"Black men are not good. They are evil..." - /r/gendercritical, a literal quote

129  2018-07-06 by CantKillADeadMan


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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All men are the same regardless of the color of their skin.

I am not saying all men are evil. Of course we know that isn’t true, many men are true allies.

I have confusion, how can these two things be true?

Women be shoppin'.

I am sorry to inform you that bgwag is very likely a troll account.(probably someone from here).

Well that makes me feel dumb

That shouldn't make you feel dumb. Posting on r/Drama should.

I mean I know I'm dumb, I just don't like feeling it


imagine being the kind of guy that dates one of these chicks. it's like the kind of girl who would date a "redpill" dude, only the most pathetic low self esteem kind of people.

men were a mistake

Same dudes that date landwhales. There’s quite a bit of crossover between the two

Whoa buddy, if you've never tried tossing livestock in the bedroom you better stay outta Texas.

Rigid logic, like a rigid penis, is a tool of the patriarchy.

Man, they got baited so easily....

Yeah there have been several of these threads recently and the upvotes and half the content is all trolling.

The op might be trolling but the upvotes and comments aren't, I've seen it loads of times over there.

Gender Critical is terrified of spooky non mayo people, they barely disguise it, they reveal it time and again.

Slightly better than the typical feminist retardation where gender stats are super valid real and important but not race stats.

Excellent work




Im dumb wot message is?

whore shoe tear e

Horsehoe Theory, but in windowlicker-ese.

Thnxz mummy

Not to play oppression olympics but black men are more oppressed than white women by every metric. How long do you need to spend at r/GenderCritical for you to believe that white women were lynched for making passes at black men.

Gender Critical has no problem with lynching men for making a pass sexually harassing women. More so if it's one of those intimidating ethnic types.

White women are the most privileged group in history

Yeah, it's pretty sweet.


White women even hijacked affirmative action decades ago and made it into something that benefits them the most even though affirmative action was supposed to be a means of uplifting black men for prior racism and institutional discrimination.

I don't care too much, but white women are considered equally for diversity spots in finance recruitment at big banks. It confuses me as many of the PoC I know who got some of those spots grew up legitimately disadvantaged whereas all the white girls who did grew up just the same as the white males who have to wait at least half a year for those same positions. I'm decently libby, but it's still a bit funky to me.

I go to a private university, my classes are filled with upper class, posh and spoiled white women who truly feel that they're disadvantaged. They show up to school in their mommy and daddy's BMWs and Lexus and still feel that they should be viewed as a disadvantaged special interest group. I cannot wait until I finish graduate school, these people are out of their minds.

Next thing you'll complain about is your husband making you wait entire day before he comes back home just so he can take care of a child that is old enough to have more children which makes everything worse. Oh no, you have to wait a bit.

Fucking libtards.

Plus, they got a monopoly on the white pussy!

white women were a mistake

GC pretty hardcore

i guess i never really grasped the goal of civilization before. why did newton discover calculus? what are maxwell's equations for? why did mendeleev deduce the periodic properties of elements? the answer to these and to all questions: to stuff nigs with fried meat until they become crippled from overeating, then to provide them with heroic medical care until they gracelessly expire


He was a bad man, only bad men beat up those weaker than them.

I feel like black women don’t really need me to stand up for them. From my very limited observations, black women seem very tough and guarded in an admirable sort of way. Not like white women, who are obnoxiously flirtatious and inherent people pleasers.

That's probably why GC is 99.5% mayo, with like maybe 2 black women. Whites have perfected the art of whining and complaining.

Finally, someone had the balls to stand up and criticize black men in our society. Nobody ever does it, so thank god for these radical feminists.

Unrelated: it's national fried chicken day.

Nigs are bad


TERFs are abject retards, more at 11.

And 12. And 1. And 2...

Who deleted his account?

Wtf I hate GC, how are we gonna genocide the wh*tes without black men?

The eternal 🐎👞 strikes again

Damn this word is rarely ever used correctly but, those women are outright misandrist.

Misandrist, a noun: a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against men.

Why did you get so many more goodboy points then when I posted this yesterday? 😠

Learn to write a proper title, niggera.


White women are told to shut up about black men because even if you are some lesbo feminist, you are still white lmao. You’re almost as privileged as white men are on the SJW ladder and twice as self righteous. That gash between your legs buys you a lot more than you realize.

Why would a RadFem prioritise a man, any man, over a woman? >They are all about dismantling the patriarchy and getting rid of men's strangle hold on women. Any genuine RadFem is not going to choose a man over a woman. Libfems who are gender critical and who think that's all they need to be to qualify as a RadFem might do so but an actual RadFem? No.

Carolyn Bryant did nothing wrong - Gendercrit apparently

0 to 1488 real quick

The ethno state, but the male population culled to one in ten of the populace is the open agenda of /r/GenderCritical. Only the most vital of nordic males will survive the male purge to be used as breeding bulls for overweight feminists. What a future!


It's almost like the left wants it both ways?

/u/afisfulofyen Do you really imagine "the left" is some monolithic structure (run, no doubt from a bunker under the Knesset?)?

Unfortunately, we will have to take up the second for us to be able to realize the first. Before I was imprisoned for refusing to cowtow to the patriarchy and become a compliant fuckhole and breeder for men to abuse, I called for a day of action.

A day, where in one fell swoop, we remove the child molesters, abusers, rapists, pornographers, etc from our society. From that day forward, we could begin building an equitable society for women where men are no longer a threat to us.

/u/WeareDivine4587213 what did you go to jail for...honestly, not what you tell the other eggcels

Dollar to a dime that’s one of us going under his idea of “deep cover”

I don't appreciate you attempting to group me in with a violent misogynist group like incels.

I suffered a long period of persecution from my family, my ex and his family as well as people on reddit. My father was complicit in helping my ex steal my house from me, my sister attempted to lull me into becoming a complacent fuckhole and breeder. My best friend did the same and ended up back with my ex's brother who then doxxed me.

As I am a vocal opponent of the patriarchy and was attempting to draw attention to the violence men commit against women, /u/hadrianw decided to threaten me. I was forced to flee.

Unfortunately, I maintained contact with someone I shouldn't have and she sold me out to my family, who then caught up with me and forced me into a facility where they attempted to brainwash me into being a complacent fuckhole and breeder for men to abuse.

Women, any color, in no particular order, are first with me. -/u/baremon7

I'm glad they stopped lying about it being about equality.

TERFcels are at it again. No denying that white "people" are the worst kind of incels

/r/gendercritical is TERFS, right? TERFS are just pink reactionaries.

It's a great tactic to keep things from being acknowledged tho - silence the "privileged" voices and now you hear nothing at all, business as usual, carry on.

is she really implying that the privilege black men, who get systemically murdered and incarcerated en masse, assign her is imaginary and they’re the ones responsible for status quo being maintained by being vocal about explicitly black issues. Terfs are so fucking stupid.

I don't think an animal has the capability to be evil as they don't understand basic concepts like ethics or morals. Essentially, they're merely animals who know no better. The real evil are the cancer left who push for the idea that we can peacefully coexist with fucking rapid monkeys running around on the streets.

I find myself agreeing with /r/gendercritical disturbingly too often.