OP cannot forgive trump voters.

1  2018-07-04 by jruss71


Oh, /u/devavrata17? He's a notorious lolcow with a personal vendetta against this sub. His pasta about /r/drama is fucking delicious.

I’d have to use objectionable ableist terminology to describe their users’ behavior in detail, but suffice it to say that for this group of adolescent permavirgins, drama is the product, not the subject.

If you want to see the harmful effects of Huffman’s Nazi shit-site, abusive fart-huffing, and excessive Mountain Dew intake on the developing male psyche, read the interactions of these /r/drama users in some of their “hot” posts. Every thread is like a Hefty bag full of razor blades and crusty jerk-off socks: edgy as fuck with the nauseating stench of teen-boy try-hard desperation. Bleccch.

I couldn’t have triggered these youngsters any harder. Lol. Dozens of username pings, a tearful and angry downvote brigade targeting this post, and HUNDREDS of comments. You can cut your own strings now, lads. I’m done with you.