I Love watching you people work

83  2018-07-07 by donglegoblins

Honestly, watching this subreddit duke it out is as good as it gets in terms of entertainment.

10/10 shit break entertainment.

How you shit flinging primates have time to do anything productive in your day is beyond me. You must tell me your secrets, I want your energy and dedication.

Basically, I just want you to know that I look forward to reading whatever sludge you want to spew on this glorified honeypot. Keep up the good work you guys, this is going to be a great year. God bless America.


In between dragging around shit in Visual Studio, I take 15 seconds to comment here.

Ugh a gui programmer? Environment.Exit yourself

draw some lines in autocad for 15 mins

Woah looks like its time for a 25 minute break.

Check out Mr. overachiever over here.

u better take that back before i spend the next hour going through your profile and taking a comment out of context to make you look bad because i have nothing to argue with

I'm afraid to open r/drama at work because I'm pretty sure it would get flagged by HR. I always want to tho

get a phone nigga

another successful pomodoro

What do you do for the other 5 hours 59 minutes 30 seconds of compile time?

I just collect my semen and sprinkle it on everyone who passes by my house. That's my job.

Are you some kind of tree?

This is pretty much one of 3 subs I find entertaining on this site anymore. Seems like the only place where most people here dont take themselves too seriously and absolutely shit on people who do.

It’s because of the radical centrism that this sub fosters.

my taint just cringed.

Radical atheism?

Yesterday I had a wet dream where Duterte was my president and he was all like "Prove the god, faggots" and every abrahamic fag fell silent and so he started crushing churches & mosques & synagogues with his colossal cock and religion was never heard of again it was like the french revolution but times ten


-Honeylet “Marie Antoinette" Avanceña

You mean South Park Neutral

i like chocolate milk!

Are your other two favorites /r/GamerGhazi and /r/conspiracy?

r/weekendgunnit and r/army for giggles.

Fuck off Chad!

Oh not all gun owners are Chad, there's a lot of traps

Fuck you asshole. This sub is responsible for multiple people getting fired and heather hayers death.

I don't know who that is, so good.

That chick who got killed when a nazi larper drove his car into a crowd of people.

So a Mayo-American?

No wonder I didn't care.

A pity she didn't have time enough for you to introduce her to methamphetamine.

shes the fat one that died in charlottesville, they couldnt resuscitate her because fat

They wouldn't have had to if they guy didn't hit her with that car.

we don't know that for sure

She died from her heart stopping beating, also known as the cause of death for every person from all time ever

she was out in the sun marching and yelling, which is the most exercise shed ever had

thats what happens

the only thing she was hit by is other panicky liberals in a stampede

the only thing she was hit by is other panicky liberals in a stampede

And a car.


he drove at the crowd but there was no actual contact with the fat jiggling woman

the crowd panicked and crushed and she was fat and had a heart attack

Seems like the only place where most people here dont take themselves too seriously and absolutely shit on people who do.

Well, you're half right.

This is my "executive time"

Its saturday, you mong.

You gotta appreciate the mong OP is poor so he definitely has to sweep the floors on the weekends.

Have IQ in triple digits and you could, too...

you could, too


IQ in triple digits

i don't get it

I got fired months ago.

Reading that sloppy tongue-bath you call a post was the worst thing to happen to me all week

God bless America.

Mayo detected

You caught me. My only request is you use the guillotine

I am just here for the smart dick. For as much as normies want to shit on us, most of are college educated. Nothing better than a dick that can hold a conversation, and pound you down.

I'm here to build up my self esteem.

What do you mean "you people"?!

He meant (((you))) people

I pray for America's downfall.


Ramen-a-dan brother.

The only good subs are /r/drama

/r/antifa /r/the_donald and /r/gcdebatesqt

/r/babyelephantgifs is the only good sub.

How you shit flinging primates have time to do anything productive in your day is beyond me. You must tell me your secrets, I want your energy and dedication.

It's simple: you redefine productivity to include Reddit posts.

Managers hate her for discovering this one weird trick!

The trick is to have a smartphone and you can take the internet practically anywhere with you!

How you shit flinging primates have time to do anything productive in your day

You're making a pretty big assumption there.


Hey can I be a mod? I don't really want to do anything, but I'd like the feeling of entitlement and authority

asking politely

You're clearly not cut out for it.

Mod me. I pledge to wield the power in the most arbitrary, inappropriate, and brutal of ways. No poster would not tremble at the mod team henceforth, making /r/drama no longer the laughing stock of Reddit. Our resolve will become strong, our will felt with an iron fist.

really quite pathetic to see you weirdos begging to be modded on r/drama in a "i don't care but i really do but no it's all just a joke" kind of way.

"i don't care but i really do but no it's all just a joke"

My exact line of thinking tbh. First beer was like 11am so was bound to happen

haha my account was hacked lmao it was my little brother said that

can i be a mod tho

Imagine being this enthusiastic about working for free

Mod me you fucking faggot.

Modding me would probably ruin my life

this but unironically

We already have /u/xNotch

Yes, but (((Croatia)))

Croats were the real Nazis, nazbol confirmed.

Jealousy is such a destructive emotion. You know you can always take drugs to keep it up.

I'm not jealous, I'm envious.

Indeed. Envy is when you lack something. Dare to share?

Fuck America, fuck god, fuck mayos, fuck you.

Whoa! If flames were an alternative power source, this would be a nuclear reactor. Very good trolling, sir! I laud your recent accomplishments and expect to read of your exploits in the latest trolling journals.

How you shit flinging primates have time to do anything productive in your day is beyond me.

I don't really. I just have a shit ton of free time between semesters right now. I'm assuming most people are in similar positions.

I've been busy as fuck today, so I haven't had the time to properly fling shit.

I get paid to shitpost literally.

In the year of our lord Jesus Christ 2018 it is both my honor and privilege to keep you entertained by calling out faggots when I see 'em.

gad blatz americum

God bless America.

Allah bless America. Inshallah.