/r/enoughmuskspam finds out that Musk's submarines have already been built, tested, and are en route to Thailand. The focal point of their anger now seems to be the simple fact that Musk was involved in the rescue.

8  2018-07-08 by PhalanxCIWS


I think everyone is upset because instead of quietly giving aid like a genuine person would do he's made it all about him again.

I think you're just jelly

Lol sure.

Dude, you're obviously jealous of all the money and hot chicks he bangs. What have you done with your sad life?

Ah yes the old ad hominin. How about the next time you criticize Trump, Obama, or someone who is in a position more powerful than yours with more wealth just think about your comment. Doesn't really work out now does it... And hot chicks? You must be in fucking middle school dude. La creatura

(Just rephrasing what others say to me when I criticize Elon).


Idk why people think that everyone who is not a fan of a successful celebrity is jealous. People aren’t jealous of people that are in a whole different league of success, they’re jealous of people like themselves, people who started with the same things as them but did much more, like how I’m jealous of my classmates with perfect GPAs and how Elon is likely jealous of car companies that stick to deadlines and earn profits.


His family owns a fucking emerald mine, he's not some self starter like he LOVES to tell everyone.


made it all about him again.

In a subreddit that's all about him 😂

I'm not a fan of the guy or the company for my own reasons, but you muskrats are somehow even more obnoxious.

No you have it all wrong, r/enoughmuskspam are the anti-muskrats while the fanbois are the muskrats. Get your verbage right.

That would require me to take you retards seriously

No, no no - you don't get it. /u/marine_sniper_pasta isn't sucking Musk off, he's fucking him in the bussy instead.

Totally not gay at all.

<3 :D



I think everyone

A few spergs isn't everyone.


I mean you can't just quietly donate a submarine. I don't like Musky that much either, but this is better than just giving money

How upset are you that he doesn't even get a chance to use it now?

I don't care about Musk, so i'm not upset.


I mean, i don't care enough about him to make a sub whining about how much i hate him.


Yes, you can.

Lol. Linked by a salty fanboi no doubt.

u/marine_sniper_pasta Yes, because the entire world is divided into two tribes, pro-Musk and anti-Musk.


u/EnoughMuskSpam is just as equally retarded as the rest of the WorstOfX subs out there, but I can at least kinda see the reasons that prompted its existance.

Namely, the Muskrat dickriding on Reddit is borderline unbearable. It's even worse than the Bernie hype during 2016, as Musk, somehow, manages to come across as even more retarded and delusional than Breadline Bern. His cultists, too.

yeah i was a big big fan for awhile back when he wasn't so well known, but since he got popular among normies i've started to regret my Iron Musk tattoo - https://i.imgur.com/nTU5V5M.jpg

thicc thighs my dude

Mate that's not your fucking tat.


No fucking shit

Then why'd you claim you did?

I didn't actually think anyone would believe that, who the hell would do that?! I was just playing into the previous comment about "Muskrat dickriding" -

Muskrat dickriding on Reddit is borderline unbearable. It's even worse than the Bernie hype during 2016, as Musk, somehow, manages to come across as even more retarded and delusional than Breadline Bern


I'm dead

Musk is doing 3018 style PR to keep his investors on board, it's a simple as that

Are the submarines actually already on the way? Ain't linked there.

The rescue is underway now, I don't think there was time for Elon to save the day.

Corprate virtue signaling.

It's obviously a stupid idea that's being executed as a PR stunt, but if it's successful then some of these people over at enougmuskspam who keep threatening to off themselves may actually go through with it, and that's a future worth praying for.


My question is, aren't the passes in the caves too narrow for even the divers to dive through? How big are the mini submarines? Are they even practical?

It's obviously a stupid idea that's being executed as a PR stunt, but if it's successful then some of these people over at enougmuskspam who keep threatening to off themselves may actually go through with it, and that's a future worth waiting for.

calling them submarines is misleading. they are still being guided/carried by the divers.

Then Musk is the one misleading people because he said mentioned creating kid sized submarines first.

i know you have some very strong feelings, but nope

The fuck did you link an entire, 6900+ comment long thread for, retard?

extracting information is hard, for people like you

How am I wrong? You linked me to his tweet where he clearly mentions kid sized submarines, and then went onto order from another company that makes them.

You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole.

Calmer than you are, dude.

clapping back to a bot

my sides

he describes what they are

Are you drunk or always like this? I said he mentioned mini submarine, you linked me to his tweet where he says kid sized submarines. Where is the confusion? What are you trying to prove here?

using the liquid oxygen transfer tube of Falcon rocket as hull. Light enough to be carried by 2 divers, small enough to get through narrow gaps


Are you saying you would prefer that innocent children starve to death in a normally-inaccessible cave system rather than let MUSSY get involved?

Please take a short walk off a tall bridge.

But none of his efforts are going to have any impact (and he knows this) and instead sees this as a great PR opportunity.

Who will rescue his ego now that the real heros have done the hard work?

We need to send a submarine