Some enlightened woke folk decide to show off how tolerant they are by bashing a no-good dirty Jew

10  2018-07-09 by QueenOfTheIncels


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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/u/al-saqr /u/REbr0 /u/KMIAL_reloaded Thank you for helping to spread the truth about (((them)))

Because it’s impossible to call out the Palestinian genocide without being an anti-Semite. Solid logic there, shithead.

Rot in hell forever.

I’m sorry I missed the gas chambers the peaceful Palestinian bombers villagers are being taken by train to.

I also missed the Jews calling for a final solution.

Stop being pro-Nazi, bigot.

Israeli politicians have said in the past that the elimination of Palestinians is the only solution to the current conflict.

They're shooting women and children, do you think that's justified?

You can shout "bigot" all fucking day, but the reality is that there's one side here using power for evil and is actively murdering women and children. What the fuck is wrong with you?

The gigajew seeks to subvert and destroy even their own people.

Still waiting for proof of that genocide, home slice.

Members of the Knesset are literally arming Ukrainian Nazis and meeting with pro-Azov politicians you absolute gobshite. But your concern trolling is duly noted. And yes, I am one of (((them.))) Also:


Amazing how many Jews are in CPT 🤔

It's almost as if high IQ Ashkenazi are most wise to avoid you like milkplate next to meat. I would also be remiss if I failed to kindly ask that the book.


Mhm such IQ.

Why are socialists indulging in capitalism?

This is covered in the book.

The issue is that many people go farther than being against Israel's actions and support Palestine. Much of Palestine believes that Jews should be totally removed from the area and far too many believe they should be exterminated.

Much of Palestine believes that Jews should be totally removed from the area

prove it

and far too many believe they should be exterminated.

prove it

Nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing, survey finds

'are we the bad guys?"

Thinking I don't believe in the destruction of both sides

That's where you screwed up kiddo.

anti-civ represent

No no. I want a world full of white Christians. Therefore both sides must go.

Buy the Chapo book

hey folks if you like more drama and more hot takes to get mad at take the time to buy the book 'The Chapo Guide to Revolution - A Manifesto against Logic, Facts, and Reason' Available at all bookstore retailers for pre-order today and will be released august 21st!

Buy the Book!

Are you cool with me buying it and then posting the e-book as a torrent for people to download for free?

Do it, send me the magnet



why is it drame to respect a Palestinian child's right to life ?

This is covered in excrutiating detail throughout the book.

Stop shilling capitalism, bootlicker. Why don't you give the book to people for free.

Do you think I would be so foolish as to hurl spoilers all over MY precious /r/drama and ruon this for everyone? You'd be better served finding all of this out (and more) in the book.

Would you post a picture of Jessica Alba along with a comment about all of the Mexican drug cartel deaths? Would you post a picture of Beyonce along with a rude insinuation that she's somehow responsible for black gang crime?

Of course you wouldn't, because it's insane to post a picture of a person and blame them for all of the ills that people sharing their ethnicity or nationality have ever committed. Except you make an exception for Israel, because like all tankies, you're a raging anti-Semite who hides behind the "nah bruh I'm just anti-Zionist" label.

Get fucked.


if jessica alba had publicly stated her support for the drug cartels, and publicly stated that their murdering was just and right, then yes I would.

gal gadot openly supports a terrorist orginisation, she supports the murder of innocent women and children.

Why do you support the murder of innocent children? are you an evil person?

"Names her account gulag girl"

"Whines about other twats being edgy"

gulag is my family name

Yes yes tankie, we know, it's only ironic, just as 4chantards.

>Getting triggered by an "edgy" username on the internet

gal gadot openly supports a terrorist orginisation, she supports the murder of innocent women and children.

You people are so fucking retarded it's unbelievable.

“I am sending my love and prayers to my fellow Israeli citizens,” she wrote. “Especially to all the boys and girls who are risking their lives protecting my country against the horrific acts conducted by Hamas, who are hiding like cowards behind women and children...We shall overcome!!! Shabbat Shalom! #weareright #freegazafromhamas #stopterror #coexistance #loveidf”

She's speaking out against Hamas, a terrorist organization that many Palestinians themselves want out of power.

Why do you support the murder of innocent children?

I don't know, why are you such a raging anti-Semite?

In 2017, there were 89 casualties from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Myanmar conflict had 6,700. The Somali Civil War had 5,154. The Oromo conflict had over 1,000. The Mexican Drug War was responsible for a whopping 14,771 deaths.

