Actual victim in /r/TwoX describes at length the abuse she's suffered at the hands of a rageaholic mommy's boy manchild, still on the fence about leaving him

48  2018-07-05 by QueenOfTheIncels


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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Maybe she should learn some vocabulary and learn how to properly use words

"There are men who won't treat you like that. You don't deserve that."

Take it to heart.

/u/kevnmartin #YesAllMen

Manocide. Now.

Manocide would mean the destruction of bussy, tho.

QT Pie bottoms will be kept in a secure holding facility until the conclusion of the manocide

Most excellent news. Proceed on with manocide, for the good of womankind.

Manowar. Now.

she probably deserved it anyway.

>Asking internet strangers for advice on complex relationship troubles, giving only anecdotal episodes.


Some women probably do deserve that treatment tbh.

/u/misspiggie Does this guy have a footlong dick or some shit? Why the FUCK would you put up with all of this?

He poops out footlonf shit. She has a scar fetish.

Don't listen to him OP. Post this in r/relationships and ask how you can change him. They'll tell you how.

What the fuck /u/misspiggie Why didn't you spank him?

Why didn't you spank him?

He's way too vanilla to ever let me do that.

I'm dying to know what word she used incorrectly and it what context she used it

"Nigger" and the context was her black boyfriend's mother's funeral.

Concentration camp. That was the word (phrase). I said the Mexican migrants are being held in concentration camps. He essentially thinks only Jews have ever been held in concentration camps and that the term only refers to Jewish persecution.

Ask me any question you have!

He essentially thinks only Jews have ever been held in concentration camps and that the term only refers to Jewish persecution.

he's a fucktard then. even if you debate what's happening on the us-mexico border, there's been literally thousands of concentration camps all over the world

Sounds like there’s more to it than a simple misuse. Sounds like you also may have disagreed on the substance of your stupid claim.

You're probably right, but on the surface he kept fixating on the fact that the definition says, ". . . sometimes involving forced exterminations. . . " Sometimes!

You’re letting ideologies fucking up your relationships. You dumb.

Yeah, criminals usually get "concentrated" into jails after they are arrested. Sometimes the jails are "camps".

so he's one of those people ...

I said the Mexican migrants are being held in concentration camps

And he corrected you on that? Ughhhhhhh gross! That's so icky!

You're a brave womyn who deserves better than some crybaby manchild who is so fragile in his masculinity that he gaslights you into thinking you're a gigantic fucking moron.

I've never been to this subreddit before and can't tell whether you are being serious or not, but thank you!

We are super cereal, we taking bashing the fash 💯 percent serially.

You seem like a relatively normal woman who is having a hard time with her boyfriend. I love this sub, it’s the best place on reddit to be, but the posters here are just going to try to get a reaction from you to stir up more drama. It’s probably best to just leave.

I say this because I’m not seeking the drama in your original post.

Please listen to everyone else that says his behavior is not normal. Men should not be publicity humiliating you,m. I get a sense you just wanted to vent, but you need to seriously get him to atop being an asshole or think about breaking up with him. It will be scary as fuck but your life will be better for it in the long run.

tips fedora

Dont worry m'lady you're in good hands ^

And when I read u/Sc0ttydoesntkn0w’s effortpost on r/drama, that was the first day of the rest of my life! His three paragraphs of psychobabble fixed my daddy issues for good and now I have a house in the suburbs with my accountant husband.

Men should not be publicity humiliating you

Don't kinkshame.

lol /u/Sc0ttyDoesntKn0w is exhibiting textbook whitenight faggotry. yeah people here are going to take the piss out of you but holy shit you're really equating detainment of illegal migrants to nazi concentration camps hahahaha

you might even be more retarded than your boyfriend. you're perfect for each other in a fucked up Mr. and Mrs. Smith way

Lol, you think they are in concentration camps. Cute!

I have a question. Would you tolerate behavior like you said your boyfriend displayed, like yelling at you in public, from anyone else?

Speaking for myself here, no judgment. I just have a feeling that someone whose dick I suck should treat me with a higher degree of courtesy and respect than what you've described.

