So I made fun of a random and he posted about it to /r/depression. I'm somewhere between "victory!" and "awww man, c'mon, it was a joke fam"

0  2018-07-05 by QueenOfTheIncels


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In case it's deleted:

I posted something on another reddit sub and got called all kinds of names. Someone called me a "fuckin cracker" and said "imagine being that fragile. I'm really struggling because I know it shouldn't affect me the way it is. Its morning here and I can't get started, even enough to get my son breakfast. I feel like vegging out all day and possibly crying. I dunno what to do. Do I delete this account and start over? That sounds like so much work... Do I let it pass and move on, letting it show for everyone to see and remain connected? Advice, anyone?

(The original thread)[]

/u/chickienae, I don't think you understand what /r/drama is. It's a completely humorous subreddit that rips on people. There was a thread here specifically devoted to bashing me a few weeks back. I don't give a fuck because this account is anonymous and it would be pointless to worry about how people perceive my anonymous stoned ramblings on a joke sub.

I don't know who the fuck you are, I was just making a joke, it's literally not that serious.

Call me a dirty Mexican, laugh it off and for fuck's sake, go feed your kid. It is not that serious. I have no idea who the fuck you are. You should not be concerned with what a stranger on the other side of the world thought about one sentence you posted on an anonymous account.

This genuinely warmed my heart

I'm an autist with a heart of gold

I legitimately struggle with depression. Like hard core. Coming out of an episode. I literally avoid name calling like this to no end. The thread didn't bother me. The post to r/drama didn't bother me. The name calling and calling me a "fucking cracker" and a Mayo did. I AM fragile and I don't know how to deal. I got over it a few hours ago, bit I'll admit it took quite a lot. I appreciate the subsequent post, but would appreciate it if you stopped trashing me.

Y'know, maybe the internet isn't for you. Srsly.

Do NOT message the mods to remove it

just asked the mods to remove it

Again! More evidence that women shouldn't be allowed on the Internet

So would the queen of the incels be thot-prime who fucks them all to cure them of their inceldom or a blue haired 500 pound femcel more pathetic than any of them?

The exact middle point between those two extremes

Can I get your number?