MFW /u/pizzashill posts yet another autistic screed

112  2018-07-05 by QueenOfTheIncels


This is why we need mayocide.


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Yasssssssssssssss Snappy

God fucking damn!


Hey this is Ed's schtick, get your own react images.


and that's a good thing

No U

Post that dumb cat please 😈

Also get on telegram!

dumb orange cat

Also, yes sir!

Is Ed two timing us with telegram groups. Who tf r u bitch?

Holy shit! I have suitors fighting over me! 💁‍♀️💅

Who’s this EquiManThorn slut?..

My alt. Duh. Are you gonna act like you're surprised? 😂

Better be an alt.

Better be

Are you threatening me daddy?

I’m threatening ManThorn better stay away from Ed the mfer.

man thorn

my alt

Is this your round about way of implying you're into rough stuff, daddy? Because sure as hell i am! 😩😩😩

Qui qui

This is an ancient meme. It should be public domain now.

Women can't read anyway.


When did pizzashill go off the deep end? I don't remember him being this much of sperg.

Does this on the regular probably when he mixes up his meds and whiskey.

PROTIP: Try only reading the last paragraph in a pizzashill post to avoid reading over any unnecessary text, most autists use a concluding sentence to recap their garbage thoughts anyway.

Thank you and have a great day!

Good. It keeps him from ever mating.