R/politics reacts to Trump's supreme court pick

94  2018-07-10 by moondoggy101


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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I really don't get what the point of all the suspense was, all the nominations were awful and are going to strip away numerous rights you've enjoyed all your life. It's like trying to guess what rifle the firing squad is going to execute you with, who gives a shit?

firing squad

Kacanaugh is pro-2A so maybe you’ve got some logic there 🤔

Really thanks your thonk, don’t it?

Are you ok my dude?

So who do we start executing first now? The gays, the blacks, or the Muslims?

The black muslims. Islam thinks NOI is heretical anyway

It's probably best if we split it up, east coast takes the blacks, west coast takes the gays, midwest takes the muslims

but what will us southerners do?

Wildcard bitches! But probably the latinos since you guys are close to the border.

You should just kill yourself now, and save yourself from the apocalypse to come.

Make sure to set up a cam for drama

Which rights am I going to lose?

Bussy rights are about to take a yuge pounding

Dude bussy lmao

Good thing I'm Catholic!

And not a priest!

I am sincerely offended by this post I'm just to drunk to sperg out

Basically the entire 14th amendment, it's going to be interpreted under rational scrutiny which means they're just going to let the government violate it using any flimsy reason. Aside from the parts of the 14th amendment used to enforce 2nd amendment that is, that will be under the strictest of scrutiny.

While utilization if the 14th amendment has been a huge part of expediatiating things you and I would both celebrate as progress it undeniably represented a hastening of the end of the Republic

They're going to ban memes. Oh wait, that's the EU.

all the nominations were awful and are going to strip away numerous rights you've enjoyed all your life

Those pesky conservatives trying to limit my free speech and take away my firearms!

I am not gay, I don't smoke pot, but I do have a few pew pews. I'm sure the conservative justice will outlaw my pews and look for me in the woods to put me up on the wall.

tf are you, pizzashill with light cheese? off yourself

At least it wasn't the psycho Catholic roastie

catholics were a mistake

christianity was a mistake

Sure but I pin the blame on that bitch Eve.

If she hadn't betrayed God for a fucking apple snake Christ would never've had to die for our sins.

God is fucking misogynist. Also Jesus was gay. He wanted to be fucking nailed to a cross lmao

No shit. He created this perfect man in his image and then as an afterthought creates a roasty for him. But wouldn't you know it, this bitch betrays him and drags his perfect man into sin! Of course he's misogynist. Eve was a total Yoko.

God is a fucking misogynist

YHWH was the first incel.

Ultimate blackpill tbqh

Wtf I like christianity now

This fucking sub is a mistake

All that jew fault

christianity was a mistake

This, but unironically. Inshallah

He is saving her for when he replaces Justice ginsburg \S

Have to have a woman replace her after all. Be quite sexist to oppose

This but unironically.

I can't wait :D

Don't you dare call her a roastie. She's gonna wreck the roasties when she saves America by outlawing abortion and limiting casual sex to men and prostitutes like God intended.

Honestly, that might be better.


It is gone :(

it was mainly people calling anthony Kennedy a traitor who the hope dies a horrible death and rots in hell. couple of good freakouts too

Nothing that Mitch McConnel did violated a single word of the constution, there's nothing in there that says that the senate cannot refuse to consider a supreme court nomination until a president of their desired party is in power.

As well, there is nothing in the constitution forbidding us from increasing the size of the court. Not a single word is violated by such an action.

Sure, but doing both would violate the unspoken norms of the government.

Perhaps having our government rely on unspoken norms (aka: shit not codified in law at all) for decades was a stupid thing to do.

Sure, but things like not voting for a justice for a year is pretty beyond the pale; you can't really blame people for not writing that down. It's like how there's no rule that dogs can't play football.

unspoken norms of the government.

✔️ Trump

That'll show em.

I think I've told you this before, but you have what I consider to be one of the funniest usernames on reddit. really good job on that one

ty bby

Kavanaugh is swampy as fuck.

