Spergs in r/Aww see a woman in a picture and react accordingly, thread gets purged and locked

37  2018-07-05 by FrostBittenSalsa


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Come hang out in drama, u/queenwavvvy, the thirst is real around here and we have actual, live incels to talk to!

Lmao what is this

Your new fanclub!

Holy shit I just read the description of this sub. So basically this sub is for racists?

Oh yeah, this place is full of the worst of the worst. We have even had serial killers post here!

What is your intent with posting my picture here?

To get u/onitan's attention. He likes young gussy

To make fun of the thirsty comments but the mods nuked them too fast.

Something wonderful

Nice tits.

It's not about your picture, it's about the reaction. We like drama. We know people won't be able to help themselves and will make a ton of hilariously overdramatic cringe inducing comments from both those leering at your lovely figure and the brave knights who will swoop in to defend your virtue from these foul perverts.

Right, what race are you btw? That pic looks like you could be mayo, hispanic, or Asian

I'm racist against pomos. Does that count? Yorkies are the superior breed.

Pitbulls and pugs are fucking disgusting 😖🤢🤮

👆👆👆 Puggocide needs to start yesterday. I don't want to live on a planet where I might actually see one in real life.

So basically this sub is for racists?

Only against mayos, which technically isn't racism since they're not people.

This but unironically

People are people. Who are mayos? I’m Asian and Hispanic.

Mayos! You know, cumskins, pasties, the pale kindred, otherwise known as the whites, or as I like to call them, wights.

Mayo = wh*te

You may know them as "whites" or "honkeyoids". If you've got some mayo blood in you, don't worry. It's alright as long as you hate yourself.

How is this a sub for NeoNazis if you guys hate white people?

Maybe it's not really a sub for Neo-Nazis and we're (usually) just joking about everything. 🤔🤔🤔

What about the serial killer comment? Is that serious?

That... well... that's just an inside joke. Probably. I mean, if it turns out he did kill all those girls in Quebec, I want everyone to remember that I was the first on to him. But really, over the last year we've reduced our suspected serial killer population to just one, so there's nothing to worry about.

Can someone tell me what the intent of this thread will be then? Asking for my own personal safety.

Asking for my own personal safety.

Safety is always our goal here.

We're here to find, post, and incite drama. You could say we're in arts and entertainment 😎

Okay. Well, maybe next time don’t tell me that serial killers use this sub because I lost my shit and called my family crying.

Part of me finds this hilarious and the other almost feels bad for that


Also, this post is ableist?

Lmao are you actually retarded

Nope. Also I’m schizoaffective bipolar so if you want to make disparaging comments about my mental illness as well, I’m ready to reply and hopefully give you some perspective on what it’s like to be disabled.

Haha you have a disability

This is true. Mental illness can be funny. Congrats on recognizing the nuanced complexity of living with mental illness!

Haha retard

Unfortunately, I do not identify with that slur. Some perspective: I attend an Ivy League university and consider myself high functioning. I plan to start my own company after graduation. I am also mentally ill.

reddit user

attending an Ivy League university


Haha nice that was pretty lame. Is that all you got?

I don't really have to use much. You have a gussy and are therefore not worth my time

Aww not gonna put up a fight? You must be white.

gussy owner attacking mayos

Pot calling kettle black

Also I'm not white lmao

Damn, no PoC solidarity? What a shame. Oh well. Go harass some other poor soul if you’re that bored.

Lmao of course the guest owner whines about "MUH HARASSMENT"

Oh you’re still here?

I was gonna leave you alone but then I noticed you gave me a salty downvote.

I didn’t downvote you, sorry bro.

I'm not your bro, bro.


I enjoyed reading this back and forth, I love drama.

Fite me m8

Gets wish

Leave me alone

That was quick

Nah he can fight me they just said they were leaving and then they kept commenting so I was just wondering: you in or out?

Me? I'm always down to stir the shit in the barrel 👉😎👉

Do you guys ever sleep? I have work and class in three hours.

Yes, I just have an off day

You don't have to identify as a tard to be a tard. Which school are you attending and what for? What kind of business are you looking to open?

I have the right to self-define? But okay, if that’s what you want to call me, go ahead. Brown and business. A brick and mortar.


