Drama in r/Drama as two autists fight over who the bigger capeshit fan is between the two of them and who knows r/drama better

6  2018-07-06 by Jabroni_Avenue


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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If anyone is going to gain some karma over this(if any) , it may as well be me.

If someone is going to gain some karma(if any) out of this, it may as well be me.

lol I tip my hat to you for thinking of this first

I'd appreciate it more if you upvoted it. Gaining 4 link karma seems pretty paltry for the amount of Autism involved.

Ok done

Thanks bby.

too many words

Imagine typing that all out.

Wow, you actually buy the ironic self-deprecation schtick 😂

just skim it and sort of roll it around your mouth and the autism will be apparent

Seriously, being that bussy hurt to write a fucking novel about cape shit.

Talking about watchmen like that shit is even good.

The Patrician choice in capeshit movies is The Dark Knight returns part 1/2.

I agree with you on DKR 1 and 2, though I would still say the best comicbook adaptations are still BTAS(along with the movie) and spectacular spiderman.

Adam West Batman is where its at dude

Keep yourself safe.

And then kill yourself.

He is talking about DKR 1 and 2 animated movies I think, not TDK.

What’s up with Watchmen? Do you feel inferior to Dr Manhattan? You identify with Rorschach

You are both retarded.

Besides, Super is the best super hero movie.

michael keaton was the best batman!