Long live the swamp!

the swamp was how rich people rigged the system to go without consequence for their actions, and to remain very rich

maybe a conservative can help me out here, but did people really believe that a rich guy would come in and dismantle all the things that helped make/keep him rich?

Kavanaugh is an extremely unremarkable pick, he isn't going to overturn anything and doesn't hold any particularly dramatic positions.

Of course, /r/politics doesn't need much reason to shriek.

So Trump has appointed ANOTHER judge who's going to do what he's meant to do, rather than try to take us back to the 1700s (as Cruz wants judges to do) or to introduce progressive laws from the bench (as the Democrats seem to want)?

Yeah, a 5 minute glance at this guys CV led me to believe this is probably the safest and most sane (and consequently boring) pick Trump has made since Mnuchin.

It's like... yeah he's a Republican. If you don't like that, win more elections and run less Clintons for office.

Win more rigged elections, sure. I'll go tell the same thing to the North Korean opposition.

Lies, you dont even speak korean you faggot.

Hillary won the election.

Of course, that's why she's currently president and has appointed 2 Supreme Court justices.

Does Candy Land have a Supreme Court?

Who won the world series? Was it the team that got the most points?

"So what your telling me is he's a pure blood Nazi from the slytherin house"-Channel 4 interviewer/politics

If you seriously believe that Roe v Wade is not dead in the water, along with numerous other precedents, you are retarded and are just refusing to process what is happening.

I'm going to assume you're a troll.

Yeah the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation just happened to put a candidate they didn't believe would overturn Roe on the list, just as a goodwill gesture. How nice of them! Truly they are bros.

There is a game that happens in death penalty trials. Beforehand, they interview every juror about their beliefs in the death penalty. Because jurors that don't believe in it at all will be disqualified, and those that believe in it in every case will also be disqualified.

When interviewing the jurors, suddenly the prosecutor is the most bleeding heart liberal in the world, trying to convince jurors that surely not every murderer deserves death. Because, in fact, they want to kill the fucker and want as many hardasses on the court as possible. The prosecutor on the other hand suddenly becomes the angel of death, trying to convince the anti-death penalty jurors that their beliefs are silly and surely there are people out there who just need the chair. Because they want to get their guy through this alive, and they need as many people on the edge about the DP on the jury as possible.

That's the same thing that's going on here. To Trump supporters, suddenly the candidate is literally the most moderate person in the universe, like seriously what a gimme this is that we gave you guys.

Again, realistically speaking, the Federalist Society did not give us any gimmes. If you legitimately hold the view that he's not going to overturn Roe, that he was not selected specifically for that purpose, then you are the most retarded person I've ever spoken to in my life. I am going to assume you are a Trump supporter and playing the role of the prosecutor in this game.

Honestly people said the same thing about Gorsuch somehow, in the senate confirmations suddenly he was massively liberal and the most independent minded person in the world. Then he got on the court and, what do you know, a generic conservative every bit as right wing as Thomas. Wow! What a surprise! Couldn't have guessed that one! Susan Collins even said he would never overturn Roe. Thomas would overturn Roe. Gorsuch would overturn Roe. Kavanaugh will overturn Roe. Look, you can drop the game, you've got enough seats in the senate that it doesn't even matter. He's going to get through. You won. You get your dream. It's honestly annoying and tiring dealing with this.

Effortposting and being brain-dead wrong.

Shameful display

Retarded it is. I was hoping that you were a Trump supporter, then at least I wouldn't have to inform you of your diagnosis for mental deficiency.

Roe v Wade isn't going to last 5 years and I'm sure you're going to be super shocked when it's overturned. Probably going to have to wipe the drool off your shirt.

Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is?

If you seriously believe that Roe v Wade is not dead in the water

That would be political scuicide for the republicans. It's the kind of shit that would swap texas blue.

So you're saying there's a chance.