Except you guys don't want to work yourselves into a frenzy over those brutal conflicts, because that would involve you having to talk shit about brown people. Instead you pick Israel, which has one of the lowest death tolls of an ongoing conflict of its scope, because it gives you a chance to do what you really want to do, which is to rag on those filthy Jews.

Hamas, a terrorist organization that many Palestinians themselves want out of power.

Hamas, a democratically elected government

the UN have stated the area will be unlivable by 2020, that it is an 'open air prison'. the Israeli government bombs hospitals, schools, power plants, then controls the borders so no re-supplies can get in.

The Myanmar conflict had 6,700. The Somali Civil War had 5,154. The Oromo conflict had over 1,000. The Mexican Drug War was responsible for a whopping 14,771 deaths.

people can care about more than 1 thing

look, face it. your anger is telling. you know you are supporting a genocidal regime. you are disgusting. Maybe go read about the situation, maybe develop some empathy.

Hamas, a democratically elected government

You stupid bitch, that doesn't mean jack shit. Hitler was democratically elected.

It's always awesome when you tankies cite your sources with Wikipedia pages that you yourselves haven't even read.

The United States, Canada, the European Union, Japan and Israel classify Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Nice work.

people can care about more than 1 thing

They can, but you don't.

look, face it. your anger is telling.

LMFAO, I don't like racists.

you know you are supporting a genocidal regime.

If I actually thought that, why would I support it? Also, I never said I supported Israel or didn't support Israel, I just said your agenda and your preoccupation with it reeks of anti-Semitism.

you are disgusting.

I'm being told I have an affinity for genocide by someone literally named "gulag_girl."

Maybe go read about the situation, maybe develop some empathy.

LOL you illiterate braindead waste of oxygen, I've read a lot more about than you have, more than just the Wikipedia pages.

Would you post a picture of Jessica Alba along with a comment about all of the Mexican drug cartel deaths? Would you post a picture of Beyonce along with a rude insinuation that she's somehow responsible for black gang crime?

i can't tell if this is because you don't know gal gadot served in the IDF and is a big spokesperson and booster for the IDF, or because you do know that, but can't make the connection because you're very, very stupid

Just keep LARPing la revolucion from the safety of your crusty computer chair, white boy


is communism a white issue?

No, but only mayos listen to Chapo

You obviously know nothing at all about US-Israe-Russia relations and how they've infiltrated our Governments.. You obviously don't know shit about history, either..

The Anti-Defamation League has turned into an entity to ONLY monitor anti-Israeli sentiments.. The ADF defines anti-Semitism as ANYTHING that opposes Israeli interests. So you sir, get fucked and die.

6 points at 54%, 165 comments

The drama's in here now

I'm Jewish tho

Post proof or you’re just a LARPing Nazi calling for genocide.

I think u/rationalhuckleberry wanted to see if you were cut or uncut, bro.

This is all just a dick pic long con for him and he should be applauded for the effort.

I'll fuckin do it if that's what it takes

if you can get your butthole cheekily into the picture too, I would appreciate it

Oh yeah anytime a doctor asks me to drop my pants I get in goatse pose

I've been to the doctors a few too many times with hemorrhoid "problems", think they are on to me

If you're Jewish, then how are you dumb enough to be a Chapo user🤔, checkmate Atheists😁!

Buy the book.

I wouldn't want to willinly contribute to the Capitilist system by purchasing a book through one of it's corporations. Hard Pass.


I find it sickening you'd openly promote something which benefits Capitalism, which is responsible for Billions of death and all Oppression and Social Inequality. Please do not solicit anymore.

Capitalism is storedmin the book. You should also... .
. .

Can you do anything else?

I enjoy reading books.

Any suggestions?

What do you like?

I’m on the edge of my damn seat here

I like poorly written books.

In The Chapo Guide to Revolution - A Manifesto against Logic, Facts, and Reason, there's an extensive list of poorly-written books to avoid, so I suggest you start there. Of course that means you wuld have to buy the hook.

Holy shit

Are there pirated versions?

Unfortunately their publisher is notorious for tracking uploading swarms of their books with a new, highly granular unmasking software, but their staunch anti-piracy stance is better explained in the publisher's disclaimer at the begining of the book. But of course, in order to access this information, you would almost certainly have the book.


can you buy the book?

No U

buy the book retard

I was gonna buy it before you were so rude!

atheists don't play chess, it is deeply offensive to us. Game, set and match classical liberal

If atheists don't play chess, that'll make getting them in check even easier, checkmate atheists.

To borrow from Weiss-Halivni, “Yes, that abomination is permitted, but what kind of a Jew would want to wear a nose ring?”

