TheRedPill former incel dismiss daddy Peterson and, of course, others users got bussyblasted arguing the true purpose of the movement. Thread locked and sorted by controversial.

4  2018-07-05 by automatic_chuck


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Because he wants you to be a good monogamous beta boy, and die for your country when needed. God forbid you understand how badly you get fucked by the almighty state and societal norms. God forbid you seek money, power and have many women. Enforced monogamy is bluepill as fuck

Hmmmm...even Freud would have difficulty unpacking this clown car of fun.

He will probably get arrested any day now for either drugs possesion or sexual assault. Ain't that true, /u/blindface?

I did see a TRPer actually make a post describing how JP does not understand the left which was surprising.

Dude bussy lmao



👆 👈 👎

1 point (57% upvoted)


TRP tells me what to act out, and JBP helps me act it out.

Is there a sadder sentence in the English language?

"Mommy said I wasn't handsome"

an entire sub devoted to "lift bruh". all they do is act like cringey try hard over masculine dudes. also they reek of bitterness so hard it's not funny, the "all women are whores" angle is something you should grow out of in your early 20s tbh. i mean, i had a fkn horrible relationship and i'm till pretty bitter about it, but i can't stand those dudes.

also the most ironic thing about the redpill, they are the most cucks of all. their entire life is devoted to pleasing women, and obsessing over women. do they think a real "chad" spends all his time talking about bullshit evopshych and PUA horseshit? devoting your entire life to thinking and talking about how to get girlfriends or get laid is the most "beta" thing of all, a real chad just does shit, lives life and bangs girls when he has the opportunity, and it's not remotely difficult, they dont have to overthink it, and pleasing women isn't their purpose in life.

i'm embarrassed to say i used to go to redpill for bit, but all that bullshit put me off after a few months.

what are they, fucking 15?

Literally yes. They're so sheltered they honestly believe that not getting laid is the worst thing that can happen.

it never ceases to amuse me how "clean your room!" incites such rage and righteous anger on both the SJW and the Alt-reich sides.

magic 8 ball says: he may be onto something