An Australian unironically mentions statistics as a reason to not be racist, gets the predictable replies.

17  2018-07-09 by wisty


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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Glad to see basketball Australians not letting their American cousins down.

We had a mini Rotherham in which some leech HR women tried to pretend there was nothing wrong. Oz Reddit was vindicated, there's this big conspiracy to make the Sudanese look bad. Too bad she was immediately contradicted and reprimanded by the chief of police.

People IRL were pretty pissed off with the women but /r/melbourne in particular was so arsehurt that they had, as per usual, backed the wrong horse they banned all discussion outright.

There's literally 6,000 of them (Sudanese) in the whole country, of that number, 200 are awaiting deportation aand a good thousand have already been kicked out.

See this comment is great because on the one hand, you have rational non crazy people like me point out the need for evidence driven policy and the value of experts who literally do this for a living and on the other hand, you have people like you who believe that reading an abstract or adding a couple of percentages to a population figure assigns some value to your opinion.

Let's just be honest here though. No amount of actual evidence or data is actually going to change your mind.

"I'm a rational person and you're not" and "I've concluded that you're beyond reason so I win" are obviously the height of rational debate.


So what's your solution then? To not allow Sudanese immigration? You realize that you're condemning them to a life of poverty and danger just because they happened to be born in a different country than you.

The first step is to admit that we have a problem with Sudanese crime. Which evidently is very difficult for most of /r/australia given how retarded they are.

The next step is to understand why they are commiting crime? Is it boredom? Lack of engagement with the broader community? Seeking attention? Poverty?

I genuinely have no idea as I am not well versed in that area

The third step is to put government measures in place that actively address the issues found in step 2. This could be policies designed to engage young Sudanese youth, get them involved in sport, have culture days where they can share about their culture and where they are from

But we can't even begin any of this until we accept that we have a problem

You don't think it's a bit racist to focus on the criminal element of Black immigrants? How do you know that they're actually more criminal and it's not just that police are arresting and convicting more of them because of prejudice?

Let me link this guy who sums it up much more elegantly than me. Basically once accounting for age and socio economic factors, sudanese youths still commit orders of magnitude more violent crime than similar non Sudanese youths

The TL;DR is that even if we assume 100% of the Sudanese residents in Victoria are poor, 13% of Australia lives in poverty, and there are only ~6,200 Sudanese and ~5.8 million Victorians (so 763,833 non-Sudanese Victorians living in poverty), so even with extremely generous assumptions like assuming 100% of them are poor, Sudanese-born people are still only 0.83% of the people living in poverty in Victoria but don't commit 0.83% of the crime.

This doesn't answer my question at all. If the police and courts are biased against them to the point that they arrest and convict them in much higher numbers then of course they're going to be over-represented in criminal stats.

You haven't actually given a real reason as for why they're over-represented. My reason is the only one that makes any sense.

Is it boredom? Lack of engagement with the broader community? Seeking attention? Poverty?

I mean all of these are things experienced by all poor people and yet Sudanese are over-represented so obviously the police and courts are discriminating against in extremely alarming numbers which indicate Australia is convicting an awful lot of people for the crime of being black.

Look I don't have any data on this and to my knowledge there hasn't been any studies done on prejudice and arrests in Australia.

But this isn't America. Our police just don't arrest black people.

The only data we have at the moment is that Sudanese youths commit violent crimes far higher than any other race.

Instead of trying to find loop holes in the data, why don't you focus on the efforts that can be made to reduce this crime

But this isn't America. Our police just don't arrest black people.

About a third of our prison population is Aboriginal while they only make up 2% of the population.

But Aboriginals commit more crimes? Whats your agenda mate

Please do take a look around you and realise we're not in r/australia anymore, Dorothy. You are replying to troll posts.

Do you guys pretend abos are even people

No! The only data you have is that Sudanese are arrested and convicted of crimes at much higher rates than other poor people. Now how could that possibly be due to anything other than prejudice? This sounds just like the situation blacks in America and the UK and Brazil are suffering from.

And it's not a surprise that Australia is similarly racist to America, they share the same language and much of the same racist media.

Righto champ. Not worth my time.

Oh excuse me for trying to root out racist dog whistles! Everyone can see the implication of these "statistics" you croon about. Your attitude is racist and is going to lead to more Sudanese suffering.

If you actually spent any time with them and treated them fairly you would realize they're people just like everyone else and deserve a chance at a better life despite being born in the third world. In fact Australia (and you) would probably be better off if they immigrated more Sudanese and deported racists like you to the Sudan so you actually understand their suffering and why they want to immigrate.

2/10. try harder

I'm trying to make you realize that you harbor racial prejudice that hurts people of color. What do I need to do to make it so you stop implying Sudanese are criminal by nature? I've explained to you over and over again that they are being discriminated against and falsely arrested and convicted of crimes solely because of their skin and your reply is "2/10. try harder".

Fuck you racist troll piece of shit. I reported all your comments btw. The mods here don't take kindly to racism say bye bye to r/drama troll.

Are you a real person, I'm sure you live nowhere near these basketball Australians

If the Sudanese still want to chimp out and commit more crimes than any other demographic in Australia after they have fled their shitty country, then they should be sent back where they can do it there.

I have a degree in computer science and work in data science.

You're a database janitor, get over yourself.