Fatties making excuses again.

12  2018-07-06 by MargarineIsEvil


Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


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/u/burlish you could say that the focus on the Fat Acceptance Movement has grown to morbidly obese proportions

After this pun most of the fat should be burned tbh.

M8, don’t get angry just because you found no pictures in my post history.

boxxyfoxxy you just r/MurderedByWords his ass

lmao /u/Worktolive94 /u/BoxxyFoxxy isn't going to fuck you you frothing neckbeard. also how is this a "murdered by words"

You absolutely don't need to encourage anyone. Everyone is aware that being fat is bad for them and they probably feel like crap anyway and they don't need you shoveling extra insecurities down their throat. If your close friend is stuck on the mindset that fat is good for them, they're probably stupid.

How many people are actually antivaxxers? 1%? 2%?

Whoa. Excuse me but mocking anti Vaxxers is socially encouraged and never "overblown".