Loser on /r/askmen can't get hard without porn or yummy incest photos, reaches out for help

64  2018-07-08 by AGucciManeClone


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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Now this is good content.

ah, to be 14 again, jerking off to your sister's summer vacation bikini pictures. those are the times.


Hmmm...buttered toast

Just waiting for the AHS link cuz they’ll say we are making fun of someone who likes incest or some retarded reason like that

The thing is, SPLC AHS goes in phases. For the longest time, they had a r/the_donald phase, than a r/CringeAnarchy phase, than a r/conspiracy phase, than an r/milliondollarextreme phase, and now an r/Drama phase. They basically mine a sub for every last slightly unfavorable comment and sell it as "PROOF THAT TEH NAZIS ARE EVERYWHERE!!!1!11!"

Lol funny thing is, they only get these minor glimpses into the sub, they find the worst things people say and take them out of context, I’m like it you went into the sub realizing all we wanna do is just stir up shit. Don’t get me wrong some of the stuff we do here can be do much, using the N word or telling someone to KYS is going to far for my own liking. I like this sub cuz it hates communism, and it’s usually pretty level headed and bad comments tend to get downvoted, not censored. The problem with AHS is they are products of helicopter parents who think their own shit don’t stink. They live in the bubble and see anyone right of center as Nazis. I mean I hate the Nazis and I have a Nazi swastika becuase it’s gonna stir shit up which makes it more fun.

Lol funny thing is, they only get these minor glimpses into the sub, they find the worst things people say and take them out of context,

That's ... a perfect explanation of the place.

Lol that’s most drama subs, we just take it more extreme

Don’t get me wrong some of the stuff we do here can be do much, using the N word or telling someone to KYS is going to far for my own liking. I like this sub cuz it hates communism, and it’s usually pretty level headed and bad comments tend to get downvoted, not censored.

Get the fuck out

FUCK OFF SOIBOY! Go get yourself some Buddy and quit being such a fag.

don't say n word

I don't paticularly like people throwing around nigger and KYS with abandon, but I appreciate that they can.


I use the n word but only in Mel Gibson pasta

Eh, you look at them and you realize the germans had the right idea.

I cant wait till they get to the r/againsthatesub phase. That Is a really hateful place





Thanks, fixed

Why does everyone on the Netz (cool way to say the Web) confuse then and than?

Same reason why people have a shitty time with know, now, where were, we’re, they, their, there, and they’re. Shitty education and poor understanding of the English language becuase of bad teachers.


Its funny how they never being up r/fullcommunism or r/completeanarchy posting about death to capitalists...I don't give a shit about capitalism but I do hate virtue police and I care about balance

Someone should post in AHS a thread from fullcommunism to see how massive the hypocrisy is there.

Like this

Or This

They remove those and ban you

No, it would get up-voted to the front page. I know because it happened IRL.

They already do, and r/ShitLiberalsSay already knows that they do.

They actually do go after r/FULLCOMMUNISM, but they don't really do r/COMPLETEANARCHY that much. They particularly hate it when r/FULLCOMMUNISM goes after Elon Musk.

Most of reddit hates when you go against the bonertrain for Elon musk.

nigga what

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess he's from the South?

Seriously thought, how the fuck do you become more attached to porn than rl. I've been cranking it to images for a decade and I still only hit my full 3 inches with real women.

for some people the hyperstimulation porn provides overrides their brain. sad stuff

It probably depends how long between sex with women. If you're fapping 99% of the time, it probably works like that.

12cm? Isn't that like... Micropenis territory ?

no thats just like, right below average

It's definitely on the small side, but it's roughly 5cm or 2 inches above micro.

maybe finally people will take porn addiction seriously now

Dan Harmon?

I thought his thing was mannequin legs with pantyhose?

I hate to tell him the sad and horrible truth that the only way to cure this is to find a used condom from the men's room at the Granite Mountain Records Vault, freeze dry it, grind it into a powder, then consume.

12 cm

Just tap out at that point tbh

Askmen is a pretty crappy sub its full of male feminists