Must be a thrill to work with this female Dev. • Shamelessly stolen from r/Guildwars2

314  2018-07-04 by CedV


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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That's not a picture of her getting punched in the face.


I just got fired. Thanks.

We did it reddit!

I was hoping he'd get killed. 😞

Tbh all /r/drama users should get fired

Implying they have a work in the first place.

*Liberated, not fired. And you're welcome😇

Saw you comment and still opened it. Fuck. Idk if anyone saw.

Nice girls love it!

I don't like looling at this stuff when taking a shit, now I feel funny 😞


I want to know what steps 1-4 are.

Then continue on, shoving it straight into your brain and eventually you're cerebellum. Continue until you are no longer able.

That's not how they work!!? 🙉

Sign me up, women sound better when they don't talk at all.

Wow, this is a really shitty thread. Nearly no drama, fuck you.

Sorry that twitter link was hard for you to click on, I know computers get harder the older you are.

Thanks, retard. I guess it's hard for me to use the internet nowadays, cunt.

Well, what's got your bussy in a bind?

He's from Brazil, that's explanation enough.


Hue hue hue gibe moni plos

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go back to /r/watchpeopledie

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Hahaha you know you're stupid when you're getting downvoted in /r/Drama, a place that usually upvotes lolcows

First of all, fuck anyone who want devs to do work. That shit is inhumane treatement. Dev are on this earth to mock morons and drink mountain dew.

I hope you're giving them Doritos to was down with their Dew!

"washing" involves liquid so it'd be the mountain dew washing down the doritos but i don't expect you to know what "washing" is

I mean that's why I said with their Dew but you're right I am unfamiliar with showering. I avoid liquids that won't increase my risk of heart disease.

sorry for misunderstanding you, keep killing yourself

You too fam!

You're doing God's work, son.

Replace mountain dew with coffee, and basically literally this.

not even doritos, just the coffee, you haven't had a bad time until you've spent 24 hours only drinking 2 12 cup pots :(

Female dev, I think you mean wine

let's not forget bitching sessions during code review with a serious "You can't tell me what to do!" vibe when they've written 500 lines of bullshit since they forgot there were default functions that already handled the cases.

I feel personnally attacked.


Nah, but I once did that, and felt very stupid once it was told to me.

whew though the doxx was incoming

and yeah we all have. but after working for a few years in a language you should have at least familiarity with the native functions. it's like writing your own date function or something, gawd kill me now

but after working for a few years in a language you should have at least familiarity with the native functions.

It depend on how much native functions there are in the language.

it's like writing your own date function or something, gawd kill me now

Don't kinkshame sadomaso

It depend on how much native functions there are in the language.

of course. if there isn't one for what you need to do, then you need to write one. if there is though...

i had a "php developer" once who would have made you cry. ridiculous workarounds, including native functions, all day long. he did learn eventually, after getting yelled at by pretty much everyone for wasting huge amounts of time

I mean, there are languages where there is juust so many possibilities, that one could perfectly not know about some of them, despite working with it for years.

i'm talking simple things really. you know, like you'd look up in a book.

>Doing work.

women being retarded. Well, there's nothing new under the sun, really

Ah, but this women is being retarded on social media! Who could ever have guessed such a thing would happen?



Is there a reason why feminists eat with their mouths open? Is it a display of power thing?

Because they're gross slobs

theyre toddlers

I highly doubt that's a feminist thing.

how else are they gonna breathe?


Ya know, something I've always wondered about her...for all the money she's sucked outta people, you'd think she'd spend some to update her circa-2001 eyebrows.

Makes her look like a walking mugshot.

She needs to stop appropriating chola culture.

That was appropriate on so many different levels.

There is something about stupid feminists that really does it for me...

This is the game people are quitting RuneScape for? LOL

The combat is pretty damn good sadly the devs were a bit of a fucking joke they wanted to do Esports with the arena mode while attempting to balance the same skills based on pvp & pve instead of having different skill values for each mode which they did 2 years in after the fucking mode was dead. (im salty af)

while attempting to balance the same skills based on pvp & pve instead of having different skill values for each mode

Weird, because they learned this lesson in the original Guild Wars.

IKR it was fucking bizzare , people kept telling them to split them every time they did some retarded change and they replied: We see no reason to do this and there and no plans to implement it, idiots.

From what I heard the whole reason they don’t like the split is because GW1’s skill split have them a headache when making balance updates.

lol good joke, the combat is trash.

