Woman exposed to Novichok in the UK dies.

27  2018-07-08 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


No u


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Fuck you I posted this and all I got was Ed being a retard


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/u/ed_butteredtoast has yet to respond snappy. I'm sure he'll snoozepost me any second now...

If he hasn’t been novichok’d, that is 😧😵

Police suspect Ms Sturgess and Mr Rowley were exposed to novichok through a contaminated item left over from the first attack.

Great job that cleanup team

Haha funny post

Dude nerve agent lmao

The nerve of that agent!


Thanks Obama.

who paid you to post this? this isn't drama

It has great potential for more Drama, Russia murdering UK citizens might be considered a very big deal.

poison ex spy and his daughter be such a bumbling shithead you fail to properly dose with the most lethal synthetic poison ever created they both survive residue from the attack kills a British citizen

help i accidentally world war 3

You should read the report into the litvenenko murder. It's like a chuckle brothers slap-stick level assassination.

They accidently spilt the first lot of poison all over their hotel bathroom then had to sheepishly check out days early and ask for new poison+room booking.

If UK doesn't give a fuck about pakis gang raping children, why would it care about some old worn out gussy

Russia went and murdered some random people, yeah seems like a real thing lol

May should just send the nuke bombers already. Hopefully that will result in the permanent safety of the world.

British are not going to do anything.
