control people minds, in the past people were fvcking controlled by religion, and someone who didn't want to believe in God was burn alive.

It doesn't matter how many times you go to church, how many times you pray a day, nothing will happen, because there's no one above us... Want more? People that created all this fantasy didn't know anything. Those books with a ton of pages, in which you believe and do all the things in it, were written by a "normal" person. We have evolved as persons, but some don't want to open their minds to new ideas. What does that mean? You should think: why do you do something that should be awarded and nothing happens? That's the reason.

I want to say something: I'm not trying to offend anyone, I just want to make you think, and maybe, change your opinion. You these days can realize that what you're believing in it's fake and don't suffer any consequences. Now some proofs (don't worry because it's in English), to see the proofs you have to click in the blue words.

hahahahaha! I fucking love you, dude. This is some grade A shitposting right here

No offense, but your mom raised a genuine faggot.

Wow dude better kill myself after that insult whew pretty hard hitting

Lol gay.

Maybe because at least some of what is presented there shows some truth?

being an ugly subhuman ogre bullying people that are genetically above you don't bring any benefit at all, maybe temporary life fuel.

u/bossez you know even ISIS doesn't let manlets like you run around raping qt kuffars right? Why Afghanistan of all places?


Incels are narcissists that are too ugly, awkward, lazy, dirty, creepy and obsessive that people can see through them and would never fuck em.

No matter what you tell em, it will always be someone else's fault that they can't get laid (or have a gf)

As if they would know how to work on a relationship. Ayy lmao.

I have no sympathy for such vile group of people who just take everything that is out there and somehow, it's someone else's responsability they can't get what they want.

Newsflash dipshit, no one owes you shit. You're not doing the world a favor using up these resources destined for the people who breed

Make other people care by being genuine, attentive, charismatic, forgiving, understanding and empathetic.

Stop having ulterior motives with people, no one appreciates someone who pretends being a nice person just because they're waiting something else to happen, stop treating every situation like a chess game where you treat people like pieces to advance your own interests.