GW1 combat was trash in the action sense, balance wise for skills and build variety it was top tier amazing. Amazing too how they went from that to "How do i balance these skills for pvp? i know ill nerf a value by 300% IN ALL GAME MODES"

lol good joke, the combat is trash. it's hilarious how GW1 is better in almost every way to GW2

better or worse it is utterly fucking unplayable if you live anywhere with a ping above 100. That happens to be most of the world since ANET are cheap dickheads who only have two server locations on the planet. Feels like all your inputs go through elastic bands.

I don't get why so many MMOs refuse to do the split values thing. Blizzard refused to do that for ages too, and at first it was only a few spells at a time like Colossus smash debuff. Now practically everything is affected.

No idea as a long time MMO player so balance decisions are so bad they just completely stump me like war hammer online having mirror classes but with completely different skills from each other so that instead of having reskinned skills and proper balance in a faction v faction game one faction became wildly overpowered according to buffs because they tried to balance 20 bloody classes instead of 10.

They probaby refuse because the whole thing is spaghetti code and refactoring it takes more effort than changing numbers.

Nah, all of those changes have been made a long time ago. Back in the day their argument just stripped down to "we don't want people to think of using different spells than in PvE". At this point nearly every spell at least in WoW has different coefficients for PvE and PvP.

(im salty af)

you're not wrong though.

Every single time devs try to balance pvp and pve skills at the same time, especially when they want that sweet sweet esports money it always ends up blowing up in their faces.

OT but that is the one thing so far i'll give Anthem devs credit for. They have no interest in doing pvp right now so the are free to go nuts with player abilities.

Wait you need a reason to quit runescape?

Now that's a bitch right there.

Salty language. I block often. I won't play demure for you.

Omg, a woman who can be rude and vulgar. I've never been more intimidated in my life.

I've never even heard of her before. Still, she's pre-emptively blocked me via some autoblock bullshit, helpfully saving me from having to see her witterings in my Twitter feed unless I deploy the TOTALLY SUPER-SEKRET trick of "logging out".

Why do these people think blocking does anything?

I'll bet she has a poster, bumper sticker, or t-shirt that says, "If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best."

That's a great expression, can men use it to to downplay domestic abuse?

I'm not the Minister of Stupid Phrases, but I would assume you don't require a license to say it.

Reported to UK authorities for spreading propaganda and lies about licensing requirements.

I know we're joking about being incels, but haven't you guys at least interacted with a woman starting their period even once? Because this is exactly how a woman about to rush to get a box of Tampax reacts.

Not if you train her properly

Because a guy politely talks to her about game development? No they don't.

The average underpaid highschool janitor is more professional than these two mongs... What a world

There is no reason to insult janitors by comparing them to game devs. I'm not even being ironic; janitors are almost bros or sweet ladies who are super nice whereas game devs are some of the most petulant, reprehensible insects on this planet.

My highchool janitor stood in for a Biology teacher one day when she hit an early pregnancy contraction. He was really just supposed to make sure we didnt burn the place down.

This guy asked a few of the attentive classmates what subject we were on and then totally flew by the seat of his pants with the rest of the hour.

I remember learning more that day than she had taught in the last month.

They also have a job that actually contributes something of value to society

game devs are some of the most petulant, reprehensible insects on this planet.

They never grew out of that arrogant knowitall stage most teens get snapped out of in early adulthood. But that's what happens when your never step out nerd hugboxes.

The dirty secret is I'm not sure if it's possible to make an MMORPG (or CRPG) character compelling

lol what a fucking retard, how does this dumb cunt have a job as a writer

The writing in GW2 is horrendously bad which is funny because they tried to make the main story one of the big sellers, literally none of the characters are compelling.

....can you name an MMO with a compelling story?

Shit, there are only like...maybe 6 video games with stories that aren't complete trash

Maybe the sense of hopelessness and lack of satisfaction with her job is why she's in such a bad mood on social media

Or maybe she's always like that because her personality is shit and the fact that no one wants to be around her makes her lonely, sad, and angry. She probably doesn't have an issue getting dates like our incel buddies, but I bet she derails any chances of a relationship she has by the time a third date happens.

Big if true

There is a difference between a half decent rpg story and being so corny and trite that i laugh at the bits where it tries to be serious

The difference is not as big as you think it is.

That just underscores how baffling it is that the GW2 story is as bad as it is.


