Pizzashill posts face!!!

141  2018-07-10 by Boring_normie


I may be home schooled, but I'm smart enough to see the evidence for the Jewish agenda in the MSM, Hollywood, government, etc...


  1. posting face to pwn the incels - Outline

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/u/captainpriapism IRL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

When will you post face, Ed?

I ended up on this sub because I was linked to a thread where you and pizza were double dicking the DDF

Can you please remember which thread that was? 😊

I don't remember it was like, half a year back

Ed is way too boring to post face.

It's almost criminal how bad those facial pubes are.

He'd look fine enough if he shaved and groomed himself but I guess it's easier to bitch on the internet 24/7 than to spend an hour putting yourself together every once and awhile.

I shave daily dude. I took 1 pic before I shaved.

I would suggest not photographing yourself with your wisps. they are bad.

Also you should consider a dark circle cream. I use this one from Clinique and it's a god send.

I would suggest not photographing yourself with your wisps. they are bad.

Woah, why didn't I think of this.

Also you should consider a dark circle cream. I use this one from Clinique and it's a god send.


Do you even shower? you are so fucking greasy in RL, you really are a pizza shill. I bet I could fill 10 tiki torchs with your hair alone

I shower daily.


he doesnt look tooooooooo bad tbh

lmao that's not five-o'clock shadow. It's I-haven't-shaved-for-3-days-face-pubes

That's literally like maybe 1-2 days of not shaving. I shave anytime I have to go somewhere though.

You sat at home and didn't go anywhere for 2 days?

Probably. I do that a lot.



Pizzashill do you have a job?

professional shitposting

Hell no he doesn't have a job.

He's your typical 20-something NEET full of piss and vinegar and absolutely zero ambition. He spends his time blaming everyone else/society for his shortcomings while simultaneously convincing himself that he's right (about everything).

If he put forth half as much effort in participating in life as he does jacking off online he'd find his life would be completely different.

How this hasn't been obvious to everyone is odd to me.

If you grew hair that fast it wouldn't look like pubes.

I mean, I do, and it does, so clearly you're wrong. I just have bad facial hair, it grows really fast and looks retarded. If I don't shave daily it looks like pubes.

Shave and post a new pic in two days. There's no way facial hair grows more than a few millimeters a day.

You would have to have the lamest superpower, which is pretty fitting for you, actually.

I'm not fking posting anymore pics of myself dude. I've had like pretty fast growing facial hair for most of my life lol. It's not a good thing, because unless I let it grow for like 3 weeks it looks like pubes.

Why not, you already opened pandoras box.

lol How is this a "pandoras box."

Like what's going to happen, are some weirdos gonna make fun of me? Ok, maybe. But I don't really care that much.

I mean your face is out there now, you can't take it back, so there isn't anything to be concerned about another pic of your face.

I will never be doxxed lol.

Any of your retard friends or family post pictures? Facial regonition software is a thing, and then they just need to connect some dots.

I don't let people take pics of me.

I was going to give it an honest try, but this already more satisfying than succeeding and it was the first step, so I'm going to cash out.



I shave anytime I have to go somewhere though.

In which case those face pubes show you clearly need to get out more.

literally like 2 days.

You require 2 fucking days to get peach fuzz? I'm not even sure if his shit qualifies as peach fuzz. Verdict?

I guess? I'm confused here, you guys seem to be under the impression I care about facial hair on any level.

In that case let it grow. I'm serious. Give yourself some fkn scruff. It will give that women hating bullshit some leverage at least.

And yet that was the pick you willingly put on the Internet for people to judge you by.

It's the only pic I had on hand currently. Why would I take another?

Because phones have cameras on them now so taking a new picture would take about 10 seconds.

Then you know exactly how little I care.

That's so cool how little you care.

Does hair grow in your Hitler-stache area?

It does actually, it fills in a lot. Like I said, my facial hair is retarded, that was after like 2 days, it grows in really weird but it fills out.

whatever, shave those little pubes off your face or get some testosterone shots, you low-t mother fucker. I mean, seriously, that's fucking embarassing -what are you, 13? Do you have a rat tail too?

I'd rather just shave than go bald tbh.

He's 27....

You look like a bitch.

Can you have your partner post to confirm this pls?

You said you were 27 one time, that was a lie right?

I'm 27.

I mean no offense but you look like a high school freshman


An hour? That would literally take 5 minutes max to shave clean

5min? He only has to shave 50% of his upper lip and a splotch on each side. 1min tops.

To strokes of the razor is only like 15 seconds max

15 seconds stokes would be my new record


PS looks like he's been shooting up a bit.

Drugs? Fair enough. Straight to H in the year of the oxy? I'm not so sure I am with you anymore.

Straight to H in the year of the oxy? At least try to keep up...

It's like he can't grow a mustache or a neckbeard due to low T.


I have a long beard. I'll fucking wrasle you, you little cunt.

That is called a gender-beard, buddy.

What's a "gender-beard"?

It is when a gender-confused hipster grows a beard

Who comes up with this dumb shit?

