The diaspora somalian community go up in flames when fedoras and mohammedabs fight over how femoid rights should be handled. Ends up with some nice religion drama

52  2018-07-09 by FrenchFriesFriday


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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very true snappy.

Imagine willingly importing people with an average iq less then koko the gorilla

Imagine trying to make yourself feel better about your shitty mayo existence by pretending that immigrants are subhuman

I hate to break this to you but the average iq of a somali is less then koko. Personally I believe we should be bringing in the mountain gorilla, they are extremely endangered ,are environmentally friendly and can learn multiple languages

Koko is dead you retard.

No shit but it's iq was higher then the average somali



That is my bit

average somali > average r/drama poster

In both penis size and skin tone.

My angle was working towards IQ but penis size works too. Men do think with their penis.

I'll have you know my mummy says I'm very smart and I have a big 6 inch penis.

And ship captaining

what happens if you are both ? 🤔🤔

holy shit

She lives forever in our hearts.

>psychology dont real

OK L Ron Hubbard

And like clockwork, officerpenis comes to the defence of his fellow MAGApedes.

Psychology is a completely valid field of research, the problem is all of the illiterate basement goblins pulling bunk infographics from /pol/ and thedailystormer and taking them as SCIENTIFIC FACT because they invoke IQ and IQ is a concept in psychology so therefore the image must be legitimate. The image created from a ''''study'''' that didn't even have any IQ data backing 101 of the 181 countries they spoke upon, and those that did have data often came from extremely spotty sources and were in some cases decades out-of-date. ffs the mean IQ for Equitorial Guinea was actually pulled from a school for disabled Spanish children, and the "corrections" based on the Flynn Effect were applied without any regard to whether or not a developing or undeveloped country would be affected by the Flynn Effect. The problem with you idiots is that you are so desperate for any shred of evidence that you are superior by virtue of circumstance of birth that you cling to shit that a cursory glance of what the intelligence research community has to say about it (and they're not shy about discussing demographic differences in IQ, so 'muh PC fake news' wouldn't even ring true here) and a literally BASIC understanding of research methods would show you is bunk. You use appeal to science as a rhetorical tool without an elementary understanding of how science works and ensnare other idiots who are similarly dazzled by the idea of FACTS but too stupid to understand what does and doesn't constitute a fact.

totally accepts shit like trannies

There it is folks!

Tranny Derangement Syndrome

holds psychology as a hard science

believes inbred white trash version of anthropology





You do understand that IQ is probably the only quantifiable and repeatedly verifiable thing that's come out of psychology. I prefer to think humans are different and thats why there are groups that hadn't invented the wheel. It's better than thinking that Europe and North America is just magic dirt. Then again you are an emoji poster so the idea that people especially sub Saharan Africans might be dumber then everyone else

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Psychology. The material is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of neurochemistry most of the science will go over a typical dindu posters head.

[Lmao literally cribbed from the daily stormer, holy shit dude seek help](


You cited a fake screenshot from the dailystormer to win an internet argument. Like how pathetic is your life? Lmao

Imagine the kind of faggot who gets triggered by calling Somalis retarded.

Imagine the kind of faggot who calls other people less than ape just to feel good about his failed abortion of a life as an unemployedcel

linking to a cringe anarchy thread

Hahahahahaha I had no idea calling Somalis retarded would trigger so many of you. Who knew so many Somalis posted on this sub, although it would explain the retardation

Fam you posted a fake screenshot to try to win an argument involving IQ. Whether I want to fuck Somalians and do butt stuff with them or conversely kick all of them out of the country has literally nothing to do with it.

I don't need to post fake screenshot to win an argument just Google Somali iq

I don't need to post fake screenshot

But you did you


That's how i know you're a brainlet. r/drama's unemployedcels raging about complex scientific topics is fucking hilarious to watch 🍿 🍿

Spends all day on Reddit calls other people unemployed. You truly are the king faggot.



They are, but he's not better.

MDE rapefugee OUT!

Don't show me facts I dont like......reeeeeeeeee

Oh, yeah, it's a fact that people using a computer to type complete sentences and talk about abstract concepts are stupider than a gorilla signing about his kitten.

Koko apparently had an IQ above 70, which is higher than the average of some African countries.

Which test did koko score a 70 in and Africans score less than 70?

Anal virginity percentage.

I just googled the Koko IQ, I'm really not that into it dude, so I couldn't say if it's correct or not.

But I know the African ones;

Granted I wouldn't be surprised if this was true, but it doesn't seem like this website is very conclusive.

