Autistic trannies are mad about something again

22  2018-07-07 by Not_RCMP_


Jews did this


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Considering Scarjo's Jewish, Snappy's on point.

They see a girl "playing" a boy. It's blackface my dude

Leaked footage of Scarlett Johansson's new film

we need trans-black face

In other news, LotR casted humans as elves and dwarves. Fucking racists.

What the hell, that's so elf phobic.

Actor playing something she/he isn't?

What are the odds, spooky I know.

Also, what at least semi famous trans actress could they casted? There's Cox form orange is the new black and that transwoman from Sense8 and?

Cox is watchable but that sense8 mayo bitch definitely has some #metoo accusers out there somewhere.

Robert De Niro isn't actual a gangster, clear exploitation.

Robert De Niro isn't actual a gangster

You shut your whore mouth.

He's just some dumb actor

ScarJo's character is FtM, not MtF.

Sorry, I made a mistake.

Yeah they really don't and transmen pull it off way better than transwomen cause it's easier to gain muscle than lose it.

Glossed over a lot which is funny

Your argument could be used to justify blackface. It is not a good argument.

Why would they need the actress to be famous ?

Not Hollywood's fault trannies are all hideous monsters.

Didn't Jared Leto play a Tranny in that McConaughey film? That was only 4 years ago I think, oh how the times are changing.

Dallas Buyer's Club

You can click on any profile fromm that tranny-asylum subreddit : all of them play videogame.


If all the world's video games and animes disappear from the planet tonight, the worst third of the US's young people are all suicided by August.

When will these tards realize that nobody wants to look at a tranny.



they see a girl playing a “boy”

Isn’t that what all trans people are? People of one sex pretending to be another?

Watch their head explode when Scarlett issues a PR statement saying she identifies as a man and has her whole life.

Gender =/= Sex.

Facts over emotions.

Changing "gender" is literally just playing dress-up. You contradict yourself, boo.

The fact is that gender is a social construction and the defining characteristics of different genders have changed over time, not to mention differ geographically.

Your emotional reaction to this won't change the facts.

X is "literally just" Y.

Y= retarded simplification. Classic.

And that is why changing “gender” doesn’t matter and doesn’t make a male into a female 😁

lol. Gender is important, whether you want to believe it or not. Sorry buddy.

No, you just admitted you are a male cross-dressing. Hahahahahaha.

Did I? You are either trying to deflect like a coward or you are an idiot.

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AHS are the old ladies that peek through the window shades 24/7 and sit on the homeowners association perpetually offended.

to be fair, Drama here is perpetually offended at most trans people's existence, so they aren't entirely wrong here.

Except Drama let's anybody in while AHS only cares about the "correct" hate and bans people who don't follow group think correctly. Even the mods have brushed aside violence so long as it is towards the correct people.

drama lets anybody in

And there is the problem

It isn’t a problem.

TBH I like the fact that I can say "fuck all of you" on this sub and nobody actually knows what I'm upset about or what opinion I'm rallying against. It's balanced.

Umm MDE migration isn’t a problem?! Granted I’m probably just as bad as any of those faggots and should be kicked out too

OUT OUT OUT, people I don't like!

This is the worst meme as of late short of Ed's snoozeposts.


They all eventually move on

I only hate ugly trannies like /u/eternalkerri.

Cute feminine traps are fine


Edit: what’s their obsession with autism? I do not find the way they use “autism” to put people down, very funny.

But we find it funny, which is why we use it.

u/BelleAriel when was the last time you found anything at all funny and what was it?

Thank god you have the internet.

Why are posting on a public forum if you're ashamed of your behavior?

Who the fuck said I was ashamed? I literally followed up this comment with saying anyone can come here including pathetic Politics/EnoughTrumpSpam retards like you.

I am mocking their perpetually offended tight assed behavior. They are also massive hypocrites that choose to only care about "hate" when it suits them and censor anything against the narrative.

I just figured you were ashamed otherwise why would you care about people being directed to the subreddit to observe your antics, and now your tantrum about my question.

You are shocked that I mock a retarded subreddit full of hypocritical pearl clutchers? Some of the people in that thread want pretty much everything that disagrees with them banned from the internet.

Calling a spade a spade doesn't make me offended, you mouth breather.

Ooh, so edgy

UMADBRO and edgelord?

I am really going to cry tonight. Why are you even here?

He is doing research on retards.


Yes, idk if they are a he or a she, so they.

are you gonna be ok?

Are THEY gonna be ok

You would be a great case study for this research.


