41  2018-07-08 by Neon_needles


This has been an attack, it's occult warfare, and her number one goal is Reconciliation, Restoration, and Reunion of their marriage and family.


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/u/FalloutTubes you seem to have some real issues with sex and sexuality you need to work out for yourself tbh. That’s some serious projection posting.

Her post history is a hilarious read of "I'm offended at everything". Like fuck, imagine taking the internet so seriously

Probably had her boyfriend cuck her with another man.

/u/riemann1413 did you get banned by the srcuck mods?

Then someone shortens it again, and we're all looking to catch that bus.


srd is so boring why do people go there

To seriouspost and plan rallies.

Well apparently it's not for the bussy

Some real ass unironic kinkshaming in there huh people can't even call themselves sissys anymore smdh tbqh

What a bunch of busy wussies!

rip in prostate, faggots

I'm impressed at the ability of SRD to make everything boring. /u/fallouttubes, congrats on being the most uptight person on Earth. You have won metareddit.

Your bussy’s so loose you can rosebud.

It's actually tight as hell tyvm and it makes bottoming a bit of a chore.