I liked the agent story but the rest of them were pretty trash

Jesus, especially the light side mage or counselor Or whatever

Really only speaking on Imperial Agent honestly. Great story. The rest are still pretty good and miles above just about any other MMO story, imo.

I do have to give it to SWOTOR

Many of the companion stories are quite good (since we're talking about character writing specifically).

I liked Final Fantasty 14's story.



I liked how obviously gay Prospero was

Was that his name? The twink

I mean, everyone in that game was gay af, now that I think about it.

So...I take it back. Game of the year.

Sounds like you're thinking of Final Fantasy 15

That was just ff14 with a visual upgrade wasnt it

Isnt that what all of them are

Not really, FF14 is the MMO, FF15 is singleplayer.

Do both of them have weeby shit and terrible writing?


Ever jrpg is gay

It really could have been better if they bothered voicing more of the nocs though. They all feel lifeless because there's like 3 times they ever actually have voiced lines in the game to do a plot dump.

Illidans story arc in WoW was pretty neat. Very satisfied how the story was told and how it concluded.

Hahaha no dont pretend wow and the concept of good writing are even in the same universe

What's wrong, MDE-migrant? Don't you like illegal alien orc Jesus as much as the WoW team did?

It is weird that google translate doesnt have an "autism----> English" option yet.

Is that why everyone has so much trouble understanding your posts?

I think I make myself perfectly redundant

I think reality beat you to that but it's good that you've embraced it.

Illegal aliens > American citizens

I dunno, I liked Runas quests in Legion.

>ooh WoW story so gud

>literally "yeah, so, like, no one liked how Illidan made no sense in BC, so here's an entire expansion that's Outland, but in an alternate timeline or whatever because reasons"

Nobody cried when Aeris died. Nope. Nobody.

We were children

I also cried when the cowboys lost

But that's because pappy got drunk and violent went he lost a bet...

Nobody cried when your fat cow mom died either

Mayocide yesterday

Elder Scrolls Online is actually pretty good.

I didnt play it but I can say confidently it isnt

I played it for a few months, and I can confidently say it is.

Plus the voice acting is top notch. The character John Cleese does is the tits.

elder scrolls story

MMO story

its got the two greatest elements for an absolutely awful story. If its even coherent I'd be impressed.

I stand by what I said. ESO has a decent story, Miracle Whip is the best sandwich spread, and women who can swallow with their mouth open are only gross during meals.

I've never played ESO, ate miracle whip, or seen women swallow with her mouth open. So I am going to preemptively say your takes are stupid and wrong.

I am going to preemptively say your takes are stupid and wrong.

Way to be right for the wrong reasons. The only reason you need to assume that I am stupid and wrong is that I am a regular poster in /r/Drama.


Morrowind is an RPG, not an MMO.

Not that there's any real difference, is there. There's plenty of MMOs where the quest dispenser is like "OMG it's the chosen one, thank the gods you're here, only you can help find the kitten that I've lost for the 600th time today now hop in line to speak to my wife for the keys to the basement that totally doesn't have a monster attacking my kitten in it".

Did Morrowind have a great conventional linear narrative? It had a great open world experience, but I'm not sure it's comparable.


yes i too love how the six thousand books in the elder scrolls games (that nobody but serious autists ever read more than a few of) really flesh out the storyline.

I was thinking about the whole dwemer and tribunal, empire dagoth ur angle.

gtfo nerd

Shit, there are only like...maybe 6 video games with stories that aren't complete trash

I don't know much about MMOs (I've played like one, maybe two, both with shitty/nonexistent stories), so I can't speak for those, but I think there are a decent amount of single-player games with good stories.

If you like the story of any game besides Planescape: Torment and KOTOR2 then your standards are too low.


most video game stories are just ok, same with books and movies n shit. ppl just say video games have bad stories so they can look smarter than they are

no u

watch out boys honors english student comin thru

RuneScape unironically had a pretty decent storyline. I felt bad for Guthix for weeks after the quest where he dies, fucking Saradomin and Zamorak.

dude original gw had pretty okay story tbh

Shit, there are only like...maybe 6 video games with stories that aren't complete trash

wrong. there are no such games. stories in games are all absolute trash

And a few of them got beamdogged so they have some social justice flavor mixed in there.

The first Guild Wars had a pretty good story

Warframe has a pretty intruiging lore and story. It also has fleshed out cinematic quests of triple A quality, sometimes even surpassing triple A. It also has serious voice acting.

