TERFs hijack London pride

99  2018-07-07 by DalstonKingsland




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"I am the September Eleven!"

"I will always be the September Eleven"

Good tbh.

Gays are old hat and trannies are insufferable.

But TERFs are worse because they think dick is worse than gussy.

Dude gussy lmao

Dude dude gussy lmao lmao.

very radcent of you to post this in every fucking r/drama thread

Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


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Why is it LGBT? Trans isn’t a sexual orientation.

It's long past LGBT, it's now LGBTTQQIAAP




Lmao 3 different iterations of the same comment, imagine being this desperate for karma

Jesus christ shut /r/drama down

It's all our newfriends

I once did that bit and somebody here got mad at me for trying to "deplatform" their autism

Aksychually its LGBTQQIBRAAAP

ra ta ta


snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed


I'm just going to say "Big Gay".

For you.

Why do you hate 2s people?

It is if you identify as it being it.

So you can be a part of it if you only fuck trans people?

Yeah now I'm curious

Depending on who you ask, yes. If someone doesn't like trans people generally they will say that if a guy fucks a transwoman, he's actually fucking a guy, so he's gay. However, if someone sees a transwoman as a woman, they'd consider him straight.

Interestingly the reverse is also true, if a guy fucks a transman, the first group would say that he's gay, while the second group would say straight.

So depending on who you ask, I suppose. A lot of people who are interested in transmen/women exclusively tend to identify themselves as pansexual because that label indicates that they are interested in trans people.

Also, B implies there are 2 genders, which isn't the case

There's more?

It's a spectrum, with women on one side, men on the other and freaks who need electroshock in the middle.


I'm bigenderal

Drag queens were a pretty important part of the whole LGBT movement, tho

That’s not trans

Both pretend to be gussy, tho.

Yeah but they do it for fun. Half of them aren't even gay.

Yeah but they do it for fun.

Pretty sure trans don't do it for a job.

They're on the trannie shit list now though.

Can't wait for tranny/drag queen urban warfare tbqh

To quote a friend, "it's like blackface for women"

Meh, I'm a woman and I find it entertaining.

Why is it LGBT? Trans isn’t a sexual orientation.

Does it need to be?



Because mental illness isn't sexuality, sweaty

counterpoint: straight people

This. I admit defeat, you are correct. Gas the breeders

Who says it has to be about sexuality?


Well the actual term isn't LGBT the term is Gender and Sexual Minorities

tfw you come up with new terms when your old one is criticized

Imagine being surprised that terms change as time goes on.

Hang on I'll imagine it....









Nope still retard

Okay person who thinks nuclear physics is still called atomic physics

Imagine comparing the advancement of science to faggots getting bored

Uh what that's not advancement of science that's just a name being changed

Okay you're right, I'm glad we agree on my previous point :6)

Check m8, mentally ill individual

You're a sorry excuse for a troll.


Then they’d put GSM everywhere not LGBT.

No it isn't.

Putting a rainbow on products and selling them for much more money?

Transexuality is a disorder of the body, not the mind.

there's a difference

Man, visitors to this sub sure seem to have issues with body temperature regulation

Why is it LGBT?

Historic reasons. Trans people get lumped in with homo and bi sexual as evil sexual deviants.

So do pedos and zoos but for some reason they don’t get included

Those aren’t consensual

That's what I love about how dumb the argument is.

It's like every time it gets brought up it just shows that the person arguing is oblivious to how consent works

Says the non-vegan

Then the pony intelligence research is far behind schedule! Where is my fully-sentient pony waifu?

Zoophilia is consensual by default as body language is consent for animals. Negative reactions indicate lack of consent and continuing then makes it abuse. Much like if you pet an animal it's not automatically assault like it would be if you did it to a human without permission, but continuing to do shit that they don't like makes it abuse and you'll probably get bitten.

Found the animal fucker.

No(t yet).

Fuck off Aluzky

It's bestiality, then.


You know, I might consider dolphins an exception mostly because they are intelligent violent rapists by nature.

So fucking a dolphin is like being a straight woman?

They also have an estimated IQ of around 70. Dolphins are the niggers of the sea.

We are African, and we happened to be in America. We're not American. We are people who formerly were Africans who were kidnapped and brought to America. Our forefathers weren't the Pilgrims. We didn't land on Plymouth Rock. The rock was landed on us. We were brought here against our will. We were not brought here to be made citizens. We were not brought here to enjoy the constitutional gifts that they speak so beautifully about today.


I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.

This guys never seen a mare in estrus winking her pussy at you and pinning you against a wall with her rear.

Give it a couple of years. There's already some serious pedo-apologist shit being pushed. It won't take long before it becomes a full fledged letter.

It's not really being pushed by the LGBT community though.

It won't take long before it becomes a full fledged letter.

Two years ago I would say this was ridiculous and hysterical, but then Trump became president. So I'm no longer willing to have faith in the intelligence of the American people.

The acceptance stuff and "non-molesting pedophiles" are being pushed hard currently.