If anyone else acted like that I would never want to interact with them again. When those brief moments of craziness are interspersed between months of pleasantry it's harder to be so certain.

how nice does a person have to be to you before you'll take a punch?

Honestly? Were there "months" of pleasantry? In a row? I encourage you to take a good hard look at your standard for "pleasant" Because I'll bet it's not that high.

This is why I don't go on TwoX anymore. It's just incredibly frustrating to see young women with no self respect, confidence or ability to take responsibility for themselves complain 24/7 about how people treat them like crap.

How hot is your boyfriend? Is he a feminist?

concentration camps

I looked up the definition of that word and it essentially means what we today call a prison.

So yes, illegal aliens who have been caught are held in "concentration camps", so are people who have been caught stealing a Twinkie from 7/11.

Using that word is annoyingly sensationalist.

Maybe if your political views differ so much, you shouldn't be in a relationship together.

So, you got into an argument with your partner over some dumb Rachel Maddow political click-bait.

Congratulations, you let the Russian trolls divide you.

No Russian trolls. This was all him deciding he was right and I was wrong and how absurd and stupid I am for not agreeing with him.

You were arguing over propaganda by Russian trolls, with your own partner. That is exactly what Putin wanted, dummy.

Care to explain? What you're saying is you don't believe the migrant children are held in what could be considered concentration camps?

Like any arrestee, they are held in what could be termed detention centers or prisons or camps or jails or any other term for a place you hold arrestees awaiting trial and/or debortion.

Russian troll bots want you to use the term "concentration camp" because it causes you to make a subconscious connection between your own country and Nazi Germany.

Russian troll bots want you to use the term "concentration camp" because it causes you to make a subconscious connection between your own country and Nazi Germany.

I started to make that connection during the election.

"OMG, I just can't figure out why my boyfriend acts like this toward me! I just have all the bad luck I guess, given that I seem to attract this sort of man :("

I am 100% convinced that if he didn't treat her this way she would have been bored and broken up with him long ago. Women like this are only happy in the strife and chaos. God help any decent man she might manage to ensnare.

I haven't pursued men because they were too "nice". I definitely don't like what you'd probably consider a "decent" man. I'm pretty irritated that I made it this far and now I have to start all over again.

You sound like my type. My number is 1800KYSSAFE

Do you smoke cigarettes? I'm only attracted to the type of man who smokes cigarettes.

I used to but I switched to vaping like a little faggot.

So basically total fags

This is why allah invented soy boys. Just hop on plenty of fish and find a guy with an open mouth smile and you'll be all set.

Hot take

Nah, cold as ice. Comes with age, fam. Everybody knows about the ladies who love being treated like shit, except the ladies who love being treated like shit--they usually lie to themselves and say they want more.

I think what it is that you, I and leftistDegenerate have in common is we dated a BPD monster in our youth and tried to make it work.

Why are there so many incels on thsi sub now? wtf is going on?

That was a different guy. LMAO what a mess!

I've been with this one for two and half years. Believe it or not he's still better than that one. Maybe the next one will be even better!

You should see the posts I made where I used throwaways. . .

That was a different guy

Wait, what?

In the post from four years ago, you said this:

Yesterday I got nose surgery to correct a breathing problem. I am not leaving the house for at least a week, or even moving much, until my cast is removed.

When I got home my SO asked if I could still clean and cook food since I'd be staying home all day, which prompted me to burst into tears. He said he was just kidding and did help me out for the rest of the night, changing drip pad, etc.

Then this morning as he was getting ready for work he told me he was planning on going to the bar for a coworker's birthday--a coworker we don't even really like that much! WTF? SO hates the bar. He said he just wanted to go and have a couple of drinks with his friend and play darts at around 10:30, when I'd be asleep anyway (his words, I may still be awake). He said he couldn't drink here because he doesn't have the ability to buy alcohol, only I do (you need a special card and he threw his out), but if I asked a friend to buy him a bottle he would stay with me. So then I said, "I have to bribe you with alcohol to stay with me the day after I have surgery?"

