Top Mind tries to take down /r/topmindsofreddit.

52  2018-07-06 by snallygaster

It all begins with an SRD thread where somebody accuses a TMoR mod of selling their account. Discussion.

Said top mind continues on their crusade by compiling a list of conspiracy non-regulars who've posted there. Discussion.

But it is all for naught, as the Top Mind is swiftly banned once the admins look into the issue. Discussion.


What is even the point of TMoR? Isn't it basically SRD?

If I remember right a Denmark university or something did a study on TMoR. They found out that the people there have a higher than average intelligence and the majority of people there didn't believe what they were saying. These are both signs of people getting paid to astroturf.

Don't you have some daddy cock to suck?


I think tt got posted here on drama many months ago, but the conclusions came out that the sub is mostly paid opposition.


I'll try hunting around for it, basic searches haven't come up with anything.

Imagine my shock

top 10 anime betrayals

It's funny because /u/Tarrock is retarded

Don't worry, you feeling like it's true is just as good.

Can you link the search?

Bruh, you think people are paying to promote posts in a 90k subreddit that literally never hits the front page and mostly talks about meta conspiracy shit?

Let me guess, someone linked you there once and you’re still salty about it.

The only conclusion I'm drawing is you smoke a lot of crack

What did he mean by this

Are you off your pills ? What does a fucking Danish university have to with tmor?

They found out that the people there have a higher than average intelligence

How on earth would they find that out lol

The way they typed. The reason for that was they were typing from talking points.

how do you tell if someone has a higher than average intelligence from the way they type? Sounds like bullshit

If you could consistently begin your sentences with capital letters, perhaps you'd understand.

lmao this isn't a phd dissertation, this is a meme forum to blow off steam

Yeah, I'll be sure to take advice from you on how to type, Johnny Nocaps.

lol k bud

lmao gottim

They aren't going to have perfect predictive power but you can look at grammatical structure and syntax to get an idea.

For example:

“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”

This person has below average intelligence.

to be fair to trump, he didn't type that, he said it out loud. Still hilarious tho

Even if the article exists, why do you assume that a community with a higher concentration of people who are 'more intelligent' are shills? Why's that the first conclusion that you come to? Aren't shills supposed to be idiots, while their targets are wise to what's happening in the world? And if they were 'typing from talking points', wouldn't it be ridiculously easy to tell given that either thousands upon thousands of people would be using the same lines verbatim as dictated by a few intelligent people, or that thousands upon thousands of people stupid enough to be shills (i.e. unWOKE) would be trying to interpret a talking point created by someone who's apparently intelligent or otherwise trying to imitate somebody who is intelligent? The only other plausible option if the article exists is that thousands of people who are intelligent by whatever metric think that some to most conspiracy theories are crazy.

I see your compliment and I'll take it as a compliment.

Thanks for the TMoR content!

It is SRD if they only made fun of conapiratards and daddy worshippers. Although it got a bit dumb lately, many agendaposts and people seriously trying to argue with the loonies.

Like how you always have some retard in /r/forwardsfromgrandma trying to debunk every post in the comments like it matters.

As a long time TMoR'er, I do lament the extra agenda posts of late.

As a mod of TMoR, we've noticed the issue and are trying to cut down on those kinds of posts, but it can be a fine line and a lot of subscribers seem to like those kinds of posts.

It's an issue, for sure.

Pappa Soros smiles upon you and your efforts

His monetary donations to the moderation team are also appreciated *illuminati intensifies*

How do you feel about users accusing each other unironically of being shills

Pretty silly lol. But it happens. A significant percentage of the TMoR user base are former r/conspiracy subscribers themselves. I fit into that category.

Furthermore, there are a decent amount of shill groups operating on Reddit. I don't know anything about that particular group mentioned in the link you posted, but I know that other groups do pay people to comment and post about certain topics.

Generally, I think that bots and shills are over estimated in their numbers here, but it doesn't take large numbers of accounts to set and shift narratives online.

Generally, I think that bots and shills are over estimated in their numbers here, but it doesn't take large numbers of accounts to set and shift narratives online.

honestly, the most effective thing is voting early. You can tell how well a comment or post will do based on the upvote-downvote ratio in the first 20 minutes. I'm sure some groups take advantage of that.

