User criticizes the new capeshit in the official /r/movies discussion thread, several users drop their tendies

63  2018-07-06 by CrosbyStillzandSwag


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Really though, how long is it going to be before a Marvel movie comes out that isn't met with rave reviews?

I think after Infinity War 2, movie reviewers will get tired of it depending on the sense of finality that it has. As for the general audience, I have no clue. It's hard to predict. Seems like everybody turned on Star Wars due to mediocrity and supersaturation but Marvel ticks all of those boxes and has for years.

People said the tide would turn with Infinity War, but look at what happened.

That’s the one Marvel movie I saw before reading reviews/reactions and couldn’t believe how ott the praise was. My main thought was “well, that wasn’t the complete disaster it could have been”.

Probably never. Disney has the critics in their pockets for their important IPs. There’s no way Solo got a fresh rotten when Fallen Kingdom (an equally terrible movie) gets a 50%

Once they hire a legit director

I honestly do not understand how people can be so devoted to capeshit. Literally for every good capeshit movie there are 20 bad ones They all follow the same trajectories and plot lines, they can't have consequences because killing the main character or injuring him will severely damage revenue, and they get a pass for shit writing because nerds wanna see their shitty cartoons come to life on the big screen.

Yet despite all of this, people keep going to see them and giving the studios that make them money, which in turn leads to more capeshit. I hate Hollywood and I hope everyone involved in capeshit dies a horrible death.

Every good cape shit movie there are 20 bad ones.

Wait what good ones? Srsly though the Batman trilogy was good. That is about it.

How 'bout first two Batman films?

Oh yeah. Actually I liked the third one as well. Asides from those though....

Ehh are u talking about the new trilogy or the original ones, because I had in mind 1989 batman

I liked the first two with michael keaton. The first one especially. Kind went down hill after that, even with the second one. Became progressively worst.


Won't you be my boy friend.

was getting your bussy blasted part of the plan?

Only if I get to blast you first.

Black Panther was perfect, up until the promised mayocide didn't happen.

I thought it was racist. TBH. Also TBH Blade>whoever the guy in black panther is.



You sure?


blade is still better, just saying.

Blade came out first.

holy fucking shit what is wrong with people

mental illness is pervasive

He was being sarcastic moron

Like anyone else other than you cares. Marvel faggot.

Lol you're still dumb, geek

I think you mean Killmonger. Black Panther was the bad guy who spared whitey.

^ he's not wrong

You can't be racist against Hobbits.

I don't understand the joke man. Care to explain to pleb like me?

Andy Serkis, who played the white mercenary Klaw in Black Panther, also played Gollum in The Lord of The Rings. I was making a bad riff off the fact that since he was murdered and used as a trophy to cement Killmonger's reputation that you were claiming the racism was there.

Just nerd shit you pleb, don't worry.

I never saw or will see the film. I thought it was racist because when you look at it Africa as a continent does not function, like they don't have there shit together. Then here is this fictional city of Wakanda, which just seemed to be a joke when you look at the reality vs what they portray. I guess it's not like fictional cities don't exist there is that argument; it's also not like the way these nerds portray themselves is the way they behave (from a moral and value perspective) IRL.

My man, it's hard to take any criticism you level at Black Panther seriously when you say that you will never see the film.

A lot of the tension in the film revolves around the fact that black people across the world are on the short end of the stick and there are two views to how Wakanda should handle it - isolation or intervetion (with different ways of handling the intervention being the big point).

I am not sure what you mean by your last sentence - you are talking about the nerds that like the capeshit or the nerds in the stories?

I suppose. For the movies though it's like Captain America. For example. Given all the shit America has done, the government, would he really be proud of his country? I dunno. It's just me I can't take these films, the characters and the stories seriously. Thanks for input on Wakanda. Although I have heard not a lot of people enjoyed the film.

That is a really good point on Captain America - I can see him being blind to it when he first enlists, especially considering he is a kid hoping to fight the Nazis, but you would think that as time goes on he departs more and more from that. Maybe that's how it turns out in the comics, I am not sure.

I think BP is a mixed bag - it is by no means the best film in the MCU, but it at least tries to break some of the mold of the other movies. You are not missing anything by not watching it, but it also isn't the worst way to spend your time (that would be serious posting on /r/drama)

With Captain America I am curious does he enlist to fight Nazi's or does he do so because of pearl harbour? We really had no intention of entering the war. Like at all. The patriotism thing also started around WW2 and continued into the cold war. Uncle sam and all that.

Have you seen Winter Soldier? It pretty much goes right into that.

No man I don't watch cape shits, and neither should you.

Captain America has never been about the American government, he will openly disobeys them and will go against everyone for what he believes is right.

He's proud of the people and what the nation represents, and yes he does know everything the US has, all the terrible things.

