WarBoy Goes on the war path against the great evil: Elon Musk. The battle wages on against Elon Defense Force members, both real and imagined.

39  2018-07-09 by Eternal_Mr_Bones


It's amusing and not suprising that most people that hate Elon Musk on a visceral level are active in Socialism or LSC.


Do you hate Elon Musk, because even though he suggests good things, he has to accomplish them through the disgusting process known as Capitalism?

If you defend Daddy Elon extra hard today maybe he will give you a ride on his submawine and extra cummies

It's just perplexes me how much everyone on reddit loves alternate energy but also seems to hatejerk Musk.

The man isn't perfect and neither is his company but he's probably the loudest voice in a corporate setting for alternate fuel sources.

I mean do you think we're just going to Tennessee Valley Authority the whole country to switch to renewables?

Maybe if you make another 50 posts defending him today he'll give you some of that renewable big dick energy

So you're more of a "We need to take over the means of production of coal" socialist?

Imagine running to /r/drama for help defending Space Car Jesus and then trying to engage in a serious discussion

How many cans of lead paint did they make you chug before they let you in /r/tesla?

I mean Nikola Tesla is pretty cool but I don't post there.


This is a double counter-jerk

No thanks, I am a mature adult with discerning tastes. I prefer choo-choos.

Are you an angrydm alt? You're pretty hysterical over a non-issue


Although obviously peter thiel is the better co founder


Although obviously peter thiel is the better co founder of PayPal


Although obviously peter thiel is the better co founder of PayPal


Although obviously peter thiel is the better co founder of PayPal

I, too, hang on every single word the people I "hate" say.

Imagine sucking up to a billionaire while being a poorfag πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I think it has recently happened before on a national level. I just can't seem to recall atm πŸ€”

> up to a billionaire

So you finally admit to Trump's billions and billions and billions.

Really worked yourself into a corner there Ed.

implying there's a difference between millions and billions for a r/drama poster

Oh sweaty! A poorfag is still a poorfag. Trickle down wealth doesn't mean you jack off one and let him cum in your mouth in hopes of being rich πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

I only believe in dickle down wealth tho.

women have been doing it forever so I believe it too.

millions and billions for a r/drama poster

Pretty sure notch would notice the difference

Minecraft Daddy tho πŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

remember when he fired like 2500 people then opened his boring company flamethrower shit later the same day, and a bunch of the guys who were fired got on twitter to thank him for allowing them to be a part of greatness lmao

seriously is there anyone in silicon valley that doesn't love the smell of their own farts

I have no doubt judging from the rumors of relatively non-competitive salaries that he has 'true believersTM ' working there.

Muskrat is indeed a self-righteous farthuffer with an overly inflated sense of self-importance who can lunch space rockets but apparently can't manage to sell a car for less than $150,000. And yet I hate him less than the people in that sub.

And yet I hate him less than the people in that sub

Why do you hate the people in /r/fakehistoryporn so much?

/u/war_daddy is right that the Musk-jerk is stupid, but so is whatever the fuck they are doing.