Fresh pasta straight from /u/howcanyousleepatnite, prepared and served just for me. Being a generous overlord, I just had to share. Get it while its good and spicy

9  2018-07-07 by 911roofer

There's not one position that could be considered Conservative that a good and rational person would hold. There's a scientific and academic consensus against Conservatives and for whatever reason they destructively deny reality.

We could easily have a just and sustainable society but conservatives are too ignorant lazy racist greedy and scared to work for it.

Voting Republican is literally the same thing as committing murder, with your own hand you are killing people and for nothing.

35 years of compromise with conservatives has broken our society, grown the police state and military industrial complex unnecessarily, imprisoned more people than any society in history, and fallen in every quantifiable metric of national success and happiness.

The only thing standing in the way of literal Utopia is the average Conservative voter. A better world is right there the only thing stopping us is those who want so desperately to do evil that they don't care or can't tell how bad they've made things.

Conservatives are playing a zero-sum game that ends with everyone who isn't a white Christian Conservative dead or in camps. Conservatives are all disingenuous liars who will say or do anything in service if this evil goal.

You do rescue work on 9/11 when those Conservative muslims attacked the US? We went down with ladders as roofers and my dad crawled in the smokdering piles in Oklahoma City when that Conservative lit one off there?


tfw the copypasta is right about cuckservatives.

/u/howcanyousleepatnite How does it feel to know that people are kinkshaming in your name?

I mean you're a lesser man so what do I care. I'm right and in the majority, and you're an idiot anti-semitic Conservative so far off the deep end that I thought you were schizophrenic for a good long time. What a sad cuck you are.

This but also socialist mongos like you too

No U

No U

You don't have to explain collectivism to me

I've never read someone who epitomized a meme before. I normally think Trump derangement syndrome is retarded, but you are a walking meme. I think it's pretty funny when the lefties pretend to be smarter, but they turn off their brains just as much as the republicunts. Keep on spergin on my man.

There's no reason not to sink to your level at this point. Conservatives are playing a zero-sum game and we're the majority. We can't afford to sit back and let them kill us all through environment or through politically-motivated violence. We tried taking the high road and compromise with disingenuous Conservatives for 35 years already. Conservatives are only 17% of the population, a tiny minority who only maintain minority rule through Constitutional over-represented, voter supression, foreign collusion and other antidemocratic tactics. We simply need to exclude and move past their concerns entirely. I think a few decades of "muh Conservatives tears" policy making is justified retaliation at this point. Your side removed civility from politics, it's time to remind you that you're a minority in America.

See, you turned your brain off again. You said we as in you identify with a particular party. You think the Democrats give a shit about you beyond harvesting your vote? They're still the party of corporate compromise. Most of the shit Trump is getting in trouble for down in Mexico was put in place by old Barry. Be brave and search your big ol socialist heart. You can break away from the stranglehold of the two corpratist parties and start a new movement that leads to a Utopia like Venezuela.

No but if we're to preserve the current framework we need to isolate the right and realign Centrist vs leftists to match the rest of the world. The future has no place for Conservatives or of course not for fantasy of lunatics like Libertarianism.

Are we serious posting? Because if we are, I genuinely think that anyone who buys into the current political climate is dumb. We don't attack root problems or come up with any solutions that would have far reaching effects. We leave our southern border unsecured next to basically a failed state. We are at war on drugs, but we prescribe heroin hand over fist. We have a huge homeless problem, but most of them are mentally ill and we give them zero assistance. We throw thousands of black kids in jail in middle School and high school and then basically keep them in jail throughout their twenties and thirties wonder why black people struggle. We are the world's best at treating the symptom, not the problem. Neither part has ever suggested any solution of lasting change because turmoil creates votes. So believing that the Democrats have the answer and are your savior is unbelievably naive when what we should be doing is pushing for lasting change like helping out Mexico secure their country and building them up as a strong neighbor and Ally, decriminalizing drugs, especially marijuana, and using the money that would normally be spent on imprisoning millions of people to create addiction and mental health centers. Those two actions would create a world of difference in our country, but I haven't heard anyone suggest them.

The boarder with Mexico is already very secure, crossings were at an all-time low anyway. Lots of the people we're locking up are asylum seekers, legal really. Most "illegals" just overstay a visa. No walk will help, aid will help that's left.

Everything else you want on your list is left and opposed b the right.

You are very sick. Please seek professional help before you hurt somebody or yourself.

Right wing Conservatives commit 74% of politically-motivated violence in this country, while Conservative Muslims commit another 24%.

How come Ed_Butterface never makes fun of the left wing lolcows? Really makes ya think.


How come Ed_Butterface never makes fun of the left wing lolcows? Really makes ya think. I wish Ed were on my team

πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” 😭😭😭


You and β€œEd” are on the same β€œteam”.

Good for you.

That’s neat

Your words, not mine




Conservatives are playing a zero-sum game that ends with everyone who isn't a white Christian Conservative dead or in camps.


The only thing standing in the way of literal Utopia is the average Conservative voter.
