Total fanny makes up a shite story.

8  2018-07-05 by Standard12


This, but unironically.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I'm a bot too! beep boop!

a useless one tho :(

Fuck off faggot bot

What the fuck language is that? They've somehow managed to type the sounds I make while taking a shit.

It's how scot neckbeards talk on the internet, and how scot trash speaks IRL.

They sure do love vowels.


Pretty much.

They should be on the banned country list, Daddy be slippin

The British Caliphate will have to go on the ban list soon enough.

because muslim. i'm impressed you actually understood that joke!

Wait, I'm impressed you got the joke.

more proof that the right isn't funny

So, you didn't get it then.

no u

I challenge you to read anything on that sub and not picture this dude

It's really him you should be seeing.

Guy makes up a shite story to post in a shite sub.


That's some good shit. That's the drama fix I need.

Mayos who have no personality talk like that (Iā€™m talkin burgers and britbongs too).

I know they talk retarded but do they really have to type retarded too?