For 104 nations there were no IQ studies at all and IQ was estimated based on IQ in surrounding nations.[2]

The limited number of participants in some studies has also been criticized. A test of 108 9- to 15-year-olds in Barbados, of 50 13- to 16-year-olds in Colombia, of 104 5- to 17-year-olds in Ecuador, of 129 6- to 12-year-olds in Egypt, and of 48 10- to 14-year-olds in Equatorial Guinea, all were taken as measures of national IQ.[3]

worst part was in some countries the kids being tested has malnutrition.

So they're too retarded to find food?

Just open the fridge, dummies!

hah got 'em

Malnutrition, prenatal nutrition, and other factors have a huge influence on these scores. Well, not the ones /u/--duke- posted because the authors did some incredibly shoddy research, but disparities in IQ across countries can be determined in large part by environmental factors. As a country industrializes and the population at large has greater access to things like nutrition and early childhood educational toys, the youngest generation becomes more intelligent than their ancestors. It's called the Flynn Effect. It's slowing down or coming to a halt in industralized nations as we've reached the peak of what environmental factors can do to influence education, but people in places like bumfuck Nigeria and Malawi haven't had those gains yet. In places like India where there are massive class disparities I imagine that there's a big difference in IQ by class and region even though in many cases the poor and middle-class of are the same ethnicity.

lives on the back of giants of technology. could not survive 7 days without a/c (would in fact probably die of dehydration lol) but "muh suerpeeerioar Juhneetics"

Koko was unironically smarter than me, and I'm not even African. Like a truly intelligent lifeform would die before becoming a GUI programmer, ergo Koko was smarter than me.


which is higher than the average of some African countries.

If you use the "study" by a bunch of racists who didn't even give any Somalis IQ test but still decide that the average IQ there was in the 60s

koko was a girl you swine

I guess a male gorilla would go all toxic masculinity and rip the researchers' limb from limb.

Koko was a fucking hack- now that one gorilla who saved a kid from other gorillas in an inclosure in the L.A. zoo, that’s a kino gorilla


Ironically, I'm sure that Koko could actually spell.

Got me with that big dick spelling argument energy, man


pretty sure you're talking about somalians

You made an account just to post this """zinger"""? SAD!!!

/u/boyoyoyoyong this is pathetic, even for you lmao.

Post DINDU statistics plssssssss

Lol you wanna link a source for that "fact"?




B-b-but I got a 20 year old "FBI report" (no actual copy of which has ever been found)! what about the memes??!

cry moar.

r/drama poster

thinks his IQ is higher than a potato


imagine reading a fairy tale on the internet and believing it LOOOL 4Head

less then

You're a dumb nigger

The correct term is “Skinnies”


I think it was skinners, but that how I thought ameriburgers see everyone.

The US military who were deployed to Somalia in the early 90s referred to the Somali fighters as “skinnies” because they were really skinny. The Somalis referred to the Marines as “white sleeves” due to how they rolled their sleeves on their uniforms.

I already get those rights and i live in Australia. Regardless i want the Shariica so that rapists will be punished correctly, so that drug dealers will be punished correctly, so that thiefs(banks) get the punishments they deserve.

Lives in Western country + demands rights to practice = Every pro Sharia person in a nutshell.

Wow you're such a bigot! Let them have their right to kill homosexuals and atheists you white supremacist!

He says (banks) but we all know which (((group))) he was actually referring to.

Which makes me wonder why white supremacists hate Muslims so much. Their views on Israel are identical.

Somalia should be just be nuked.

Can't we just recruit them for the mayocide? Can't be that hard to convince em

How the fuck did you find this OP ?

I’m an Ethiopian spy

makes sense lmao, enjoy your ray meat Abel.

Sure will đź‘Ť

Am joking about the raw meat thing. Ethiopians are a great people. Cheers.

Wholesome /r/drama

I'm somali lol

Which clan?

Perhaps. I don't post there too often, too many retards. How come you were banned?

Lol. Mahmud is an alright dude most of the time, but his anti-somaliland circlejerk can be annoying some times.

He a psycho but he was right in a way. I was just being obsessive, best find another sub to annoy.

we need /u/WlkngAlive to bust up that thread with a cooler full of water bottles. fix those fuckers right up

Hahahahahahahaha! If you motherfuckers turn me into a meme, I'll be the greatest day of my life

You know Somalia is fucked six ways to Sunday Friday when they thought Lewiston, Maine to be the promised land.

In my opinion r/somalia is just mayos larping