That shit is coming right up, once they're done with trans.

It's not acceptance, is pointing out the difference between a paedophile and a child molester. One already acted upon their impulses and is a criminal, a paedophile is someone with a mental disease that should receive psychiatric help to restrain those impulses.

The issue comes when you start grouping paedophiles and child molesters together, paedophiles won't feel safe to seek help if they are instantly seen as criminals, which results in many not seeking treatment and maybe eventually acting upon their feelings. See it as, "normalising" bipolar disorder so that people are able to seek help instead of letting their lives get destroyed by it.

And here comes the sjw to promote pedophilia, right on time.

Next step is justifying the consent concept if the pedo identifies as a child, right?

Mate you need to chill cause being outraged by a comment and calling them a SJW is kinda ironic.

Nothing I said was promoting paedophilia, all I said is that there's a difference between a mental disease and a crime, and unless you allow people with the condition to seek help without societal reproductions, the crimes will just keep happening in the dark without us being able to stop them. And it's even worse in this particular case since many paedophiles were themselves abused as children, and it becomes a cycle of abuse.

It's the same argument for decriminalising drug use (same argument, not the same situation...), since it allows drug addicts to seek help without being afraid of being arrested for consuming drugs.

Outrage =/= SJW. The outrage isn't the bad part about being an sjw, which you'd know if you weren't one.

That is literally promoting pedophilia. You can't cure them, and "helping them" doesn't work.
The excuse that they were abused as children is to a large degree shown to be wrong. There's only a weak correlation there, and there's no evidence of any causation.

People cans top doing drugs. Can't stop being pedophiles.

Outrage =/= SJW. The outrage isn't the bad part about being an sjw, which you'd know if you weren't one.

Sorry I'm not twelve so I don't fully understand the intricacies of internet memes.

That is literally promoting pedophilia. You can't cure them, and "helping them" doesn't work.

That's literally not true.

What do you want to do then? Kill everyone with paedophilia sexual tendencies? Ignore the issue and push it into the dark again so nobody talks about it and abuse keeps happening?

And again, nothing I'm saying is "promoting" it, you are arguing that by telling people that it's a mental disorder and we should be open to allowing these people to seek treatment without criminal repercussions (if they haven't committed a crime yet obviously) is promoting the disease. People with the disorder will still be there whether you want it or not, ignoring it doesn't solve shit, nothing I'm saying is going to make people go "well I like to fiddle kids and the tv man told me I can seek help for it, so I guess it's ok for me to fiddle some kids now".

Sorry I'm not twelve so I don't fully understand the intricacies of internet memes.

Ah yes. "hurr durr, anyone who's not a child can't understand the basic definitions of groups on the internet". Great excuse for being a mouthbreather.

That's literally not true.

That's fucking hilarious. You genuinely linked a German nutjob, who's a pedo-apologist, and even he didn't say it actually works, lmao. He just "hopes it can help".

And again, nothing I'm saying is "promoting" it, you are arguing that by telling people that it's a mental disorder and we should be open to allowing these people to seek treatment without criminal repercussions (if they haven't committed a crime yet obviously) is promoting the disease.

Yes, because it attempts to create acceptance for the disorder in society. Unless your attempt at fixing them is locking them away permanently, it ain't gonna fix shit. More acceptance and openness for them is simply dangerous.
We lock up every other group of psychopath who admits to wanting to hurt other people, why is this group an exception?
There's no such thing as a non-abusive paedophile. There are just pre- and post-abuse paedophiles. If you let them go freely they will eventually hurt a child.

People with the disorder will still be there whether you want it or not, ignoring it doesn't solve shit,

Ignoring it doesn't solve shit. Execution or permanent seclusion from society does.

nothing I'm saying is going to make people go "well I like to fiddle kids and the tv man told me I can seek help for it, so I guess it's ok for me to fiddle some kids now".

Lmao, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. These fucks are literally making child sex dolls for the pedos and handing them out in attempts to soothe them. Of course, that just escalates the sexualisation of children in their minds and makes them more likely to commit abuse against kids.
And, as mentioned several times. This is just the first fucking step. First the concept of a paedophile who doesn't commit abuse and is just cursed with a horrible disease and is doomed to live with that his whole life, but totally won't diddle any kids, is brought up as a concept in society to attract sympathy for these poor people. Then the next step of acceptance comes, then the next, then the next.

They're literally grooming the public .

Was this one of the events where the community decided cops were not welcome to be there? Kinda amusing, I've seen people saying in the comments that Pride organizers should have asked the cops to remove them.

Lol They'd call the cops the moment they start physically fighting each other.

Lol They'd call the cops the moment they start losing the fight


Implying they couldn't just beat up a bunch of terfs

Among the first comment goobergaber it is mentioned. It seems that the only group unaffected by it is ISIS and now I'm too scared to check ...

Didn't you know? ISIS was a gibbergafder plant

Everything makes sense now....the prophet Muhammad clearly spoke about restoring ethics in videogame journalism and banishing thots away from vidya.

