Lobstercel on suicide watch after he starts a Jordan Memerson group, only for a MarxChad to show up and repeatedly bully him.

76  2018-07-07 by blertyuh


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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tag yourself im the ushanka

I'm the lobster (not pictured)

/u/DallasLehman have you tried not being a sad nerd?

I’ll sad nerd you right in the butt!

Damn dude. Don't be so harsh, this is a safe space.

I'm seeing how you got cucked by a Marxist now

You’re just a sad loser with a keyboard! You don’t know anything about me. My dad is way richer and smarter than you’re dad. I get whatever i want and you’re just jealous. I’ve got real problems. You don’t understand nothing, you loser nerd!

Your heart's not in it. I just smell your depression

He doesn't punctuate like he went to private school 🤔🤔🤔

Probably homeschooled by an absent father

I know "soyboy" is a dead normie meme but if you ever wanted to use it, this guy is the perfect example.

It's not as hard as you'd imagine Ed, but first you have to leave the basement. Baby-steps Ed, Baby-steps.


smugposts about “dead normie memes”

says “cucked” in the next sentence

The absolute STATE of r/tranny powerbottoms

waaaahhhh you disagree with meeeee

the absolute STATE of spergy NEWFAG ALTS

lol are you okay

You're boring me

Go on discord and coordinate some downvotes you pathetic loser lol

implying i use the dumpster fire that is discord

lol at you being this desperate to get in a "gotcha" comment! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

calm down.

you’ll knock over a piss bottle.

Sorry, I'm not Charlie.

top bantz

Who's Charlie

He has autism. I mean he literally does.

Charlie is his old room mate at the Group Home who used to steal his Nutty Bars.

Lmao, is this satire?


hilarious, i bet you're even more funny and charismatic irl

Thank you!

Thank you!

Don't threaten us with a good time, sweaty.

if you said chad stuff like that to your marxist friend you'd be slamming ass all over town by now

Sort yourself out bucko!

The weirdest part is the OP seems to 100% buy into Peterson's shill book, but also deluded himself into thinking its not political at all? Im so fucking confused. Look at this shit:

I don't know how to do that. I mean, I've tried, and he agrees, and to his credit he does a pretty good job of staying on topic, but he'll say things like "it's hard for me to separate the two, the book (12 rules) and the political figure"

I originally made this to meme without reading his comments but they are lowkey kind of sad. /u/DallasLehman do I have the wrong impression?

it's because you (like most of us) follow the Peterson stuff only when there's drama. that's where your impression comes from.

yes he lacks

Is this real life

No. We're all dead, we're basically all those dead folks from the end of final fantasy 10, everybody alive is just dreams of the dead people.

You're in limbo.

Kate, we have to go back!

You guys can’t even comprehend the level of intellectual enlightenment I’ve achieved. And I’m a black belt in karate, so i can kick your ass. You don’t develop pectorals like I’ve got easily, so just go ahead and make my day.

Ah, I get it. You're only pretending to be a complete embarrassment to yourself and everyone around you. Please continue.

I thought that’s what you guys were doing?

Oh we dont need to pretend

Well, i thought i was helping. But this is how we learn. I’ll do better next time.

I doubt it.

Ok, yeah it's satire.





I am in 92nd in Openness and 91st in agreeableness

/u/Tibet579 WTF is this? Probably shitty pseudoscience.

I'm stuck between "the wills of others"


/u/Tibet579 WTF is this? Probably shitty pseudoscience.

Read more Father Peterson.

It's Myers Briggs 2: The incel edition

At least Myers Briggs is interesting, the Lobstercels are boring.

Jordan Peterson studies psychometrics since he is a psychologist. IQ test and Big 5 personality traits are about the only tests with evidence backing their predictive power. Openness, agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and something else are the 5 personality traits.

Shut up nerd

You missed retardedness.

Jordan Peterson studies psychometrics since he is a psychologist

He is a bad psychologist

You're a bad psychologist


What you described looks like one of the guerilla warfare tactics that the communist Vietcongs used during the Vietnam war to win the political battle against the world and its free citizens, and afterwards against its own people to better control them.

Holy shit. Mayos are so fragile they think someone disagreeing with them is equivalent to living under a violent dictatorship during a war in which millions of people died.

u/karl-magnus the reason you people get bullied so much is because (1) you clearly deserve it and (2) you're literally advertising how utterly helpless and weak you are when you say shit like this. You might as well walk around with a sign that says "I'm am extremely fragile and will cave under the slightest bit of pressure." When your surrogate father says stand up straight you know he doesn't just mean that literally right? He means like in general stop being such a bitch about everything.

Oh God, you picked a fight with the wrong person! 😂

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about and let me tell you why.

I was born and lived in Vietnam for 20 years before I moved to America. My parents lived the Vietnam War and they lived the aftermath of an invasion war of the communist North over the South. We lived and saw the communist thugs threaten and beat people up for all sort of reasons. Our family members died out in the sea while trying to cross the border to escape the country.

We lived the lies of a communist regime. My parents literally saw the Kh'mer Rouge genocide before they married each other.

What the fuck do you know about the death of millions of people? 😂

the Vietnam war was actually really terrible and it's not all all comparable to living in a first world country and having someone disagree with you

oh boy let me tell you how wrong you are because the Vietnam war was actually really terrible

I didn't think you could top your opener but that was literally the most retarded thing you could have said.

Sure, stay here and wallow in that denial shame of yours for being exposed as a petty little bully. With your fellow "woke" elites obviously. 😂

/r/drama is pretty woke, I'll give you that.

What the fuck do you know about the death of millions of people? 😂

Hi goy

The holocaust obviously happened, but it was the USSR who did it. That's why all the death camps were "found" only in the soviet occupation zone.

So once again: communism is to blame.

Ok wehraboo

How did the Nazis know beforehand where the soviet occupation zone was going to be?

Your grandmother's fat mouth

she was a russian spy. but still... that seems far-fetched.

the khmer rouge genocide was Americas fault fam learn your history

was born and lived in Vietnam for 20 years before I moved to America

Imagine being over 15 and still following daddy memerson.

What the fuck do you know about the death of millions of people? 😂

As much as you do, only I've not been emotionally compromised by it

I'm sure you do. Stay woke.

God damn, Lobstercel is a perfect description there. That mother fucker needs to find his spine and fast.

But lobsters are spineless


the chad communist vs the virgin lobsterino


Marxists stopped being chad when the Soviet Union fell. Most are petty bourgeois students nowadays. Don't @ me chapofags.


There is a self described marxist who attends and regularly makes me feel like garbage. I'm not elloquent enough in my speach to communicate to him how I prefer to be spoken to becuase he plays semantic games and thinks he is doing the lords work.

Imagine being so memerson'd that you think you need eloquence to ask someone not to troll you

Juden peterstein lol

Lol XD now he sounds Jewish hahahaha

Epic MDE maymay

If you can't debunk someone's opinions, you should unironically join them. Otherwise you're living a lie /u/DallasLehman

op makes a 50 year old who goes to meme meetings to debate a bunch of kids seem like a chad, incredible

imagine being mogged by a san francisco marxist bruh....if this was some thuggish Albanian communist I'd sympathise but jesus...

san francisco