Automation can't come soon enough

53  2018-07-08 by rnjbond


This is why we need mayocide.


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Soon, Brother, Soon!

u/Toltec123 u/1000ft-Bear u/mav194

Kill yourselves you insufferable faggots. The fact that this sort of bitching gets upvoted is infuriating and if you want me not to express myself you're literally forcing me to perform emotional labor.

I cant wait until I can be a full time NEET. This shit can't come soon enough.

Based on roasties from Twitter, I had asumed emotional labor was simply hearing someone out. This definition actually makes sense

7k upvotes, the highest top level comment of only 700

No bestOf doesnt brigraide


We really need to bring back forced conscription and juvenile gladiatorial fights. It's time to put the fear of death back into the modern youth.

This one actually makes sense. What retard asks a random store clerk if they got dead hookers in store?

Yeah the guy's jokes were really bad. But this opened a giant door about how retail workers are martyrs and hate any casual conversation.

This, the guys jokes are shit and he deserves blank stares and awkward embarrassing silences in response but I have no sympathy for people acting like this is some grueling task when it’s about as minor as it gets.

How do these people survive normal human interaction?

If nothing else, these kinds of threads do wonders for my self esteem because apparently I’m not one tenth as awkward with strangers as most redditors.

A redditor

Imagine being an adult and still working a customer service McJob

I like how none of them seem to get that mild social interaction is a consequence of the jobs they choose/are qualified for. Its not like you're breathing in toxic chemicals or getting your fingers sliced off by machines.

But no, old men with bad jokes is literally the worst thing ever. What I'm curious about is how much of reddit is working for minimum wage to even upvote that shit?

Tbf those are braindead jokes. Whatever emotional labor really is, if it means you have to listen to idiot jokes like that it sounds pretty terrible.

If they don't like it, they could have chosen to be born into wealth and privilege. I have no tolerance for people with weak as fuck karma.

Or they could get work as a garbage men. The pay is better.

That's a union job that requires some time to break into. Also they have a liberal arts degree dammit, there's no way they're degrading themselves to something menial and blue collar!

It’s the most minor shit ever tho. I’m not the most sociable person and generally prefer being alone, but I honestly don’t get what half of Reddit finds so hard about interacting with strangers. Just smile and make some small talk, if they won’t shut up make some excuse to end the conversation. It’s trivial.

That's kind of the whole point of this, the cashier can't leave

/u/toltec123, it's not emotional labor if it's part of your job, it's just fucking labor. But more importantly


even if all of this were true and accurate i still don't care. shut the fuck up and bag my groceries and smile while doing it.


You sound like you're dangerously close to emotional burnout in a healthcare field. This means you present an iminent danger to people's lives. You have a responsibility to immediatey stop, inform your superiors, and seek psychiatric help before you kill someone through incompetence.


I like how your story had you as the victim when working for a business that preyed upon, by your own admission, addicts. How do you manage to divorce yourself from the negative social impact of the jobs you work?

Lol according to the people in that thread "how are you?" is emotionally draining.

Mayocide etc

Many of them are black or Hispanic, though. Omnicide is the only way to be sure. Once we have robots, we flip the switch, and ferro-Americans replace the fleshy trash.