112  2018-07-04 by DistortedLines


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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242 years ago today, our founding fathers declared independence from the British and their manlet empire, thus creating the United States of America.

Its because of their sacrifices and jihad against the Brits that we now have TayTay and her music, which probably wouldn't have even existed had the revolution not happened.

I agree with the subtext of this message. War with Canada to save TayTay!

Posting pictures of attractive women on r/Drama? Whats the catch? They're trannies or something right?

Welcome, newfriend

attractive women


What are you implying here ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Women cannot be attractive. Are you new?

How arenโ€™t they attractive pray-tell?

Homely lesbians with 80s bodies and dyke cuts just don't do it for me, fam ๐Ÿ˜ถ

they're all white so it's racist

It's fucking offensive to post malnourished boy women here. America was founded on giant T&A.



Does not compute

yeah the girls must be coaplayers or something

Its relative

hoping nobody mentions that they're also < 18

[X] Doubt

white attractive

Pick one

Attractive Women Pick one

They are wifes of people on the alt right

I find it hard to believe that black men would be alt-right.

Implying members of the alt right are straight

God bless Amerikkka!



Say what you want about the tenets of national socialism, at least it's an ethos.

Where's the tits and ass

The question every patrician man says when confronted with the figure of a white woman.

Latina women masterrace. I mean bussy pls

dude bussy lmao


Haha. You're on this sub too. Figures.

You commie Nazi cuck.

Oh fuck, ya got me my dude

my dude

how to know if you're 16

A video game addict trying to lecture someone on the merits of being an extremist. Neato... Oh shit, and an incel/misogynist! You're a real winner. I bet your parents are proud ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/8v1uae/ghosted_after_2_months/e1kqsg0/?context=3

Maybe if you went outside and didn't just play video games all day you wouldn't have such a shitty worldview. It also may prelong your life, since at this rate you'll end up killing yourself from self-induced depression in 3 years or so. Good luck

Blue, white and red bands. Yet again, american women fell under the french charm.


Those women look pretty young bro...

tay is 28

Wtf? Where is her ass??

in the picture smh



Y'all know they eat dick right?

Miss me with that gay shit, boy

Not as pretty as our Canadian women over here.

username checks out.

Once daddy is done trade warring you guys, your girls will be nice and cheap!

They were already pretty cheap. You could get a half dozen for one flannel.

Oh, what a shock, someone mentions the greatest country on earth (AMERICA!!!!!!!!!) and some cuck tries to be relevant by mentioning our annoying shithead little bro, Canuckistan.


I posted a happy fourth of July thread to Chapo but they downvoted me :(

They're so rude

Lmao seriously?


Buncha dildos that bunch

Who cares

1 and 2 are alright, but 3... ๐Ÿคฎ

Someone please make me mod so I can ban this manlet

Looks like Gordon Ramsay lol

Queenie is still pissed!

Get these twigs off my bussy forum

Fu-cking right!


I wouldโ€™ve also accepted this picture

Is that tay?

You wish tay was that T H I C K ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Where are their tits?

Elbows too pointy.

America is a cancer, the world will be better off once America, the chill fascist totalitarian empire, is destroyed once and for all. Then Christianity will have nowhere to run to, and we can destroy it as well. The entire rotten foundation of western civilization must be turn down from its edifices.

Ok, first of all, have a sit over there.

Where's the dick tho