/u/ChelsInMotion unironically calling it blackface is way more hateful than anything posted here.

You're crying because, like a typical narcissist, you think everything should conform to your worldview. And when you don't get your way you resort to tattling and name calling. That you have the audacity to call someone else a child is laughable.

Friendly reminder that AHS deleted a thread about an LSC mod literally calling for a revolution and the execution of anyone who wasn't communist (a thread the mod got banned for), but leaves up shit about righties wanting to kill liberals. If AHS was a fake sub meant to make normal left leaning people look dumb, would it look any different?

u/ChelsInMotion go ahead and show us your private messages of active Drama users telling you to kill yourself so I can ban them. Showing me would serve the greater good.

user reports:

1: I want to believe that there's a chance that you got a reply l, guess I'm gullible as the rest of em

It was resolved privately. They didn't want to take it public. She was nice the entire time and there is nothing dramatic about it. There was a retard that ended up banned because of their shit behavior.

they she who huh

I'm honestly surprised this was real tbh. Good job taking care of it.

What's even the point of PMing someone to be retarded at them? You're not creating drama or shitposting, you're just being an asshole in someone's inbox for no reason.

Fuck, thanks for reminding me. Everyone feel free to mock u/nationalismisfun for being a dumb asshole that harasses users in their private messages. Don't expect them to reply though for a few weeks.

Get guillotined cunt. Trans women will plunge the bayonet into your wicked heart.

/u/Drrakdos pwitty pwease will you stab me with your tranny sword

Lmao, its profile is just autistic walls of text about muh gommunism

/u/Drrakdos how you gonna bayonet anyone d you cant even lift a rifle with your tiny arms?

you gonna bayonet

I never said I would

And again, I'm not trans.

I said trans women will do this. But that does not therefore mean I am trans.

I said trans women will do this.

but why

Cuz glory to trans women

But why

Because transfolk are an alienated and exploited class.

Nobody wants to "exploit" them. We just want them to shut up and go away.

nobody wants to exploit them

Even if that is true, that does not mean they are not currently getting exploited. Dumbass.

we just want them to go away

Well we want you to go away. Yet here we are

The only person who exploited you is whichever Thai butcher you paid to murder your balls.

Again- dumbass, you people dont like facts and will believe literally anything you hear as long as it fits your narrative.

I am not now nor have I ever been trans.

You are beneath me

Wow shocking they hire A list celebrity to be in a movie. Hey lets hire a famous tranny actor that was in multi million dollar movies oh wait. Those retards are never happy. I do love Scarlets repsonse to this bullshit was shut up and deal with it.

We don't even know that the person being played by scarjo is trans. All we know is that she played with gender roles in a time where it was still frowned upon for women to lead the type of life she led. She could have been a butch lesbian. Why does a woman who wants to dress masculine and fuck women have to be a man. Weird how the gender binary is being reinforced. We do know that she was a woman who did not have HRT or SRS so why is it not appropriate for a natal woman to play her. Even stupider the idea of having a man play her. I can see why some women are mad at trans people for enforcing gender roles when we were hoping we'd moved past them.

She WAS a butch lesbian by all accounts. Trannies love to retroactively claim people who weren't trans once they're dead and can't defend themselves.

Some of this stuff reminds me of places in the ME where gay men have to undergo SRS. It's like if they love and desire men they have to live their lives as a woman. In the US, it's a weird combination of gender is fluid yet people who don't want to fit their gender roles must be the opposite gender. (not always, but sometimes)

Yeah it's unironically super regressive and homophobic lmao. And reinforces retarded gender role shit ofc.

Lol that advocate article pretending like Hollywood cares. ScarJo is in the movie because she makes BANK.

Why doesn't Johansen just identify as trans while she's filming the movie?

/u/ParkdaleArt Hello everyone, I'm a trans "girl" who draws erotica



>overwatch porn

Its profile is exactly what I expected. /u/ParkdaleArt do tell us more about your autism

Hm, ok. I still probably fuck more fuicks than you and I'm drawing erotica as a hobby has got me over 30k neckbeard


If their jawline looks anything like yours i would use a different term frien

ho noes my self confidence, one beta male out of a metric fuck ton wouldn’t fuck me because I wrote a counter argument in his thread

Get a life, that’s coming from an aspie erotica artist.

Erautism, as the kids are calling it

Keep gatekeeping erotica incel

Are the autistic trannies ever not mad? I literally only see """them""" screech and yowl about stupid inane non-issue bullshit.