A bunch of grown ass adults fight over checkmarks.

53  2018-07-04 by ArlenBilldozer


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Needs more @jack, otherwise 👌

Twitter blue ticks are a plague on society

What the Fuck does the checkmark even mean? Isn't it just that you're dumb enough to send Twitter a copy of your drivers license?

The checkmark means twitter wholeheartedly endorses all of your tweets

they have some hella contradictory views then

It's supposed to just mean that twitter has verified your identity but there's plenty of people with a large amount of followers can't get verified while there's plenty of literally whos that are verified and the thing they all have in common is that they have retarded hot takes

You personally sucked Jack Dorsey's dick

They transmit meningitis which either kills people or gives them brain damage.

Certainly that's the stereotype. But one can both be skeptical of "the marketplace of ideas" and skeptical of whether platform-based censorship is the cure for a dysfunctional "marketplace of ideas." Freedom of expression is not grounded in free-market theory. It's a human right.

The namesake of Godwin’s law is slugging it out in the comments.

Hitler has a Twitter account?

It's @Jack

Mike Godwin famalamamayo

Remember when Seth Rogan got BTFO'd by noted intellectual Kid Rock.

People sleep on the fact that Kid Rock is probably a genius. He’s had hits in rap, rock, and country music. The dude has been going strong (and getting progressively stronger) since he debuted. And he sets low prices on beer and tickets for his concerts because his fans tend to skew lower-income. Seems like a good dude to me.

Check marks get pissy that they aren’t as special anymore

Is Jake more hated by these people than Spez?

Jake and Spez should fuck each other and become TURBO-NAZI!!!!


James Prather talks a bit talk against white supremacists but that's rich coming from the fact he is spreading white supremacy by being in a relationship with a Queen.

SMDH, /r/blackfellas should have a word with him about plantations and slavery and policing interracial relationships.

With a special guest appearance of the queen of professional victims.

Rogan a KIKE



Jack is actually a genius, blue ticks were invented to visually distinguish mayos that need to be spread on the day of the sandwich.

No mayo needs to be spared.

Spread not spared

Seth rogen is unfunny and probably a future male feminist.

Why do they even want the check Mark removed?

to show who's boss

Who is this Seth Rogen guy and why is he famous?😕😕😕

I've just realized how in thr post 2015 world, people are talking about fascism as if it's normal.

Why does no one question how fascism became normalized? This shit wasn't even relevant in, say, 2006

it's pretty simple. The left started screeching about fascism and Nazis around the time of the election and now they've become such meaningless terms that they apply to basically everyone with a whiff of conservativism or libertarianism.


libertarian fascism.

"You should discipline yourself (a dogwhistle for 'clean your room'), but only if you feel like it."

aka. lobsterism

implying alt-right isn't real

Classic Amerilard

Agreed. Founders of these companies started them with the ideological belief that their platforms should be open to everyone. Which is awesome until they are taken over by bad actors. Now that they have, they have, they have no idea how to respond.


It has to be some kind of joke, these people can’t actually believe that literal nazis our number them and control twitter. Nobody is that blind

Holy shit this is good drama.

Zoe Quinn bringing up GamerGate

Fucking Mike Godwin is summoned and then dismissed because he’s white and a man

retarded comic book artist dismissing academics because they disagree with her “lived experience” aka made-up anecdotes

Seth Rogaine bitching about Nazis

nonstop @s at Jack

It could only get better if somehow /u/Darkwolff was involved

They tag themselves, which is very convenient in the near future.

Imagine being this dedicated to fighting online neo-nazi larpers