Kimberley, an author, is upset upon seeing an affluent and patriotic black man.

38  2018-07-05 by _Gary_Bussy_


Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


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when you’re so woke, you become a racist.


I'm to understand that this bitch missed the entire premise of Fresh Prince of Bel Aire?

There’s a hashtag on twitter for her, “kimfused”


I love how people on Twitter voluntarily step up to tank their reputation. This lady didn't have to say anything. Neither did the salty MMO chick. But, the former is being reamed by her own people and the latter is out of a job, if not a career. It's amazing, really. We live in an age where Google can run us over with self-driving cars and Americans can vote citrus fruits into office, but the most amazing thing of all is that in spite of all this knowledge and progress people don't know when to keep their fucking mouths shut.

Maybe it was stolen?

I bet he’s retired military