It's about as likely as russia winning this world cup.

He's already said Roe v. Wade is protected by stare decisis - quit your bitching.

Oh my god the Supreme Court isn’t Congress and isn’t overturning a major legal ruling with less support then the original ruling got. Fuck people can you please think?

Imagine the conspiracy theories if RBG crosses over.


I'm convinced she already keeled over and the other eight justices are just doing a Weekend at Bernie's routine as an inside joke.

He was one of Kennedy's favorite clerks. If you wanted to pick a fair successor Trump could hardly have made a better selection.

r/politics: "Doesn't matter. Still Hitler."

Trump: drinks water


I mean, the fact that someone like Trump could even be elected is proof that democracy does not work

Sort of is. Nations with more liberal/democratic values hold the freedom of elections pretty strongly and while Trump may be a mediocre president I don’t think he’ll ever top the likes of Buchanan tbh

Harding is dead but breathing a sigh of relief that his rankings went up.

Well, we aren't at war yet but he fucked our budget as bad as Bush did.

The "budget" was baked in to be fucked long before Trump showed up.

lol so you lower tax revenue and increase spending?

The current economy should have been used as an opportunity to lower the debt to GDP ratio. Not an excuse to throw responsibility to the wind and just have a huge party.

Did he waste 3 trillion yet?

Was that the cost of the Iraq war?

Yep, also he kinda drained Social Security to fund it so now we're stuck paying off the boomers' pensions.

That's what pisses me off the most. Fucking boomers get to die nice and cushy bitching about big government before they sink the ship.

What, winning all the time? Crime down massively, economy at 4.8GDP, deporting mexicans left and right, got north korea to stop firing missiles and pompeo already said they're still on board for denuking, isis defeated in 6 months, historic lows for black/hispanic/women unemployment, so many jobs we have more jobs than people to fill them hell at this point unemployment can't actually get lower people are just being lazy, we're winning as our trade deficit is at another month low for 19 months in a row now, regulations cut, this SCOTUS pick just secured 2A rights for at least 2 generations, almost every vet is off the street, investing in infrastructure, shooting for fair trade, leading the world in CO2 reduction, the list never ends.

Crime down massively

ITT people who never paid attention in highschool math and dont know what a trend is.

"Paid atttention in highschool math" implies the attended high school in the first place.

relies entirely on voters who didn't complete high school at all

You’re impressively stupid.

say on MDE or CA or whatever DDF hellscape you come from

You're the dude who lost faith in democracy because one election didn't go your way.

No, I lost faith in democracy because a literal retard got elected president of the USA

Here's the interesting thing about democracy:

Democracy is the best system of governance you can ever hope for. Why? Because, its the system that will produce the least amount of damage to the society as a whole.

You shouldn't lose faith in democracy because its working as intended. Because the power to rule over the masses is also at the hands of the uneducated retarded masses who elect retarded politicians, the system will produce the least possible damage out of a given situation.

Think of democracy like this: Democracy is like drinking water from a lake but someone poured a bottle of cyanide in that lake. Yes, drinking cyanide is going to kill you, but there is a very small chance you will die because you drank water from that lake.

Other forms of governance like Aristocracy, feudalism, monarchy, communism, dictatorship, theocracy, etc is like drinking the cyanide directly from the bottle. You can be 100% sure you are doomed under these forms of governance.

I would rather live in this country and make fun of DRRMMMPFFFF and go eat my burgers than get my hands chopped off because I made fun of the ayatollah.

You are going to upset a lot of retards when they read this post.

If you lost faith because of that, you're the retard.
Democracy guarantees you can get rid of bad rulers quickly (a few years) and peacefully, not that they won't ever exist.

Who's the bigger retard - him, or the idiot who lost to him in spite of having every advantage imaginable?

Is this pasta?