The thing is, it doesen't even mater. Guild wars uses singleplayer instances for it's story, which means there is little excuse. Because it's an RPG doesen't mean you can't make a compelling story, and even if you could, that doesen't excuse the hillariously awful writing in general.

There's a difference between passable/servicable writing and bad writing, and guild wars lands squarely on the latter.

The main level 80 campaign is pretty good, really well fleshed out and has it's own intresting characters you get to know over a long time, multiple factions you got to know and study and work for, culminating an epic coordinated campaign to take down the first dragon, but when they jumped in living world they really shit the bed.

They started introducing new characters out the wazoo left and right without fleshing them out. Braham is basically a retard with down syndrome who acts like an annoying brat and contributes absolutely nothing, Rox... what the fuck has rox even done? I'm pretty sure she's litterally been on standby for the past 5 years.

Then there's the lesbians. Anet decided to introduced two lesbian characters in the main cast for the sake of being inclusive, and that's litterally the extent of their personality. They're just there to be the token lesbians. They do nothing, say nothing other than fluff, contribute nothing, have no personality, have no intresting backstory, they just stand around and say how much they love each other every other line.

Even the community refers to them as "the lesbians" because they don't have any other discernible characteristics at all. They've just been hogging the screen for half the story for no reason.

The only semi passable character they've writen is taimi and even she isn't a great character. She's just there to be deus ex machine that shits out magitech solutions everytime the writers write themselves into a corner.

Then there's the hillarious ending to episode 5 of season 3.

Get this. Throughout the entire season 3 that lasted a full year or so, the big baddie dragons have been awakening, mobilizing and sending minions all over the world. As we advanced through the story to track them and stop them, the episode finally culminates with the two unstoppable dragons representing forces of nature about to collide with each other and destroy the world.

So, how does the episode resolve this in the last 5 minutes?

A litteral fucking god (As in, an actual god from the pantheon of gods) that had never been seen before in the story appears out of nowhere, and uses a magic machine (Who had never been stated to be able to do that) to put both dragons to sleep simutaneously, and send us halway accross the world to fight a completely irrelevant big baddie that until now wasn't even active.

Is your avatar some kind of battlebot?

Its a condom, understandable you wouldn't know what one looks like. 😏


how does this dumb cunt have a job as a writer

Literally the only way femoids can be employed by tech companies. That and marketing/HR.

Every time I see something about "women in tech" they're actually in writing, marketing, human resources, or the fucking art department. I bet if you collected all the women who actually have tech jobs and did a survey the result would be that they hate bitches like this.

One of my oldest friends is a woman who has been doing Unix System admin work for about 30 years. You don't even want to get her started.

Do it and post the results.

hey i know a girl project manager who's ok. well, she's ok at making jira tickets. and saying nothing on engineering calls. and complaining.

when you make a character you have 3 options for backstories depending on your race and character.

even at launch in 2012 these options were immediately disregarded. 1 determined what story arch you get, second determined your starting item (purely cosmetic) and the last option did fucking nothing.


White gussy*


He's also a partnered content creator with Anet apparently.

So her and Fries throwing him under the boss looks hilariously bad.

"you can't make an mmorpg player-character interesting because i'm a bad writer because they have to be a blank slate and people will get mad if they have any personality"

Runescape managed to do this over a decade ago as a low budget browser/JavaScript based game. The PC in that game is actually hilarious.

WOW did it by basically having the PC be a bystander while other characters had compelling stories going on.

It seems weird from a conventional rpg perspective to not have the player character be the center of the story. But imo it's weirder to pretend that the character is the center of the universe while clearly having a thousand characters simultaneously pursuing the same path.

I need 10 pig eyes, now understand, not every pig you kill will have eyes and the pigs that do will normally only have 1. I'll give you 10 copper hero of the world.

you damage the mob's organs as you kill it. That's why they don't always drop them

Runescape characters had personalities?

RS2 was classic British humor and seemed to be inspired by Terry Pratchett. The writing is honestly really good, it's just that it's not what a lot of people play RS for. Can't speak for RS3.

Rs3 barely gets quests anymore because the playerbase basically consists of people who compete to show off how much money they've wasted. Jagex just keeps focusing on adding content to get the remaining no-lifes to spend their parents bank accounts.

RS3 used to get pretty decent storylines, especially the one that unlocked Priffdinas was top notch. The storyline actually made me think following a guide on configuring mirrors for 2 hours was worth it, it was that good. Honestly, RS3 got everything other than PvP right. If only they had made it so PvP didn't consist of 'lol you're stunned, you die' it'd be the perfect MMORPG.