You're pretty pale looking to me tbh

I have the right to self define

That doesn't change shit. A man can go through hormone therapy, get his wang chopped off, and be given a pair of tits but he'll still be a man genetically. Same concept applies to tards. You may not identify as what you physically are but you will always be one

Oh cool, so y’all are transphobic as well.

Being in touch with reality is transphobic? Lol, how am I not surprised by this nonsense? I still refer to my transsexual friends and acquaintances as the gender they identify as but that doesn't change reality

You want to know reality? I’m bipolar so I experience mania and hypomania. That is the opposite of retardation. If you want to call me a slur, at least make it accurate.

You're a retard, a person with a broken mind and brain. It's very simple

It’s funny how you think telling me that is going to make me believe it. You could message me every day to tell me and I would not accept that as my identity. Sorry!

It’s funny how you think telling me that is going to make me believe it. You could message me every day to tell me and I would not accept that as my identity reality. Sorry!

Don't apologize to me for being insane, that's just retarded

Haha okay. Funnily enough I openly identify as insane so if you wanna call me that, that’s cool.

Well you are insanely retarded so...

Solid one. Gotta hit the hay. Bye!

a drug user too!? wow


hit the hay

you endorse the use of mind or mood altering subs... there's really fucked up, I'm in recovery

Hit the hay means to go to sleep.

hopefully one day you wake up and open your eyes to reality. get some help

Kk well this has been nice goodnight!

Nighty night, don't let your schizophrenic hallucinations drive you into maniac hysteria without recording it for us!

Aww, don't run!

"haha you have a disability" was funny but "haha retard" is too similar and it sounds like you're prioritizing hurting her feelings over being funny or entertaining tbqh

Someone has to be funny in the first place in order to be funny or entertaining


Why repeat yourself?

Schizoaffective bipolar

So you're a nut? You'll fit right in here

Worse: I’m a mental health advocate and activist.

So are you getting treatment?

Yep. Therapy every week, on lithium and Zoloft, and exercising regularly.

Lithium? Oof

1,000 mg daily.

That's a pretty alarming dose

I have a pretty alarming illness.

Alarming? Not really. Extreme? Eh, yeah

I mean, both words work.

Nah, I figured you'd be some kind of nut from the beginning tbh

Awesome! I hope I can give perspective on being a nut then.

You aren't the first or last insanely retarded person to come here. What makes you so special?

Since you're the expert, can you confirm that being a furry is a mental illness?

I’m an expert on bipolar and schizophrenia. Not too well read on other possible disorders. I can look into it though.

Thanks! 😍

I’m schizoaffective bipolar

you'll fit in here just fine, don't worry.

Yea being half Asian and half Mexican is a crippling disability.

What makes you ask that?

Is the first term referencing people with Asperger’s?

It refers to tards, yes

Okay so this is ableist.

I have ADHD and have suffered from PTSD and moderate depression. I overcame that shit but I'm still a tard. You can't hide what's inside, embrace your retardation

Honey...internalized ableism.

Wow, that's retarded lol

I would try to help you, but you can’t change ever mind.

Help me? You're in no condition to help anyone unless you're about to generate drama and post bussy


That was pretty straight forward tbh


post bussy


literally how?

She knows men, surely she can make this happen

drama thought they'd have a new member, but it's just a common fat titted tard.

I can't tell if your serious or not

I’m serious.

So you're telling me that you called your family crying because someone on a internet subreddit said that serial killers post here?

What did you family say ?

No one picked up because they’re sleeping. I don’t care if it seems dramatic. I felt threatened.

It's not that it seems dramatic it's more that it seems stupid. Do you really think serial killers would post on some public subreddit for everyone too see ? We have a discord for that.

Um incels publicly posted videos of their manifestos before murdering people so...yes?

They aren't serial killers though silly goose, they are spree killers. Also the incel uprising isn't planned for a few weeks anyway so you've got nothing to worry about.

Does it matter if they’re a spree killer or a serial killer if they’re a killer? Like...killers kill. If it’s a spree killer, that’s just as bad

Well the terms refer to different things, a serial killer is someone who kills then has a cool down period and then kills again spread out over time. A spree killer just kills people in a spree in rapid succession.

I'm trying to educate you here so you can use proper terms in the future.

But what I’m saying is if I get killed does it MATTER what kind of killer it was? (Answer: I’m dead af).

