Power mod neckbeard u/n8thegr8 back at it again.

43  2018-07-07 by Ayylmao11023


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Dude is clearly down for the cause, has he been sent a mod invite yet?

He collects subreddits like trading cards. This is just his way of buttering up /r/drama, but we're not falling for his charm.

He collects subreddits like trading cards.

I cannot for the life of me think of a more lit hobby.

He'll be the first in line to the mayocide thanks to his contribution and eagerness

I shudder to think of what his dwelling smells like

Normally I hate powermodding, but what he did actually caused drama with the CoontownAnarchy guys, so now I don't know what to think.

Don't think, just savour.

Petition to make u/n8thegr8 an r/Drama mod.

Love him <3