But he sees all the good as well, the value in free speech, everyone being allowed to take a shot, that people choose good and that shines through for him.

The comics have been through this time and time again and approached it more blatantly than in the films.

There's an argument to be made that they could have had a superhero from an actual African country, despite coming from a poor background.

But the whole concept of Wakanda and Black Panther is mainly meant to appeal to black Americans.

haha oh wait you're serious lmao

The mayocide is serious business.

I thought Thor Ragnarok was fun. It didn't take itself seriously at all but it was entertaining to watch.

40 year old virgin is entertainment. That is just trash.

Yeah I agree, Ragnarok was peak LOL SO QUIRKY

You can doooo it! will always win over 'With great power comes great responsibility. Holy shit stan lee was the rob Schneider of marvel movies, which would make marvel the adam sandler of movies.

So deuce biggalo?

Ragnarok was non-stop references to other Marvel movies. Fucking hell, the emotional climate for Hulk was a reference to some scene in Age of Ultron.

That's the biggest problem with Marvel: if you haven't seen the kadrillion other MCU movies then the newest one makes no sense.

Same, I liked it way more than Nolan’s Batman movies that were just boring and empty of meaning but fanboys act like they’re serious cinema.

Honestly, I don’t mind most MCU movies, I just can’t understand why people get so goddamn excited over them - they’re just so “okay” it’s boring even talking about them.

Spider-Man 2.

All three Raimi movies, really. Iron Man 2 is probably the only well-done MCU property.

Now you are just trolling lol.

Spiderman 3 was horrible come on.

It's the third best Spiderman movie. Holland and Garfield suck donkey balls by comparison to Tobey and Dunst is the only MJ fit for the screen.

There wasn't even acting in the 3rd movie, so can we talk about the shit plot?

The only criticism I'm willing to hear is casting Eric Foreman as Eddie Brock.


Ain't a Sam Raimi movie without the shmaltz and cringed parts

So glad I did not pay for that film, haven't since spider man one. Fuck marvel.

wow you're so cool

Thanks man. That will probably be my one and only compliment of 2018

It was kind of ridiculous how many times he took his mask off in that movie. Why even have the costume in the first place you idiot?

Not only that, but why make it so nice looking. I mean if your gonna be a vigilante why go to all that effort? Makes zero fucking sense. Also you would think that being able to blend in to evade people would mean he would have a bashe, blue, or black costume. Nope.

Logan was preddy gud

I enjoyed wolverine too.

Deadpool 2 is unironically great. I was expecting lolrandum meme crap but the action and drama were good.

I might consider seeing deadpool. Not sure thought.

I honestly do not understand how people can be so devoted to capeshit.

when adult men stopped having meaningful careers, sex lives, and hobbies that require standing up, something had to step in and fill that void in their schedules

deep seated feelings of inadequacy. Look at the popular movie heros over the decade, first it was people who could do insane shootouts like bond, then that wasn't enough to quite those inner voices, so it was people who not only could fight and shoot perfectly but had super intelligence and skills like bourne, but even that wasn't enough to satisfy those fat popcorn shoving failures, so now the heros need superhuman abilities that defy laws of physics. Next the movies will just be a hero who farts universes in his spare time.

The shootout at Blowfeld's desert facility in the new Spectre film was beyond absurd.

It's fun to see with friend or your bf. It's something you forget barely twenty minutes after the end, but it has got explosions, nice looking doods and a plot simple enough you can spend a few minutes masturbating your bf and not loose anything.

Not worth encouraging more capeshit tbhqw, I'd rather support more creative projects.

Ugh. If I could never see again a "creative artistic film" it will be too soon.

Someone make this a new copy pasta.

Marvel gave up and their capeshit is now as bad as DC's.

Honestly, capeshit 'tards spazing out in defense of their corporate overlords is hardly unsusual. But, godamn, imagine being so booty-blasted over a plastic kiddie movie franchise that you mod a sub called r/FuckMarvel and spent time and effort to write a 7-paragraph spergpost about how totally-not-mad it makes you feel.

u/MARVEL4LYFE re-evaluate your life my dude.

Dude, that 7 paragraph spergpost literally took me like 10 minutes to write and the replies and drama are keeping me entertained... but you're right in a sense.

