We are now in the final phase of the GW2 drama where the issue has been completely turned around on the community. The indefensible tweets are being downplayed, the firings are now problematic, and a few mean tweets are blamed on the community. Bonus GAMERGAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE mentions.

106  2018-07-06 by OddSandwich


Jews did this


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The number of people defending fries and price are insane. Companies don't want to be involved with that level of retardation, it's no surprise they were fired

I like how some of them defend Fries, despite the fact that he was defending her shit. If what she was saying is bad enough to make people mad and get her fired, then his defending of it is just as bad, as it was a blatantly tacit agreement with her.

Arenanet would be stupid not to fire them. They are future lawsuits waiting to happen

I sue they say mean things :(

Anybody can sue. Even if it's frivolous it's a PR and financial nightmare.

Sued for being rude on Twitter?

.... Do a quick google under keyword ridiculous lawsuits, you'll be surprised. Its limitless.

All wronthink must be purged from society, women bad, gamers good

blatantly tacit


I'll always defend fries, they're the best compliment to a good burger. You're right about price though, too high.

Too damn high!

Onion rings are clearly superior

I see you're a NEET of culture as well

Fries are a garnish that Irish plebs mistook for food

I mean, tbh, Fries should have gotten written up. Pierce prolly could have given a forced "I'm now on notice" apology and things could go forward. I don't think firing them was the best option but we don't know what it was like to work with them in the company. Which is a huge piece of the puzzle. Shit she could have been on her last warning for all we know.

But we won't know so blame it on the goobergatorz

Price was fired from Paizo for being combative with fans that might have provided even a little criticism.. In May she posted about her happiness TotalBiscuit had died. This is likely just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Fries had been with the company for twelve years. Either this was enough of a black eye that he could be fired without warning, or he'd done stuff in the past to warrant this.

Ohh yea, she is one of the ones who fucking went in on TB after he passed. Fuck her.

don't know how much merit this has to it, but someone had theorized that Fries had been fired in order to not make it look like the firing had anything to do with sexism ("of course you fired a woman but not a man" etc etc).

I dunno', but it could be. I mean, the guy was with the company 12 years.

I'm not sad a fat lard Vidya 'treamer died of cancer, but not going to post that on personal Twitter cuz that's dumb

Price was fired from Paizo for being combative with fans that might have provided even a little criticism.

I don't know these people at all, can I get a little taste of dat der background info sauce?

I did a video on the stupidity of the SJWs trying to spin this as sexism in the workplace when it's not. I detail some of the tweets she's made in the past. Paizo is a company that publishes the Pathfinder pen and paper RPG.

straight-up video capture of his desktop

My jimmies are so rustled rn

Do you honestly think that she's the type to bow her head and admit fault?

MAYBE through clenched teeth. Maybe. And only until the next blowup.

Sometimes amputation is the only way.

Do I think so? No. Do I think she should get an opportunity to choose? Yes. It could be an event that could be the real life slap in the face she needs for her to 'wake up'. Or, more tha likely, stay as she is. But I think the choice should still be there, assuming there are not other things in the background that made this firing happen so fast.

That's how she got fired from her last job, too. This was her second chance already.

The left never gives the right this chance, but consistently demands it.

I found you downvoted, but itā€™s the truth

Shit she could have been on her last warning for all we know.

It blows my mind how few people seem to consider this.

Shit doesn't happen in a vacuum. Public drama is only a tiny fraction of total drama, so it's very possible that they were both already on the chopping block.

There is never a shortage of white knight soyboys and fatass legbeards ready to defend massive cunts on social media

sigh Mayocide. Now.

legbeard? Wat

A female neckbeard

The number of people defending fries and price are insane.

The insane part is that the people defending them are the first to scream "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" when they're the ones conducting the witch hunt, but are absolutely appalled when the people they support get fucked by that same standard.

I'm a free speech absolutist. I don't think these two morons should have been fired. I don't think James Damore should have been fired. I think everyone needs to calm their tits and stop having fits of melodrama every time someone says something they don't like. I know that's not good for dramacoin, but not it's probably slightly better for society if we don't turn everything into a festival of salt just so I can laugh at other people acting stupid.

Iā€™m a free speech absolutinist too but Iā€™m not a fucking commie so I know lesson one of being a functioning adult is donā€™t make your employer look bad

The joke's on you...my boss doesn't need my help to look bad.

When do you reveal you are your own boss?

I play the long game, so not anytime soon.