I'm just shocked that the ONE time I can't go out he decides he wants to. Normally, at this point in our relationship, he will play WOW and I play Sims or we watch TV on weekends. And he knows that I would love to go out otherwise. He says I'm overreacting. Thoughts?

TL;DR: SO wants to go to the bar the day after I have nose surgery, says I am overreacting when I want him to stay with me.

In the post from today, you said this:

I thought I had written about that day and I went to check my notes. I found a note from another day about two week before then. He was picking me up from surgery after a relatively minor procedure. When he arrived he first joked that he would tell people he beat me up or punched me in the face (it was nose surgery). Then he complained that I wasn't dressed yet and ready to go -- basically, he didn't want to have to spend five mins waiting for me to get dressed, he had thought or expected that I would be standing, no longer groggy or nauseous from anaesthesia, and dressed and ready to roll. I started crying because he was being so uncaring and I was pretty raw from surgery. The nurse told him off for acting like that and told him I had been a good patient (we'd had a good conversation).

When we arrived home I asked him to walk the dog. We were working on housebreaking her. He said he would walk her later or something. She ended up peeing in the house about twenty - thirty minutes after we'd arrived home.

He told me his comments at the hospital were a joke. Here's what I wrote that day: "he called it a joke." I don't know if that was referring to him joking about beating me up or joking that I wasn't dressed fast enough.

Which means you've been with two guys who've treated you extremely shitty after having two nose surgeries?

Either you're lying on the internet for attention, or you have extremely terrible taste in men.

Maybe the next one will be even better!

Statistically, based on your post history, he'll be more of the same.

GO! GO! Inspector Gadget!

I have sinus issues. . . I have had multiple surgeries and hilariously enough have been dating different guys for three of them. So what you read four years ago (and actually that was five years ago) was about the first guy and the post you read from today was about the third (recent) guy.

As for the second guy, and I will add that story here for reference. I didn't post this to Reddit at the time because, obviously, there was no issue. He and I had been "dating" for four weeks. I don't remember a ton of detail about our relationship because I found him hot but the connection kinda so-so (our relationship was necessarily time limited to six weeks due to limited geographical proximity, and the one time he tried to discuss what we might do after six weeks I said we should talk about it later. He wasn't the first time-limited just-for-fun guy and I wasn't about to go long distance for an indefinite amount of time with someone I'd only known six weeks). But whatever, he was a good lay and he was pleasant enough to be around and at four weeks in he definitely didn't abuse me in any way.

I don't remember if he offered or if I asked, but he picked me up from the hospital and stayed with me and took care of me. Our dynamic was very anodyne -- and how else could it be, four weeks in? I think one day he abruptly left to go to the beach after being invited right then, and I was a little sad about that but I couldn't expect him to remain cooped up inside with me for seven straight days.

Two weeks later, we went our separate ways, thousands of miles apart. We still chatted online some but we never did have that conversation about long distance -- we definitely didn't have the right chemistry together. That was four years ago this summer. He's married now.

You should see the posts I made where I used throwaways. . .

I guess my question is, why? Like you seem to recognize this is fucked up behavior yet you keep tolerating it.

I guess my question is, why?

I had a recent memory of my mom yelling at me while growing up. I re-enact the same dynamic, over and over and over again.

I'd unironically suggest you take a long break from dating until you get that shit on lockdown. The people that are the most permissible of that kind of stuff are also the ones who will be victims of it the most.

there is no way this guy is a chad. i guarantee he's autistic, socially retarded, and into either board games or video games

Hey guys, OP here -- I am not on the fence about leaving him. We are through. Thank you for all your help and support.

You should post his bussy.

Revenge bussy is my favorite


You go girl!


I need Braincels' help to make sense of all this

Actual victim...

Rageaholic mommy's boy manchild...


Personal Experience > Self-Awareness, thanks for this window into your soul.

/u/misspiggie, your boyfriend is too much of a loser to break up with you so you’ll have to do it. You’re both poisonous to one another.

You're definitely right about that.