I hope you're at least getting paid for posting daddy defense dogma all over reddit.

got north korea to stop firing missiles

They're still going with the nuclear program

isis defeated in 6 months,

They're still around.

historic lows for black/hispanic/women unemployment,

They've been trending down since before Trump was elected. Same with crime.

so many jobs we have more jobs than people to fill them hell at this point unemployment can't actually get lower people are just being lazy,

Now you're just making shit up

deficit is at another month low for 19 months in a row now

[citation needed]

regulations cut

Only a fucking idiot thinks "less regulations" or "less laws" is automatically a good things. The regulations he has been cutting include a lot of environmental regulations.

almost every vet is off the street, investing in infrastructure

I call bullshit,

leading the world in CO2 reduction

I REALLY call bullshit, and if it is true there's no chance in hell it's because of Trump. Trump's retarded enough to think global warming is a Chinese conspiracy, and he's been shilling for coal and oil HARD.

I mean it explicitly works, democracy is about the will of the people being enacted, the problem is that the people are fucking stupid barbarians that genuinely want to be ruled by lizard people(Douglas Adams quote, not conspiracy)

Instead of dealing with that, you should screech about it.

I hate the people.

I mean it explicitly works, democracy is about the will of the people being enacted,

I know we aren't a democracy but if the will of the people actually ruled in the US, Hillary would be elected and gerrymandering wouldn't exist.

If it were the will of the people of reddit maybe but there are other forms of democracy besides direct democracy. You can't really declare the popular vote would have been the same if the parties campaigned under different rules because those constrain behavior.

Democracies are generally explicitly designed to prevent the concept that is “tyranny of the majority”

The United States electoral college, and the Senate, are specifically designed to do this.

Your perfect world is actually the House of Representatives, and the republicans control that too.

If things were decided by a popular vote, first past the post would be thrown out, because letting 51% of people, many of whom do not represent the rest of the country, decide its leader is retarded and far more undemocratic.

Representative rule is the hallmark of democracies, not popular rule.

Democracies are generally explicitly designed to prevent the concept that is “tyranny of the majority” The United States electoral college, and the Senate, are specifically designed to do this.

We also have the constitution which protects the rights of people and can't be changed with a simple majority, so I've got no problem abolishing the electoral college. People in small states aren't some persecuted minority and their votes shouldn't mean more than the votes of people in large states.

Your perfect world is actually the House of Representatives, and the republicans control that too.

Because of gerrymandering

If things were decided by a popular vote, first past the post would be thrown out, because letting 51% of people, many of whom do not represent the rest of the country, decide its leader is retarded and far more undemocratic.


I’m on mobile so I’m not going to respond point by point.

The constitution means nothing in this argument and is dumb to bring up. It could certainly be changed, but it’s absolutely stupid to do so.

Gerrymandering is a great way to show how the tranny of the majority is dangerous. When one group has more power then the other because there are more people, they change things to benefit them and only them.

Non representative democracy is retarded and doesn’t exist because its not a thing. A non representative democracy on a large level is just authoritarianism under the banner of democracy (Russia, even though the duma is supposed to be representative, it doesn’t work like that) why do you think every single country in Europe does a political system where vote percentage corresponds to seats. Our version of democracy does this via the electoral college and our congress. If you don’t have a representative democracy, you don’t have a democracy. If you just gave majority rules, you just have one group of people in power who change things to benfit themselves, and fuck everyone over.

I can’t believe I’m having to explain basic government concepts to you dude. These aren’t hard concepts to understand, there is no country in the world that elects people in a first past the post system with just majority rule.

We don’t give seats based off percentage dude. And no other country has a system like the electoral college except France

We give seats proportionally based off of how many people live in a state bro, and several systems in Europe use proportional representation

The reason we have the electoral college is because we have first past the post.

We can have first past the post and have a direct vote. Just like how we elect Senators. And I mean because of gerrymandering a party can receive the most votes for their Congressman in a state and yet they become a minority of representatives.

