Are any of you guys openly racist?

8  2018-07-07 by sophiemer642


Fuck you I posted this and all I got was Ed being a retard


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Umm I never saw your post but okay lmao

So just a basic day then

I make fun of white people all the time.



Against whites, yes. Though I'm not sure if you can really call that 'racism'.


White isn't a race, and mayos aren't human. So not racism.

Sure, I go to family dinners where we bitch about mayos all the time, it is a boon this sub exists, let me tell you!

my guess is that 10% are on 90% are post-ironic jokesters.

Th-that's what they said about /pol/

Oh Neptune

If I partake in any medium that's fantasy based I'm usually disgusted by elves. I also don't think wookies are sentient and they don't deserve a seat in the Senate

At least woolies didnt hsmd power over to a dark lord of the sith. Disgusting gungans

I am a nazi in an ethiopian tribesmans body. I only ever take out my lip disc to complain about being surrounded by niggers.

Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.

Yes. But equally and selectively racist.

What? Lol, of course not.

Me and my black friends (i have 2) were hanging out earlier when my trans friend came by. Then our Asian friend arrived and I giggled with glee as my multicultural and eclectic group of friends and I went down to the beach to practice our Ukelele's

I'd watch that show


For something only white women buy.

Realist and separatist, yes. Won't treat people differently but I fall under the definition.

Realist and separatist

Literally opposites unless you're talking about some East Europe shithole.

I don't understand what you mean. I acknowledge differences in IQ and shit, and also think races are better off apart. Maybe I'm using those terms wrong? IDK.

Maybe I'm using those terms wrong? IDK.

It's okay. A special boy like you uses the wrong words sometimes, but it's fine. We don't care how many chromosomes you have. Welcome to r/drama, where I promise we'll never be judgmental toward retards.

Yeah I'd hope you're not judgemental otherwise 95% of the sub would've kept themselves a little too safe.

if you get raped by a pack of niggers it'll be your fault. All right? Because you provoked it. You are acting provocatively all the time, with your fake ideals, you feel you have to show off in the comments in r/drama, you can see your pussy from behind. And that last comment today was enough. That's provocative. OK? I'm telling you. I'm just telling you the truth! 

No. I'm a southerner and open racism is trashy as hell.

Yup, but it doesn't come up too often.

It's not racism if you hate everyone equally.

Depends on how far you stretch that term.

I been told not being fir discrimination a.k.a affirmative action is racist Etc.


That's not for me to decide. It's only a label for POC to bestow upon me.


When I discuss basketball and people want to argue that the 60s/early 70s NBA was just as strong as today I use the argument that the league was still affected by segregation. (White people were the majority in the NBA until the 70s)

Implying that the bell curve of basketball talent for white people is heavily skewed to the left relative to black people. I'm not going to take a majority white basketball league seriously.

And also that once NBA opened the doors towards foreign (white) players, white Americans had to take the next row of backseats.

I just hate jews

To mayos? Yes. Problem?

No, racism is for faggots