Bus window

122  2018-07-06 by GodsSoldierAscendant


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Truly breathtaking

The window was literally stealing their breath.

4 minutes of quiet desperation, this is good content

How can I turn this against DRUMPH


legit kill yourself

Do trump supporters ever get tired of sucking his cock? You're taking bootlicking to a whole new level here.

Imagine dedicating your entire life to an obese 70 year old

How can I turn this against DRUMPH

This is what will happen to America if Trump wins in 2020.

I watched that whole thing thinking there was going to be a resolution. Nope.

Yeah what the fuck

The Human Condition

took him that long to figure out to leave his hand there? no wonder he's stuck taking the bus

Only Americans think busses are bad

Okay that's wrong, busses are shit everywhere, but only Americans think it's like a bad status symbol

it is though. only the faceless poors take the bus. the train and subway are somewhat more acceptable though

Imagine being those two people

"I hope he notices that I wouldn't like the window to be open"

"I wonder if she realizes that I would like a slight breeze"

Imagine being so poor you take the bus

The absolute state of mayos.

Slavs. We ain't mayos, biatch

Such autism. Beautiful.

i hate to bring it back here every time but...

...only white people smh

Because black people would've turned it into WORLDSTAR 30 seconds in.

When an immovable object meets an unstoppable force...

Where did this happen?

We know its not Burgerland because someone would have pulled a gun by minute 2:00.

The lack of assertiveness and 4 minutes of impotence clearly indicates this was filmed somewhere in Eurotardland.

it's actually russtards


Russia is famously Asian

sounds french

It is not French. I think this is Russian or a language close to it, I recognized a few words.

It is Russian.

The bus intercom is Russian, so probably either there or somewhere nearby.

Burger here. What kind of car is that? I haven't seen one this big before.

I was gonna say, those kids are kinda big for soccer practice...

wh*te people nonsense

The Chad Opener vs the Cuck Closer


They need Jesus (the H is silent)

Clearly, these people need to take a hint from Looney Tunes.

They clearly need to bang.

Ah the special bus. Brings back some intense memories.

this is, honest to god, no memeing, the most beautifully petty thing i have ever seen

thank you so much op, this is an all-time great post

we live in a society

ITT: wh*te people things

Sorry, guys, but Russians aren't wh*te.

This was probably during the heatwave and the dumb cunt made the executive decision to cook everyone else alive.

Always the fat cows who are cold at +30.