Why should we keep either of them? The president isn’t a king and gerrymandering is basically election rigging

First past the post and a direct vote is inherently non representative due to the way the executive branch functions.

I wouldn’t mind removing first past the post and going proportional representation,. But the states would have a shit fit.

The fact that control was wrested away from the Uniparty is proof it CAN work. Sweetie.

This, but unironically

How many times have they shared that clip of him drinking water?

Not hardly enough. He can't manage things my fucking toddler nephew is ok at.

I agree, the best way to stick it to Drumpf is to focus on things like how he drinks water like a retard or that he gets two scoops of ice cream.

Naw but hammering his supporters about how uniquely and hilariously unmanly he is in just about every discernable way really gets to them. They see themselves in him And him being so utterly pathetic is delicious to us manly men that can, say, drink a bottle of water like someone over the age of 8 or ascend stairs without a premier holding our hands because we're scared.

Us manly men

Is redditor

... say, drink a bottle of water like someone over the age of 8 or ascend stairs without a premier holding our hands because we're scared

Not like I set a high bar. Just one the pansy in chief would trip over.

Haha what? The only thing you get from telling people they're dumb and evil is to ensure they listen to you even less.

Have you been paying attention for the past 6 years?

Imagine thinking a fluke electoral win of 70k votes across 3 states with a bigggg assist from the Supreme Court is somehow a groundswell movement.

Jfc you do understand you're in a significant minorty right?

That has nothing to do with what I just said. I was pointing out how ineffective your style is, which is pretty incontrovertible.

Regardless, I didn't vote for Trump, and I don't support him. Nice try to deflect though.

Is it incontrovertible?

I think you just pulled that out of your ass tbqh.

You'd think two years would be long enough for you faggots to think up some other angle.

No one ever learns anything anymore.

Further evidence we all died in the 2012 Apocalypse and we are in Hell.

So reddit is just a metaphor for the inferno.

Dumb =\= evil.

You're spending too much time listening to your own opinion being repeated back at you.

Everything you think is making the right furious just a meme to them...



The fact that he and he alone feels he deserves double what everyone does is a sign of the vast narcissism that infects his administration.

Uh, he only deserves two genders and two terms. That's pretty normal.

Like do you take pride in being an absolute and easily led moron? Serious question.

What do you actually hate about him? Other than he's a liar to manipulate people and water drinking.

No way are you that stupid.

But I do hate his lying, his dicking over small business owners that subbed for him, his inability to see anything beyond his own nose, his fake fortune propped up by seemingly illegal transactions, his want to rule up schisms in the body politic, his inability to understand that the international relations we've set up since the end of WWII are way more to our benefit, his disregard for human and civil rights, his slobbering over strong man autocrats that are making their countries much weaker, his weird lust for his own daughter, his inability to learn, his "gut" is fucking shit but he's to fucking stupid to see it, his lab of interest to protect the US or its wider interests, the fact that he sees the simple solution and wonders why No one thought of it before (spoiler, they have to bad results).

He's pathetic. I think at the end of the day that's why I hate him the most. His impressive pathetic nature.

What the fuck did you even just say. Was that word salad or something?

fake fortune

Yes his solid gold penthouse is fake

disregard for human and civil rights

When did he even do this one.

his lack of interest to protect the US or its wider interests

nearing 5% gdp and a dow 7000 up? Crime down and unemployment hitting levels so low people are getting worried? ISIS defeated in like 6 months? Once again the highest GDP of any country once again beating china.

his weird lust for his own daughter

incest is pretty mainstream, it's not that strange. He just doesn't give a shit. Almost everyone has seen or been interested in incest.

Fact is the USA has never been better. The economy was garbage, unemployment was on the rise, mexians were flooding the streets, trans fags are everywhere and the democrats almost took our guns away. Fuck the liberals.

None of that matters. He destroyed our chance at making history.

5% GDP growth? Come on.

Doesn't even get that in advanced economies with near full employment 5% (if it was happening) is a matter of serious concern.