You can't be a free speech absolutist and then turn around and spout stuff like "it's slightly better for society". It's dishonourable.

Whatever gave you the impression that there's anything honorable about me? Do you not understand where you are?

I am beginning to get a feel for it, I think. It seems a purge is in order.

It seems a purge is in order.

Fresh off the boat and you've already realized Mayocide is the answer. You'll fit right in with this crowd.

Oh, I'm not new. I'm just a little slow. That's what mum said anyway.

The insane part is that the people defending them are the first to scream "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences"

I gotchu fam

It's just like the gypsy lady said!

What happened here? The further I go down the rabbit hole, the less sense it makes.

Oh look the twat who posted this drama on SRD "now creates the r/drama as a hate sub are to blame for these actions" conspiracy.

Why you ask, because when he posted this shit on SRD he didn't expect bigger part of that sub agreeing that those tweets were shitty.


Go to the thread and find posts made by Chardian, then go to his reddit account and look at last posted threads.

He currently shits on r/drama in guild wars sub, as if we were the reason for that woman losing her job..also he posted this drama yesterday in SRD and got mixed reaction...

Oh look the twat who posted this drama on SRD "now creates the r/drama as a hate sub are to blame for these actions" conspiracy.

Why you ask, because when he posted this shit on SRD he didn't expect bigger part of that sub agreeing that those tweets were shitty.

u/Chardian, you are a wimp, deal with it.

Are you okay dude? Price definitely deserved to lose her job, she was a toxic bully. The only thing I'm against is harassing people who have been fired. They're gone now, so it's cool.

I was just helping a hard-of-reading user :P

a) read the front page famalam

"Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible."

b) how are the non goobergate part of this sub ( most regulars and mod team) joins in continued harrasment of those devs? Believe me, sure as hell none of them read r/drama threads.šŸ˜„

So youre allowed to harass them until theyre fired? :thinking:

You're allowed to circlejerk about it until the company does something.

lol SJW thought in a nutshell.

Wouldn't SJW thought be "you're not allowed to say or do anything negative about people"? I literally just said the opposite of that.

LOL you havent heard of Zammi, Donglegate, or literally any other internet controversy haven't you? The SJW code is to complain about something from literally years until REEEing either makes you so jaded and neurotic you're letting your wife get fucked by another man or the entire industry you're complaining about bends over and gets fucked like they've been kidnapped by Kevin Spacey.

Haha libtards rekt XD

Calm down nigga, I hate Trump too.

Wow. You're so brave! šŸ˜

Drumpf off retard.

SJWs love witch hunts in case you were not aware.

Leftists making lies about racism to justify violence. Typical SJW behavior, yeah. Great example.

make lies


doxxes someone for taking somebody's hat

cope harder cirque, cope harder! Or else the big big leftists will hurt you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Did you not see how the stories linked were getting retracted from using unreliable witnesses?

Of course you didn't.

lol you're a capitalist bootlicker if you think the community should stop pointing out bad behavior once an employer terminates a dumbass

I personally wont be happy until Price is dead and the circle of hatred continues. May your colon rest in pieces TB.

No! Don't be reasonable! That's no fun...

Are you okay dude? Price definitely deserved to lose her job, she was a toxic bully. The only thing I'm against is harassing people who have been fired. They're gone now, so it's cool.

No, it's not cool until Jessica Price checks her privilege. She should issue a public apology for her sexist comments. In today's climate, women can get away with a lot of sexism against men.

And the leftists calling for greater civility are huge hypocrites. If this were a man who issued sexist comments against female gamers, ya'll would not be asking people to go easier on a sexist man.

Sorry sweaty but freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Write terrible things online about other people and maybe in return people will write terrible things online about you.


> terrible things


Read what she said immediately following TotalBiscuits death.

posting in /r/destiny unironically


She should lose MUCH more than just her job.

How does it feel to know that anti-gamergaters keep getting arrested for rape and child porn?

Meanwhile, you're concerned with 4 negative tweets on some dude's twitter?

Not even the woman's, either.

Cool. Set your twitter private for 3 days. End of story.

Or better yet, kys and you won't get bullied ever again, works everytime.

toxic bully

The smugness of getting offended

That user is one of the reasons Trump won.

Some developer gets caught harassing and gaslighting a youtuber on twitter

this is the fault of /r/drama

/r/drama are goobergait front organisation confirmed

One time at Red Robin I blamed Gamergate for making my burger really shitty, unhealthy and cancer inducing.

Are you sure the cancer didn't come from re-reading your own comments?