Reddit is probably one of the easiest large communities to manipulate due to this, the semi-anonymity, and other elements of its design. If not the easiest. There's probably a ton of different of groups that we're not aware of spreading a narrative.

In cases like this it's probably best to be strict about getting rid of those posts even if the subscribers like them, otherwise there's a good chance that TMoR will turn into another generic anti-Trump sub with an anti-topmind flavor. Almost every other sub that allows sociopolitically-charged content has been transformed into a hardline political sub, and once it hits a certain critical mass you can't really control it even if you do implement or start enforcing rules. For whatever reason certain people like to turn unique communities into generic places where they can discuss the same shit they talk about in a bunch of other communities with the same people.

It's more difficult to prevent that on TMoR because of the moderation style. It's a meta joke sub and we mod accordingly. The political views of the mods are all over the place (though generally leans left) and we tend to mod in a free form manner.

Though the political creep issue is something that's been brought up in modmail and discussed. Personally I've been cracking down on posts without a conspiracy link and directing the users to subs more appropriate for the content.

I'm kinda the small fish in the big mod pond though since I only recently started modding and I don't mod any really large subs.

It's more difficult to prevent that on TMoR because of the moderation style. It's a meta joke sub and we mod accordingly. The political views of the mods are all over the place (though generally leans left) and we tend to mod in a free form manner.

That's totally fair, and I can definitely empathize. The problem is that the core userbase and the mods have to be committed to keeping the sub as-is in order for an active sub with a lax moderation style to succeed in not becoming a partisan shithole. CB2's a good example of a meta joke sub that turned hard partisan because the regulars weren't committed enough to the place to try and keep the place from being taken over and the mods didn't intervene.

Though the political creep issue is something that's been brought up in modmail and discussed. Personally I've been cracking down on posts without a conspiracy link and directing the users to subs more appropriate for the content.

It's good that you're having a convo about it. Since TMoR has a fairly specific focus, I don't think you guys are in serious danger or anything, but it might be good to look at a place like SRD as an example of what happens when an intervention is made too late and you have to juggle being as loose with the rules as possible while keeping the sub from turning into a generic partisan shithole. Even if one day things get much worse and you're like 'wow this place isn't even about conspiracies anymore', there's a good chance that the damage will already have been done unless you take drastic measures.

You are the best redditor. Don’t know if it is really a compliment tho.

maybe have a specfic day where you can only post leftist conspiracy morons? to help balance it out.

lmao so much for cutting down on it

Nah keep posting, your sub is like an exhibit at the retard zoo.

You sound like the people who think 'top minds' refer to the subscribers of TMoR, instead of the subject matter.

You sound luke the people who fuck dogs.

That's a bit harsh. Your mom deserves better than such name-calling.


You loved it. Mom jokes never get old.

His mom sure does though.

You're telling me


Sorry I can't tell.

I feel like it's basically a reaction to /r/conspiracy turning into /r/the_retard 2.0

I used to like Tmor but I main line r/qultist_headquarters now

It literally says what it’s about in the sidebar.

TMoR is pointing out the silly conspiracy theorists and the like on reddit. SRD is about users arguing with each other.

TMoR is about feeling smugly superior to conspiritards. SRD is about feeling smugly superior to literally everyone

exactly, that’s a major distinction

And /r/drama is about feeling smugly superior to SRD *galaxy brain*

it’s supposed to be conspiratard-specific but has lost its way

I like tmor and even post on it (usually with an alt) but the mods there are a bit shit and the userbase leans super heavily towards the LSC/Chapo sort of leftist (especially whenever anything gets posted there about libertarians)

They banned me the other day, too 😒

Well played! 👏👏👏

See /u/TheEquimanthorn? This is how you do it

Lol this pussy needs an alt.

yeah i have noticed it getting steadily worse. Being more about personal grudges with conspiracy mods (that are justified to be fair) because every new banwave of "shills" the conspiratard mods do start grudge posting on TMOR.

The only one who ever had multiple accounts on that subreddit was Dronepuppet and he is a Trump supporter.