Don't worry, CNBC is looking into the terrifying possibility of upward pressure on wages.

What the fuck did you even just say. Was that word salad or something?

Not only are you fucking stupid you're illiterate.

Yes his solid gold penthouse is fake


You do know he was insolvent for a good stretch, right? The American lenders took over the day to day control of his business and leased his own name back to him. Then, suddenly, he was buying properties cash only, paid back enough to wrestle control of his company. He did that through licsencing?? He was blacklisted from every and all major midtown lenders. The tower with his name in Baku has every mark of violations of FCPA, his properties in Miami and Panama sold to oligarchs that paid well over asking in cash.

So yes. Fake. Fucking. Wealth.

When did he even do this one.

Campaigning on committing outright war crimes for one.

nearing 5% gdp and a dow 7000 up? Crime down and unemployment hitting levels so low people are getting worried? ISIS defeated in like 6 months? Once again the highest GDP of any country once again beating china.


China has NEVER surpassed the US economy. Crime has being going down for nearly 3 decades. The Dow is a shit measure and looks like S&P is slowing down directly resulting from his policies.

And FFS "ISIS defeated in 6 months" is so fucking laughable. ISIS was on the down slide since 2014 or so.

incest is pretty mainstream, it's not that strange. He just doesn't give a shit. Almost everyone has seen or been interested in incest.

Ew. Just fucking ew.

Fact is the USA has never been better. The economy was garbage, unemployment was on the rise, mexians were flooding the streets, trans fags are everywhere and the democrats almost took our guns away. Fuck the liberals.

The fucking delusion you have is impressive but scary. I don't know how it must be like being as mentally incapable as you clearly are. Jfc.

incest is pretty mainstream, it's not that strange. He just doesn't give a shit. Almost everyone has seen or been interested in incest.

Ew. Just fucking ew.

Gotta disagree there fam

China has NEVER surpassed the US economy.

You what mate?


  1. CHINA $23,120,000,000,000 2017 EST.
  2. EUROPEAN UNION $19,970,000,000,000 2017 EST.
  3. UNITED STATES $19,360,000,000,000 2017 EST.

That ignorance about this basic fact of the world explains certain quirks of the modern Western liberalism btw. If you honestly believe that the US is The Empire and will be for the foreseeable future, then all that Anti-imperialistic stuff about knocking it down a notch, hurting its economy etc makes sense, the weaker it is the less able it is to interfere elsewhere (which it does with mostly disastrous results).

Seeing that table on the other hand should send chills down your spine, because that other empire is immune to liberal guilt-tripping, like good luck telling them to not put Muslims into reeducation camps LMAO. Maybe better the devil you know after all.

PPP is a weird metric, nominal is better

Post a comparison that you like better!

Hmmm, interesting. Isn't GDP (PPP) more indicative of the amount of actual stuff produced though?

No PPP is purchasing power total. Now consider that China has roughly 2.5 times the population so per capita is pretty shit tbh.

Per capita is irrelevant here, the interesting thing is how many aircraft carriers they can build every month if push comes to shove, compared to the US. Or how many mobile phones in the peacetime (all of them?).

Look dude take the L and just mosey along. You're well out of your depth.

What, why?

Dude either you fucked up GDP and PPP expecting no one to notice, not knowing there's a difference, or didn't understand the nation state level import of per capita PPP.

If you were mistaken just say so, but doubling down is silly.

Mate either you fucked up GDP and PPP expecting no one to notice, not knowing there's a difference, or didn't understand the nation state level import of per capita PPP.

There's nominal GDP and there's GDP (PPP). Yeah I was not aware of the difference (since the CIA website didn't explain why it used the latter) and I asked in good faith which is more relevant to the actual production output of a country, that could be redirected into building aircraft carriers or economic victory in unironic vidyagay terms.