Good edit this is much funnier than your nose ring comment

Yeah, sorry, that was out of line. Being a 14 yo girl is tough enough without having people make fun of your fashion choices.

Nice, good luck with your college applications and buy the book

Was VCU really the best you could do? Sad.

Full ride scholarship too

A full ride to a third rate uni where they taught you to do reddit surveys about film trannies? Man, this capitalism thing is hella gay.

Aaaand there it is

🤭 you’re not also a tranny are you?

You have a penis?

the fact that you edited your racist comment is pretty telling

your racist comment

/u/AnnoysTheGoys, I forget, is it racist for a kike to quote professors of Talmud?

be proud of your racist views. If you view jews as subhuman, and if you want to... I don't know, concentrate them in some camps, just say. This is a safe space

be proud of your racist views.

sure thang.


Yeh that doesn’t look like proof. More like a prop. Fuck, my mom has one and she’s an atheist.

So LARPing Nazi.

LMFAO nice nose ring, soyboy

Thanks! :)

You are cute!

i knew you were all 12 year olds

lmao who upvoted this faggot

Who gives a fuck?


This is how I know you're a fake.

Watch this:


A Jew, a communist, and a mayo. I wonder if they build triple ovens for your kind.

Oh no I am become triggered

That was actully funny...

Keep safe, OP.

Nazis didn’t like Jews 🤔

CPT doesn’t like Jews.

Nazis were fascist.

I’m not usually a fan of false equivalency buuuuuut. Is it time to bash the fash?

as a jew who hates what israel does to palestine... maybe it's not about them being jews, but about them being past their boarders and murdering medics with rifles from a safe distance while they take foreign aide dollars from us to pay for their universal medical system that we "cant afford" here at home... but whatever. buy the book

“As a Jew...”

“As a socialist, but my book.”

I adore book salesmen.

lol, I'll admit I've never read the book, I'm just doing it as a way to show solidarity with my fellows. personally, if you can read a book you should do it, doesn't have to be this one, but you know, try to make it not ayn rand.

I’m pretty sure Ayn Rand would be preferable reread to the idiocy that is the CPT book. At least her philosophy was coherent. Retarded but coherent.

Pretty sure you can't say that until you've read it. But personally I'd point YOU towards manufacturing consent by Chomsky. Not much of a point in arguing if you don't see the original point of disavowing Gadot is because of the violence the Palestinians can't escape. Her voice is complicit.

Chomsky 🤢🤮

Talk about pseudo-intellectualism. Him and Ayn Rand are match made in heaven.

maybe the good dr seuss would be more your speed

Well he is certainly a grade level over you.

You do understand that you, your joke ideology, and joke book are just that, a compilation of jokes?

my joke ideology of don't shoot the press or medics when you caused the problem by not letting palestinians have any sort of mobility or freedom you mean because lets not forget that this is the topic here

regardless of what books we want to sling at each other for the sake of insults, you seem to want to just gloss over the humanitarian concerns of the actual issue so by all means buy the book

  • USSR

  • China’s The Great (Famine) Leap Forward

  • Venezuela

Hm. All richly succcessful socialist utopias 🤣

Now let’s look to capitalist countries: * Denmark - happiest place on earth

  • Murica, oldest republic and wealthiest nation on earth

  • South Korea, dictatorship turned capitalist success.


Should we discuss the humanitarian concerns of gulags, execution for organs, or lack of any fundamental rights?

maybe watch more news, not a quip, not a jab, not a barb. watch more news. not fox, not cnn, news. like legit look up the goods that venezuela is missing out on and how it's kind of a supply issue based on trade more than it's based on their socialism, maybe understand that china is a capitalist country at current, maybe understand that people fall towards socialism because capitalism isnt perfect no matter how much you strawman to make it seem like it is.

The best part about pointing at other countries and saying look how it doesn't work is: in america, socialism would have to be something that we'd take comfort from and be familiar with, like say medicare.

Also maybe do yourself another favor and watch longer clips of the protests at the heart of this discussion. maybe get some news from foreign sources and realize that the truth often lies in the middle of two points like this, and maybe, JUST FUCKING MAYBE, educate yourself on Hamas and their current stance on attaining peace. I'll reply to your next baby tantrum when youve got all that homework done.

Lol friendo, I was a polisic- international relations major.

Based on my education and experience in talking to pro-Palestine folks: Fuck Hamas.


damn im not socialist anymore turn me back

Also, buy the book.

Naw, I’ll wait for someone to give it to me.

Then I’m burning it.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments. You're just boring.

I hope I'm not out of line here, and do pray tell if I am, but if you are interested in a guide on diversity of tactics, may I suggest the book?

