Trudeau's Law: The amount of virtue signaling by a male feminist is directly proportional to the likely hood that he is a sexual predator.

114  2018-07-06 by kanadskiy


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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About like 30 to 45 minutes ago I beat the fuck outta my dick so goddamn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird when I take a piss.


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The alt-right is so desperate to smear the heroes of everyone that isn't alt-right. The goal is to pretend everyone is a sexual predator so the 19 accusations against Trump aren't a big deal.

It's obvious because you can look at the accounts posting this alt-right crap and see the clear pattern.

When we chanted “Trudeau au poteau!” we meant Pierre, but I’ll settle for Justine.


Ed, do you just copy and paste all your comments from when you were fun?

It's ok to snooze drama that is inline with you agenda 👏👏👏

Come on ed, this is the king of male feminists male feministing. It's gold jerry!

reading articles

Takes too much effort.

It's okay we are on reddit. Just read the headline like 90% of the site.

LISTEN AND BELIEVE (except if the perpetrator is PM)


lol he definitely groped that reporter

Groping people doesn't matter if you're leader of your country

literally true


If you're rich and famous you can grab women by the pussy and it's fine!


If you're hot you can do it even 20 years before you get famous * sips beer *

If you’re a leftist you will probably have to self-terminate over it tho

if you're a big enough celebrity.


Groping is like inappropriate touching in a sport: if you've only had a foul called on you once or twice maybe the refs were wrong

Trudeau is such a poor speaker for the leader of a country. It's just Canada, but come on. I'll vote for Hitler over this faggot cause at least Hitler can speak.

the most interesting thing about this is that trudeau was trying to smash at a charity event working to stop the tragedy which killed his brother.

Justin is a chad, and all you lusers are just bussy blasted that he gets away with so much shit. While you were all fat nerds sitting in your moms basement crying over a stained waifu, Justin was looking hot and fucking bitches.....and now he’s a leader of G7 nation.

Go die in a fire you ugly pieces of shit #teamjustin #thisbussybeready

not an argument.

It’s completely an argument, you low testosterone neutroid. Justin can do no wrong, because he is studly and has lovely hair. You are probably fat and balding, with saggy man tits and a greasy pock marked face. Stop polluting this beautiful world with your presence.

alzo not an argumend :D:D:D

Low energy

Need some big dick energy.


this is why we should never have given women the vote

We should never have given Betas like you the vote. I’d ask you not to breed, but we all know that isn’t on the cards, don’t we.

Also, I’m not a woman, I’m a sexy twink.

lol nigga u literally so subservient you let other dudes fuck you how u gonna call other people betas

Also, I’m not a woman, I’m a sexy twink.

yeah it wasnt directed at you specifically its just unironically that sentiment that got him elected via canadas especially stupid female population

Justin is the best thing to happen to Canada since maple syrup. What would you know anyway, you probably best of to pictures of Pauline Hanson in a bikini.

Also, and you would understand this one if you weren’t so physical repulsive, but controlling a man through your bussy puts your firmly at the pinnacle of human evolution.

I’m so sorry that your ugliness has made you this bitter, but remember you can always do us all a favour and go out with a bang💊

Justin is the best thing to happen to Canada since maple syrup.

lol enjoy repatriated isis members i guess

I’m not even Canadian you luser, I’m Aussie like you. I can just get on board for hot piece of dick.

God you are just the most agenda driven pathetic douche bag. Just real scum.

lol trudeau groped a woman though gross hes prob a feminist

As if you haven’t resorted to groping women, it’s probably your only chance at human physical contact. Imagine caring about the internal politics of Canada all the way from Gosford, or whatever third rate dump you live in

Dude bussy lmao

His ego remains intact