It's all such a shitshow and I've made myself a part of it my being a mod on /r/FuckMarvel but whatever. When that sub grow a bit more it'll be a lot of fun

I personally encourage more attacks on capeshit. Hell find a way to monetize it even

He still tells himself 5 years later.

imagine being so booty-blasted over a plastic kiddie movie franchise that you mod a sub called r/FuckMarvel and spent time and effort to write a 7-paragraph spergpost about how totally-not-mad it makes you feel.

big facts

if you don't like it, just don't go see it. actually taking the time to identify as someone who categorically hates it marvel is no less pathetic than taking the time to identify as someone who categorically loves marvel, /u/MARVEL4LYFE

actually taking the time to identify as someone who categorically hates marvel is no less pathetic than taking the time to identify as someone who categorically loves marvel

It helps the mayocide though

hopefully ((disney)) has put some harmful radiation in the theaters showing marvel films, so that these manbreasteded manchildren can't reproduce

OP is here to shill for r/Fuckmarvel as he himself is also a mod there and he's hoping if he throws enough r/drama memes here like "mayocide", he'll get you guys on his side.

the funny thing, I don't even disagree with him that marvel is absolutely terrible, and probably killing the film industry on some level

I just recognize that when you don't like something that big, your only option is to just not partake. I don't like walmart either, the only power I hold over them is to just not spend money in their stores.

That's why I did too, I realized that the MCU isn't for me at around winter soldier I think and more or less stopped after that.(though I did get dragged into BP and Infinity war by friends who claimed that it would be different this time- it wasn't).

I personally think it's pointless screeching at r/movies at this point. I use that sub mainly to see if there are any new trailers out.

>probably killing the film industry on some level

Bordering on absurd.

well, I guess I should clarify, b/c yeah that statement isn't accurate

It's killing CREATIVITY in the film industry.

as an artform, it's never been lower. as a money-making entrprise, I understand it's doing quite well.

Ah yes, then I agree. However, this really hasn't been a recent development.

No genre has it worse than horror movies. Its like they're afraid to actually be disturbing or creepy instead of playing jumpscares and BWAAAAAAA

The only good one I've seen from this decade has been The Witch.

Granted, I haven't seen the Conjuring which i heard was really good.

Yeah that really irks me. Very few horror films do a good job of being horrifying. They get a bunch of gore and silly violence, but they don't make your skin crawl.

The Void I thought was a pretty good one if you like cosmic, Lovecraftian-esque horror. I didn't find it as enjoyable as The Witch, but it still did a good job of being inexplicably creepy.

I won't deny that a lot of autism goes into /r/FuckMarvel, but you can't deny that its a drama virus that for some reason no one has thought to release yet. Seriously, thats some amazing butthurt in the linked thread, the /r/movies soyboys can't handle this shit

It is pretty funny when people make remarks about writing a few paragraphs.

What's your WPM dude, 10?

9, but no errors

> your concern-trolling


Is it normal for MCU fans to insert language typical reserved for political or religious discussion?

Are you sure Marvel fans aren't really a cult?

every marvel movie has sucked since last year.

every marvel movie has sucked

I think you meant this.

bug entertainment

Eww go back to MDE.

want to learn something hilarious? most of the actual MDE are bugs. one of them streams on twitch for a living.

Charles right? Anyway the same applies to the MDE subreddit userbase. They LARP about being pure traditionalist Christians yet all they do is post totally radical memes online and watch anime, which by their own ideology is completely degenerate, but oh well.

Who? I'm surprised he can hide his "power level" to get enough of a following

sounds like you're a big fan of cape shit and cartoons for adults

Anyone who doesn't like my retarded memes is a capeshit fan.

Always count on redditors to have shit taste.

I would lick Evangine Lily's asshole clean

Thanos didn't erase r/movies, he failed.

why are you still watching movies from the MCU?

Honestly, because it's a great way to catch up with friends. I have a few seperate groups of friends who always invite me out to watch the Marvel movies with them and I say yes. It's more about spending time with them and less about the movie.

I'm seeing it again tomorrow with another group of friends who I haven't caught up with since we saw Infinity War together.

okay, this is weird, right? i know how miserable the selection is at multiplexes nowadays, but for god's sake, are mcu flicks really the only things his friends will shell out for? has he even tried asking them if they might want to see a different movie? like if your only connection to a whole set of friends is going to see movies you dont actually like, why are you maintaining those relationships? doesnt this guy who writes multi-paragraph comments about capeshit on reddit have any friends he's a little closer to?

God, this is why nobody went to see Annihilation

Maybe his friends are 12?

no 12-year-old worth his age wouldnt want to see that new the rock movie thats just called "SKYSCRAPER" or something else of that caliber. you have to mature into being a "marvel-only" retard

are mcu flicks really the only things his friends will shell out for?

Pretty much with the group of friends who I'm catching up with tonight. Admittedly, I'm not that close to this group of friends compared to my other ones and nowadays the best way to catch up with them is to go see whatever big movie is out at the time. Unfortunately, the only thing people feel is worth seeing is the Marvel stuff, which I guess plays into my frustration.

doesnt this guy who writes multi-paragraph comments about capeshit on reddit have any friends he's a little closer to?

I do and I catch up with them more regularly. Surely you can relate to having one group of friends that you catch up with less than your other friends?