Sorry, after Mein Kampf I just can’t stomach anymore socialist literature.

Plus I don’t want to hurt your cause, undermine capitalism to promote socialism. Buying the book would promote capitalism, which you dislike.

However, you sound like you have extra books. Share some. I need them.

Watch this:

Animal Farm

LMFAO nigga I had to write a paper on that shit in eighth grade, maybe you should have better sources for your le enlightened world view than books that are on middle school reading lists

I’m pretty sure he just discovered it on his middle school reading list.

Like that great book 1985!

I am in middle school... Which you would know if simply bought the book.

they were mocking your comparison to Mein Kampf you massive idiot. the joke is that they just namedrop a book and don't elaborate any further, just like you did. you have no grasp of irony or satire.

they were mocking your comparison to Mein Kampf you massive idiot.

I didn't make a comparison to Mein Kampf

the joke is that they just namedrop a book and don't elaborate any further, just like you did.

All great jokes require explanation

you have no grasp of irony or satire.

That's rich coming from a tankie fam

I didn't make a comparison to Mein Kampf

a reference, then

All great jokes require explanation

to idiots, yeah

That's rich coming from a tankie fam

where tf are you getting tankie from lol? i'm a demsoc. your cognitive dissonance about supporting a fascist apartheid state is overheating your massively inadequate brain

a reference, then

That wasn't my comment you broke ass poorfag

to idiots, yeah

Get raped

where tf are you getting tankie from lol? i'm a demsoc.

Ain't no one got time to put a bunch of chronically underemployed soyboys into little groups. You post on Chapo, you a tankie, faggot

your cognitive dissonance from supporting a fascist apartheid state is overheating your massively inadequate brain


Get raped faggot

you're not doing a great job of the moral superiority thing, least of all on the bigotry front haha

you're not doing a great job of the moral superiority thing, least of all on the bigotry front haha

Who said I wanted to be morally superior?

Not gonna be told I'm full of "bigotry" from a dumb white boy.

Get extra raped.

wait so what's the point of your feverish ranting to everyone on this thread, if you're not trying to win anyone over? why are you telling strangers to "get raped" lol. what is wrong with you

wait so what's the point of your feverish ranting to everyone on this thread

For funsies

if you're not trying to win anyone over?

LMAO imagine posting on Reddit with the intention of "winning people over"

why are you telling strangers to "get raped" lol

Because tankies need to get the retard fucked out of them

what is wrong with you

Same as you, autism

you are a confusing and superlatively unpleasant person

you are a confusing and superlatively unpleasant person

Quit describing /r/pizzashill

wow haha i know right?? like...YIKES this kind of bigotry in 2018?

actually this kind of bigotry would be disgusting at any time, but don't let me get in the way of your lazy stereotype! good, smart irony btw. you're a despicable racist

oh ok thanks

my dad is gay

i am gay

i am my dad

my dad is me

i am gay with my dad

logic slam

I like how /u/ereidy3 feels the need to remind Chapo that the baby isn't old enough to decided whether or not it supports Gal Gadot, so as to remind Chapo users to not harass it. Chapo users must be really high IQ, if they feel the need to remind their fellow users that babies arent able to really make that many decisions.

The point is that gal Gadot visiting a baby who doesn't know who she is only does anything for gal Gadot. It doesn't matter for the baby, gal Gadot just gets to think she's a good person for it. Gal Gadot is imperialist scum.

Exactly. The baby’s being used as a prop.

I'm glad you reminded Chapo users newborn babies aren't capable of making political statements, good for you.

It's amazing that you still don't get it. I'm not saying anything about the baby. It's about gal Gadot using the sick baby for PR.

It's amazing that you still don't get it. I'm not saying anything about the baby. It's about you feeling the need to remind Chapo users that babies can't make political statements on their own.

I feel like I'm almost there, could you explain it once more for me?

It's explained in further detail here, in the book. But you have to first buy the book.

Naw, I don't want to participate in the separation of the labor of the book printers from the profits they won't be getting from the publishing company.

Lmao if I wanted to read I would go to school.

The extreme left and the extreme right may hate each other, but at least they're united in their hatred of the Jews.


Wait, that's a bad thing.

Buy the book.

I wonder what horrible thing has she done to make chappis reeee like incels.

Fighting against mysoginy indeed😒

And they wonder why thy are a fucking sausage fest.

She was literally in the IDF, the group that snipes women and babies. Might that be the issue?

a) Isn't conscription mandatory in Israel

b) if so, and your point is?

Isn't conscription mandatory in Israel, if so your point is?