Well a spree killer will kill you quick but a serial killer will likely take their time. So yeah it makes a difference, if you have a choice always go with the spree killer.

I don’t think you’re hearing me: in both scenarios, I will be killed. I do not want to be killed. I can’t believe I even have to articulate this.

Yeah but not all killings are created equal. Would you rather be killed in a fast manner by a gun or something or killed after torture, there is clearly a better option there.

This is...pointless conversation. Gotta peace out from it.

Fair does, changing the subject what is your opinion of President Donald J Trump? Is he your favourite president ?

Would love to discuss, but I really need sleep.

Don't you have school in like 3 hours, at this point there is no point is going to sleep.

Hahah that logic is really..something. Bye!

sleep tight, don't let the incels bite

you should report it to the admins, so the days of r/drama will finally be over. this is as good a chance as any

Well I can tell you're going to fit right in here

Actual serious answer: Probably everyone will just be joking with you about the dog being ugly or something. Or they'll make some stupid in joke about "bussy lmao" or whatever. There might be a few weirdos, like there are anywhere on the internet, but it's best to just ignore them.

And seriously, find a cuter doggo next year. You deserve it.

See, you're making us "seriouspost," and that is frowned upon here. No. It isn't serious. Well, it MAY be serious, you never do know. But probably not.

I just found this sub as well and have the strongest feeling nothing is serious here


By the power of greyskull irony

Me too

Not since botchlings got banned.

It's basically an inside look at the special needs classroom when the teacher isn't around.

Well that tiny Panda Bear is cute tho🐼🐼🐼 Is it from Xing?🐼🐼🍚🍚⛩⛩

Get out, weeb


this thread shows why humans don't like white "people"

I honestly have no idea why those speeds keep lusting after mayo gussy when Xingese gussy is the way to go🐼🐼🍙🍙⛩⛩

Gussy FMA novelty account

You 👉😎👉

Gas chamber🚪


Weebs must die


That means you too, brother.



Dog lovers are so fucking cringeworthy. Like stop being sad that someone said their 17 year old dog died last week. That's ancient for a dog and it's probably fucking glad to be out of it's misery.

Also I will kick anyone who says "Pupper" or "Doggo" in the cunt.

But puppers and doggos are so cute 😍😍🐶🐶🐕🐕

You're like a discount Ed. Which is probably the lowest any human has ever been.

Hey, fuck you. I've spent the last year putting a lot of effort into being the discount Ed and I won't let anyone steal that crown from me.

And i will defend your honor!

Thx 4 recognizing the hustle, fam. 🤗🤗🤗

doggo. pupper. fighting fight me.


Prepare your cunt for a punt.

Can I get that on a t-shirt?

A doggo 🐕 wouldn't do a heckin' rudeness like you just did.

I have a rude detector, let me try it out.


Oh wow i found rudeness.

Please dont be rude. 😓

Because it's so hard to post a pic without yourself in it. Imagine losing out on ALL THAT attention

I'm a Leo I love attention.

But what's your Myers-Briggs personality type?

Schizoaffective bipolar

It's pretty normal for the non-autistic.

That Mexican thot is showing off her titties! And there is a dog in the picture.

I'm not Mexican, but aight.

Yes. My mom is Spanish, my dad is Filipino.

/r/hapas and /r/asianmasculinity will celebrate an Asian man getting a hwhite woman pregnant.

Is there a term for a coalition of people who rabidly protect women that openly dress like prostitutes -- often attacking (men) who comment the obvious, or simply admire her. I mean there is a poster with over 100 downvotes for saying, "the dog is melting and the owner is beautiful"

There must be a term for this specific form of gaslighting.

Sex positive feminist.

Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters.

I'm wearing a bathing suit, so that makes me a prostitute? Damn incels be mad.

how much $$ are we talking here

pay for my ivy league education.

Must have worn that bathing suit when you interviewed

whatever u say

why do dudes like you get so mad about girls wearing bathing suits on hot days

Damn incels be mad.

There it is.


What is gaslighting


but is she wrong? 😂😂😂

You're a faggot, as always. She'll never suck your little dick, I promise you

but is she wrong?

women that openly dress like prostitutes

Surprise you had the restraint not to say "feeeeeeeeeemales"