This bitch called Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy III, she should be circumcised.

she should be circumcised.

From the neck up, maybe.

She's also playing it at a "4th of July party" with a group of friends.

She clearly has no fucking idea what that game is.

Fire. All. Femoids.

Would it be mansplaining to explain to her how to set her twitter to private?

The dude she's totally not fucking at work wants you to stay away from their private social media accounts.

He then back pedals and says when he blames he beverage he means it is just ice tea.

I'm sure they were supportive of Rosanne Barr when she lost her show over an idiotic Tweet on her "personal" account.

Roseanne goes on pills and tweets.

Thats totally different from this asshole tweeting from the bottom of his case of Blue Ribbon.

Imagine losing your job because you couldn't put down the Twatter while blitzed on Blue Ribbon. At least break out some top shelf stuff so it's still kind of fun to go down in flames over social media.

Female Mathematician: “1+1=2” Man: “but what if it’s 3” Female mathematician: “no you’re being stupid” Internet: “omg why didn’t you engage him in his constructive feedback maybe he had a point”

Is this fucking retard really comparing math to a video game story? The absolute state of soyboy whiteknights lmao

What a Thundercunt.


Rundown of who Deroir is, he's a content creator and partner to the arenanet team. They even made an npc in the game with his name. The fact that she called him a rando asshat is.. appalling? He definitely is not a rando or an asshat.

Oh holy shit, really?

He's actually one of the most well known and popular content creators on the sub. Two others, Noxxi and INKS are both also huge content creators who she shit on for no reason yesterday.

Jesus christ. The dude was prolly happy to try and converse with someone he views highly.

Okay but who the fuck cares lmao

People who like context, duh!

/u/Ilyavi god bless you sir

Holding women to the same standard as men and expecting them to be polite is sexism

What's going on here? Are people targeting gamers? Gamers?

Jesus Christ. This is peak femayo.

"As an amateur fantasy writer, I would like to tell you, a professional fantasy writer..."

Now get out of my fucking feed with your assumptions and your entitlement to my time.

It's gotta be rough being such an important person that you've always got these little people demanding your attention.

Oh look, a female "game developer" with a creative writing degree. Women in Tech people.

LMFAO. She’s not even a game dev. She’s a “narrative designer”.

Why do they even pay these people? You could get pretty much anyone to do it for basically free.

So the real question is... who is she fucking? I'm going with that Peter guy. He's posts have the desperation of someone tying to defend his bitch after his bitch did something stupid but knowing that telling her it was stupid will cross her legs.

The problem with shit like this is that it never allows for the possibility that there exists a man out there who may know more about a topic than a woman and may have to, at some point, explain that topic to the woman. Because nowadays the woman can just plug her fingers in her ears and go "MANSPLAINING! MANSPLAINING!"

In this case, the guy wasn't the expert, but, fuck, are you that sensitive about your work performance that you can't handle someone giving you constructive feedback about your work? Jesus Christ.

Hey /u/JessicaLPrice777 S O C I A L network. Get it trough your thick skull you bigot

/u/JessicaLPrice777 you're not even a game dev.

lmfao and the people defending her are either white knights or bitter users saying stuff like

Also, If you aren’t a feminist, meaning you don’t support equal rights for genders, you are wrong and your opinion doesn’t matter. Go back to r/braincels.

Also... Fuck off you dense cunt. No one likes you. You can’t win an argument by calling someone else stupid. I hope you end up miserable and alone without any videogames to keep you busy since you’ll never play one again if you are this easily triggered by the industry.

^ this one is particularly funny so imma link it

From the original Twitter thread.

I agree with her though, she didn't ask for your opinion and you came to her personal Twitter to unnecessarily dump your opinion on to her and tell her how her job should be done.

Do I go to your Twitter and tell you how to correctly make YouTube videos?

MFers acting like commenting on a tweet is the same as coming to someone's house.

I agree with her though, she didn't ask for your opinion and you came to her personal Twitter. Do I go to your Twitter and tell you how to correctly make YouTube videos?

He says giving his opinion on Reddit that no one asked for.

They are narcissists, of the (extremely) malignant variety.

What a cunt

Did that mother fucker really say "this our private Twitter accounts"? Do you retards know how Twitter works? Even better "this is a holiday." Then get off Twitter and enjoy your holiday dumbass. Don't worry. she doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down and let everybody know that as a part of the dev team she only pretends to like the community.