I really don't see how nominal GDP or moreso per-capita GDP (however measured) is relevant to China being an economic superpower and its ability to ignore Western progressives' mewling about Muslim reeducation camps.

Since you don't understand it doesn't exist? Jesus fuck mate like I said should've taken the loss.

Gdp and PPP are two very distinct measures. They are not interchangeable. GDP is raw economic "on books" output, PPP is purchasing power vis a vis local conditions. Per capita matters because the old "getting blood from a stone" issue that has plagued governments for millennia... Just because it's "there" doesn't mean the gov't can tap into it effectively.

And you're so into "muslim reeducation camps " which is fixing disgusting. Your robe would change of it were "fucking clueless moron camps" because it's actually affect you. Sod the fuck off and I hope you never reproduce.

Since you don't understand it doesn't exist?


Gdp and PPP are two very distinct measures. They are not interchangeable. GDP is raw economic "on books" output, PPP is purchasing power vis a vis local conditions.

Yeah, so why PPP is less informative, if that's what you were arguing?

Per capita matters because the old "getting blood from a stone" issue that has plagued governments for millennia... Just because it's "there" doesn't mean the gov't can tap into it effectively.

I agree, but this effect diminishes as you get farther away from the point of subsistence, i.e. where trying to squeeze out any more carriers causes a famine.

And you're so into "muslim reeducation camps " which is fucking disgusting.

I'm absolutely not into muslim reeducation camps, that's why the left anti-imperialism alarms and distresses me.

Yeah, so why PPP is less informative, if that's what you were arguing?

PPP is incredibly useful, but it's a baseline snapshot. I really don't have the time now to explain but investopedia has a good starting point:


I agree, but this effect diminishes as you get farther away from the point of subsistence, i.e. where trying to squeeze out any more carriers causes a famine.

Let me put it like this. For a full war economy governments need to thread the needle of tax, bonds, and internal pacifity. The US is actually in a better position that way.

I'm absolutely not into muslim reeducation camps, that's why the left anti-imperialism alarms and distresses me.

I'll take that on good faith and say fair.

unironically worshipping a literal retard

legit kill yourself my man

the democrats almost took our guns away

hate to deprive you of the chance to use one on yourself

Almost everyone has seen or been interested in incest.


TLDR reeeeeeeee

nearing 5% gdp and a dow 7000 up

GDP and dow aren't great measures of an economy. But the economy and unemployment were improving before Trump was elected, he's just coasting off of that.

Crime down and unemployment hitting levels so low people are getting worried?

[citations needed]

ISIS defeated in like 6 months?

Isis is still around dumbass.

incest is pretty mainstream, it's not that strange. He just doesn't give a shit. Almost everyone has seen or been interested in incest.

Wow. Most Trump fanatics will just claim it's a joke but you went straight for "it's real and incest fantasies are ok". It's his own fucking daughter, and he's so fucking out of touch he think it's no big deal to share these thoughts publicly? And I don't go looking for incest porn but everytime I see a link or a thumbnail it's always step sister or step mother, not father daughter.

Fact is the USA has never been better. The economy was garbage, unemployment was on the rise,

The opposite is true.

mexians were flooding the streets,

...do you even live in the US?

and the democrats almost took our guns away.

Oh bullshit they never even introduced a bill to take guns away.

Liiiiiiiiiiiike yeah guys, come on now. This is like, so silly.

Don't judge him just because he was a Clinton supporter!

I think we will all be glad if your toddler nephew manages to figure out what gender he is before his 3rd grade class on Safewords & Consent

Drumpf looked funny because he thought there was a straw in the waterbottle


The real crime here is drinking Fiji Water

TBF democracy was always the least worst option.

Trump: eats two scoops of icecream


One of Obama's big failings was the naive thought that he was going to heal the divide with these assholes. He had other failures, but they were never going to do anything but obstruct.

wow these people really believe this

I listened to Obama give that line in his first bjgtime speech in 2004. Within 2 minutes I could tell that line was bullshit, that by "unity" he meant "everyone just agrees with me."