Sorry I didnt tip your table after the insane amount of diarrhea.

See... cancer.

If you're trying to score points, post shot that matters. Part time at the Robin and butthurt sounds like a pretty exaggerated response to telling a poster that she's cancer and that you don't appreciate her being creepy. Also your "assault" makes me laugh. I was held down and repeatedly punched and kicked in the face. I came back and used a lunch tray and hit the guy in his face the next day. He never messed with me again. Your not the first person to have to stand up to someone bigger.

Here is my view: you are a mentally challenged window licker who posts like shit and your sperg post trying to conflate that list you have with real racism is not only insulting to victims of actual racism, but to every single person who reads these threads.

Go back to posting your shitty faux-funny sex images on garbage /r/funny level subs and never stray outside from them ever again.

Ok that was good I concede

We should do this again sometime.

I am Jack's utter lack of surprise

This is because Trump won.

lmao, did you really click on my name to go bitch about shit from days ago right after this comment?


melt bitch

don't say b word

You are rocking Confederate flag flair you fucking faggot

Trump didn't even exist back in the days of the CSA. You're retarded.

I'm so looking forward to the days when children's access to the internet is properly monitored and limited.

Global society is already, and going to be facing some serious consequences for the last decades or so ambivalence to this problem. It's going to create some serious problems over the next few decades until we solve the issue.

I'm so looking forward to the days when children's access to the internet is properly monitored and limited.

Global society is already, and going to be facing some serious consequences for the last decades or so ambivalence to this problem. It's going to create some serious problems over the next few decades until we solve the issue.

Let me guess, you want to monitor the children? Your alt pedo account would explain that.

You are fucking sick.

Literally "Wtf I love male feminists now!!" Lmao what a retarded sub

I have to say, /r/kotakuinaction is incredibly good at what they do. I had only seen this drama thanks to /r/drama, and I visit /r/kia quite a bit. I didn't see it pop up on there until after the massive backlash had already taken place. So good at harassing women out of gaming, they do it without even trying.

Yeah I know I just admitted to unironically visiting /r/kia, I never claimed to be smart.

their cars are alright


This title reads like you actually care. Like the comic book guy.

Absolutely embarrassing.

Honestly, I find it appalling that nobody has reminded that Dev that suicide IS an option.

C'mon internet, you're letting me down on this.

I can help you find some instructions if you so desire, it would be totally painless.

Imagine video gaming this much.

Well all know it's two hours of video gaming followed by ten hours of bitching about it online by now.

Cowardly companies whos first response to any internet lynch mob is to immediately purge anyone associated are the worst. Internet lynch mobs should be ignored and trolled, they are the lowest form of life.

I'm guessing this was an excuse tbqh

I mostly agree actually but this bitch and her white knight were probably insufferable to work with. I would really like to know if they were asked to apologize and refused.

ignored and trolled

pick one

Dangerous levels of serious posting in this itt thread

Gamerfags are the worst šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®

Can we agree that anyone who types "my dude" be tortured and then executed? The more badly dude is misspelled the longer the torture.

Fuck you man

My dude

you spelled it right, so your death will be quick

I agree my dued


to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand GamerGate. The dedication to ethics in games journalism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of video games most of the ethical failings of games journalists will go over a typical viewerā€™s head. Thereā€™s also Anita Sarkesianā€™s feminist agenda, which is deftly woven into the gaming journalistā€™s writings- her personal philosophy draws heavily from communists literature, for instance. The real gamers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the treat to gaming, to realize that theyā€™re not just funny- they say something deep about GAMES. As a consequence people who dislike GamerGate truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldnā€™t appreciate, for instance, the struggle in /Pol/ existential catchphrase ā€œThe fucking kikes did thisā€ which itself is a cryptic reference to everting bad that has ever happened. Iā€™m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ben Garrisouns genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. šŸ˜‚ And yes, by the way, i DO have a Vivian James tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. Itā€™s for the ladiesā€™ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that theyā€™re within 5 Gamerscore points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid šŸ˜Ž


Look at this little bitch flailing his little baby arms about muh gamergate. How many women have you raped?

You're obsessed with pinning some dumbass losing her shit and getting sacked on goobergobble.

This is shameful. Someone even implied Fries should kill his dog since his family is going hungry.

I don't see the problem with this suggestion.

Defends or against gomergayte needs to get gassed

Yet another step in G A M E R G A T E's grand overarching plan comes to pass. Those fool leftists are powerless before le epic GG hierarchy.