Gonna need some figures on that Stalinist take-over, brain genius.

We are tolerant but highly judgmental of all tankies.

Yes yes...of course.

Still no answer about mandatory conscription though.


Why is it my job to educate dipshits???

I didn’t answer because you’re a huge dumbass. It’s not like there’s a robust history of Israeli Refusal to Serve movements (Shminish, Yesh Gvul, Courage to Refuse, etc) by Israelis who vociferously disagree with the treatment of Palestine.

It’s almost like you don’t know what you’re talking about, but no that’s probably not it, right?

So, you have no actual answer then?

You presented her being in the IDF as a requirement, however there are thousands of Israelis who have refused to serve.

So the question was uninformed, and made as a defense for someone who might have issues with the Palestinians being massacred only serving because it was required.

It feels weird to get schooled online by someone who knows more than you do about a particular subject, and I can tell you’re not taking it very well. Hopefully you’ll recover and be back on top calling people nazis in no time.

So anyone who did not actively fought his/hers comscription or a possibility of military tribunal is of course as scum?

Oh and calling people every possible name from nazi to succdem is a chapo speciality so you should know better.

Again - fuck off.

So anyone who did not actively fought his/hers conscription or a possibility of military tribunal is of course as scum?

Yes of course as scum they are

But in all seriousness, would you defend a confederate soldier fighting to uphold slavery? South Africa had mandatory conscription during apartheid, would you defend those people as well?

Come on now, besides reeing on chapo, you yourself don't disturb your sleep thinking about those palestinians unless you live there.

Again I already said my goodbyes to you.


its mandatory conscription you fucking numpty

yes you sack of dog shit

Zionists into the sea

Jfc nephew I can't take you anyehere.


Thinking USSR was feminist is a great fucking joke. Even better than pretending it was not just Nazis with different flags.

Do you actually want to have a conversation with me about feminism in the USSR, or do you just want to snipe at me from across reddit?

Why do you think I have to ping in the first place? Think about that. The place you hang out in has mods that likes jokes about genocide but ban anything critical against the circlejerk.

This is patently false though, the only people who get banned on r/CTH are the Juche crowd and they all got let back on after like 3 months.

Are you dense? I just explained that I was banned for no fucking reason other than not jerking hard enough.

The mods are assblasted manchildren except they don't have their own podcast.

I was making an inside joke for the CTH crowd, and I realize it hurts your feelings to not be included in things. Maybe quit being a pedantic loser and someday somebody will accept you?

Idk man I’ve never been a wholly unlikeable shithead, so I’m really just spitballing here.

I’ve never been a wholly unlikeable shithead, so I’m really just spitballing here.

Youre really good at this sarcasm thing, can you teach me sometime?

It took you 20 minutes to come up with that?

Way to be rude to a potential protege😒. Maybe I was busy working on something else?

Chapo Trap house has like no fucking rules, lol, what are you even talking about. No one bans you, they just downvote swarm you. Have you watched the Podcast they are always talking the shit and being assholes, its called the 'dirtbag left' for a reason.

Anyway, while it is true that the USSR wasn't a feminist utopia by any means, they were leagues ahead of the USSR in many ways. They gave free technical and college education to women in the USSR at a time when women even going to college was rare (Ayn Rand is a clear example of this bizarrely). They did a lot of work to de-stigmatize women working in industry, they allowed birth control, and abortion. Women who had kids were given extra financial aid to the degree that you could be a single mom with several kids and still go to college and be fine. A minor thing: their boy and girl scout programs were unified from the onset.

The large issue the USSR had was issues in women in political positions, which again they did better than the west, and by the 70s a lot of parliaments in the soviet block had decent gender parity.

Again, not a feminist paradise, but pretty great at the time. A lot of things that radical and liberal feminism focuses on now were big problems in the USSR and Russia now, such as awareness of sexual assault; Beria was a symptom of a larger problem. I guess you can lay the fault of soviet Feminism on an over-focus on the material and economic issues of women's liberation, and not the social.

Russian culture makes Latinos look like soyboys in comparison in terms of chauvinistic attitudes including violence to go with it. It is way worse than the West. More women in the workplace doesn't prove it is feminist. USSR needed women in the workforce because the men are such unforgiving drunks committing crime and killing themselves and each other in the process. The difference in health and life expectancy between Russian men and women is staggering.

I could only imagine if Russia had America's gun culture to go with it. Feminism doesn't go hand and hand with a genocidal oppressive mafia state.

Do you actually want to have a conversation with me about feminism in the USSR, or do you just want to snipe at me from across reddit?