How the hell do people still believe it 14 years later?

Roasting Trump for 30 minutes on national television worked out great both as an olive branch and for his legacy.

Oh no he roasted some whacko lunatic, and afterward 45% of the country decided to obsessively attach themselves to said lunatic and interpret any attack on said lunatic as an attack on them and their society.

and afterward 45% of the country decided to obsessively attach themselves to said lunatic

"Oh no" is right. Yeah.

Sometimes I wonder if he looks back on that.

You tell some jokes about a kooky rich guy, and all of a sudden, that guy makes it his mission in life to undo everything you did.

And it’s fucking working.

I assume he deeply regrets it now. That shit was personal already, Trump led the birther movement.

Obama wanted to show people he had some teeth while he was already showing people he had a sense of humor. He knew what he was doing.

Boo hoo fucking hoo. Elections have consequences, and they will never be the same.

Rigged elections have consequences, yes.

Le rooskie interference

Has anyone calculated how many votes it shifted? Even ballpark.

If a bunch of vodka-swilling RushBs in an underheated Moscow internet cafe can greatly influence the election of the most influential nation in the world, that nation has much, much bigger problems than rigged elections.

I agree. Clinton should have never rigged the primaries against Bernie. Total scumbag move and probably cost her the general election.

Listen buddy. You can either shoot yourself in the face or jump off a building, I don't care. The fact that your entire identity rests on "librul tears" is fucking pathetic and sad and you really should just end it now.

Prob won't do either tbh


I thought this was snappy

I know right?

New Snappy quote now pls

Trump may be the first Republican to bust the 5 Hitler rating since WW2.

Hitler=Hitler Ike=1.5 Hitler Nixon=4 Hitlers Reagan=5 Hitlers Bush I=3 Hitlers Dubya=5 Hitlers Drumpf=7 Hitlers so far

I don’t understand this at all

Donald posting is weird to sane individuals

Nobody understands why left wing loons like to call everyone who disagrees with them "Hitlers".

Hitler = 1.5 Hitlers

Explain your reasoning pls

“They put me as number three in their Top 5 Hitlers of All Time! Real Hitler didn’t even make the list!”

trip report: It is a bunch of CorrectTheRecord bullshit about Russia and InPeaches

No shit.

After viewing this guy's background and written opinions, this guy is fucking boring. He's a centrist but decidedly not radical. It's literally the worst kind of pick Trump could make.

I hate daddy now. How do I join Antifa? Help my Chapos.

You buy the book!

Per their never ending spam.

I thought they were the dirtbag left? Shouldn't I steal it?

You wanted to join them 🤷🏻‍♀️ Play by the arbitrary rules!

Would not have been put on the list if he weren't going to overturn Roe

Trump isn't personally anti-abortion so I can't say I agree.

How do I join Antifa?

Report to your local Hott Topic to get fitted for your uniform.

People still argue about politics. Rule of thumb, people don't discuss politics to get their opinion changed

trump nominates judge who wont overturn roe v wade or gay marriage like they said he would

r/politics REEEEs anyways


He would not be on the Federalist Society's list if they believed he weren't going to overturn Roe. Pretending he's a moderate is a rhetorical game.

"If confirmed to the D.C. Circuit, I would follow Roe v. Wade faithfully and fully. That would be binding precedent of the Court. It's been decided by the SCOTUS”

overturn Roe


And sure hes conservative, but hes a lot more moderate than r/politics wants you to believe

"holy cow the bots are going crazy" says /u/P47R14RCH , redditor for 5 days with hundreds of political comments.

Yeah? I think you’re conflating privacy concerns with bot activity. But you do you boo

pEOpLE wHo DisAgreE WITh mY SHeltERed iDioT oPINiONS ARe Bots

Shut up retard

Get all that pent up emotion out friend. Just let it go.

You have no power here