Hah! Awesome. Bongistan doing something right for once.

The only women allowed to look like men are us!!

I love that they make fun of trans women for not passing when they barely pass as humans.

r/gendercritical wins this one. Trannies btfo

I would say on suicide watch but that nothing out of the ordinary

it's 45% now

Is that 2 in 5? I'm bad at fractions

9 in 20

Is that an improvement?

The ones in GC don't actually go outside

I guess this is what pooper meant by paradox of tolerance. no one had the stones to remove them from the parade

"Men with their stones removed unable to bar lesbians from gay public tantrum"

It was supposed to be lead by the mayor of London and the NHS :it doesn't get more gay than that.

#punch a TERF:

Fuck these people. Throw rocks at them.

Advocating violence against evil hateful cunts is unisex We're for throwing rocks at evil men too, Nazis, KKK and other such hate groups. Or are you suggesting that we shouldn't treat TERFs equally to other hate groups because they're women?

Everyone hates trannies. TERFs aren’t unique.

t. Newfag MDE alt


imagine unironically liking trannies

Imagine unironically being angry about <.03% of the population

Quite vocal for 0.3%, no?

We should castrate all trannies and block them from internet access forever, they wouldn't be able to live without it

Everyone hates terfs also though

Only the ugly ones

Yeah, which is all terfs

Not all lesbians are ugly.

Not all lesbians are terfs, only bitter ones that hate men

ones that hate men

Makes sense!

This but unironically

The dissonance Is strong in this one...

I get to throw rocks at women? Awesome

It's entertaining to see just how far people will push "this is a denial of basic human rights and outright genocide".

Is trans heritable now?

The leftist strategy of initiating violence is retarded, bait your enemies into violence and make sure to record it so that you look like the good guys. Jesus Christ these idiots make it so easy for them.

Calm down Trudeau.

Literally impossible to calm Trudeau down once he's gotten started, best thing to do is just not get him started in the first place. That means no short skirts in the workplace, long sleeves, nothing that would trigger his wayward gaze.


Terfs love to cry misogyny when they get btfo'd for their shitty behavior though. Still. Punch a Terf

You can't commit genocide against a group of people that is only defined by a shared crossdressing hobby. They aren't a fucking genos so you can't cide them.

In the U.S. and Canada the story is always that the trannies have taken over and banned the drag queens.

You win this round, Bongistan.

Pride parades being hijacked by hate groups is so 2016.

a man cannot be a lesbian, a person with a penis cannot be a lesbian

If you find this controversial, you need a doctor. Not just one, a team, in Vienna or something.

Are traps gay?

Yes👏 You 👏 Are 👏 Gay 👏

Billy harrington says yes


I know you guys like to shit on TERFs but you have to understand that a majority of the lesbian transwomen are really just autogynephillic men and are nothing like the qt traps you guys jerk off to. They intrude on the lesbian community with male entitlement, literal dicks, and gross behavior.

I think most of /r/drama agrees with TERFs in this regard, it’s just the their motivations are a bit different.

They see it as patriarchy, hard-on men hate while reasonable people know it’s just a mental disability.

I understand this but you must realize that it is a small price to pay (well I'm not paying anything for it, lol) for the off-chance that some of those who transition do become qt traps for me to jerk off to. Nothing personal.

They're like incels except everyone is scared of offending them.

Having a literal dick is kind of the point of being a trap

I jack off to the thought of being a woman a lot, I wouldn't dream of chopping my dick off. What the hell would I jack off to the thought of being a woman with? If you look at your dick and are like "Yeah, I don't need that", IMO that's pretty much proof enough for me.

that's a strange thing really and i have found it confusing hearing that from men. I masturbate too.. But it's never about being anything beyond a more attractive version of myself. Trying to be something else just breaks the immersion and appeal to me. narcissistic as that may sound.

The more mainstream ones generally have more nuance, but TERFdom as a whole are their own worse PR nightmare. I have even seen them talk of male animals and otherwise normal reproductive born women with genetic conditions as agents of the patriarchy.

If TERFs Kept the heat up but called their targets Autogynephiles, rather than going after all trans.. they would have likely won by now. But given most are fat old dykes who are nothing like the young attractive lesbians targeted by transvestite troons; this is just a continuation of their misandric crusade started by second wave feminism in the 1970s.

A giant inflatable Brianna Wu floating over London

ITT: MDE losers siding with TERFs.

Horseshoe theory strikes again.

TERFs are /ourgals/

Another marcher alleged “men are saying they are trans, they are lesbians and they pressure lesbians to have sex with them.”

Asked in what way this happened, she stated that she and others had been called TERFs (Trans-Exclusive Radical Feminists) online.

I'm dating a cis lol

I just love snuff


Based and red pilled

Amazon bonds are Wakandan. A man who makes himself not-a-man is white people nonsense.

Get the L out Wouldn't they just want to get rid of the whole T thing? Are they claiming Bisexual women don't exist?

biscum mattering