Well, you have very rare people like criminals or whatever authentically doing new weird things like neck tattoos or tongue rings or dumb haircuts or saggy pants for their own personal reasons, and then gay artists copy them, and then media influencers who copy the gay artists, and then generics hipsters who copy the influencers, and then eventually it is every fat gay retard working on the planet doing the new dumb weird thing and so it acquires a description

i'm pretty sure the retard just made it up himself

This is how I cope with my huge bald spot and shitty facial hair at 24

Why don't you shave your head? It's usually a really good look.

I do.

huge bald spot.

Further evidence of hight T.

Men with hair are chemically indistinguishable from women.

  1. I don't think you understand what chemically means. You probably mean genetically.

  2. I don't care if they have a Y chromosome if they have tits and a pretty face.

baldness isn't from high T, that's a myth. all the dudes i know who are balding early are the most soyboyish types you can imagine.


yes, because baldness is caused by hair folicles being destroyed by DHT, which is genetic. other males can have high T and not go bald, you can low T and still go bald from genetics.

stopping the conversion into DHT stops balding but that isn't high T, it's just a specific chemical version of T that fucks up their hair follicles, and stopping production of it stops that.

yeah it's complicated but idiots on reddit often actually believe that balding is a sign of high T. just look at how many soyboys are balding, it's obviously not true.

so woke, yet still worships that corporate logo.

how far our pizzashill has fallen...not that far, i guess

There's always further

Next is the fake suicide

If he'd shave those little pubes off his face he wouldn't look bad at all. He's not a super model but definitely not ugly enough to merit acting the way he does.




But did he post bussy?

Absolutely amazing. Btfo feminists left and right, now all we need is Ed to post his beautiful face


lol, petition for the mods to change his flair to the lady with a toothache. I'd say the baby with the cleft palate but that would be mean to the baby.

mods pls make this my flair !!!!!

no me

/u/xNotch plz

fuck that, make it a sidebar image


He really looks like an off brand Elon Musk.

I think /u/pizzashill was my Doordash delivery driver the other night

What did you order? I use DD when I'm too lazy to drive down to b-dubs, usually when I have some craft beer lying around too.

Typically Mediterranean or seafood



so you could order food from anywhere and you actively choose....bbww??

seriously, you need to re assess your entire life choices right now

and why would I waste money on disgusting foreign food when I can get the best wings and cheese curds on the planet?

driving while redditing, /u/pizzashill really does keep himself safe

God, so all the power users and mods are just greasy looking manchildren?


How else do you think they are able to literally spend 10+ hours every day here?

The secrets are out. Nobody is even 6 foot here. I would nuke the sub and start over tbh.

lol he looks like I'd be his boss' boss

sheeit you think you are up to managing that McDonald's? think again, sucka, think again

The math checks out.

😍 Asymmetrical 😍

just when I think maybe I'm ugly, I remember all the mugshots of the fagaloids that have been posted on here. eeyikes

6 feet under

I'm not happy though. I have severe depression.


Wait so he is not incel? Looks subhuman.

tbh if I had to imagine his face I wouldn't have guessed it was that bad.

so wait, he's been a wetback this whole time?

Well he does support Mommy.

Looks pajeet

Man, that is one heckin sad face.

face pic


why you banging someone so ugly? (let's pretend that i believe you're a roastie and that you're banging him)

banging means something different in 2018

He ain't ugly, trust me.

i can literally see his picture lol

He's hot, right?


No but seriously, he is. I think you're most likely a straight male who has gotten a bit jealous and sees him as competition, so you're instinctively trying to take him a down a peg.


i'm white, 6'1, girls say i have a cute face, i work out constantly, and my facial hair looks better than the pubes on pizza's face, which look like he kept his pubes from when he was 12 years old and stuck them on his face.

i don't feel jealous of that greasy looking incel.

Ok ok, I'll be the judge of this, let's see a pic.

the idea of my pic being passed around reddit like cut trap pussy in prison isn't really appealing. i'm ok with you not believing me.

That's your own choice and I won't judge, since I wouldn't post pics on here either, but have to admit he personality-MOGs you by quite a bit.

non white, feminine face, shit facial hair.


You: not interesting, dispassionate, shitty sexist that is actually not being satirical.


no interesting to you, cause i'm mocking you, cause you're a retard LARPing as pizza's roastie. sexist? lol, you're "dating" a literal incel agenda poster. he claims it's satire but he does it way too often and way too passionately.

if being sexist was a turn off for you, you wouldn't be (pretending to) dating pizzacel. the problem might be that i'm not sexist enough, tbh.

You, 2 hours ago:

women child is a redundant term, all women are mentally children.

Show me a man who says this kind of stuff on the regular and I'll show you a man who has been utterly, defenselessly mogged.

to be fair, if you're in any way attracted to pizza, you literally prove my statement correct.

Most of your comments could have been written by an advanced AI that's been fed only alt-right material. This is a very intense mogging.

the fuck have i ever said that is alt-right?

Your entire history, almost all of it.

post one alt-right comment.


There, probably at the top.

the last comment i made was telling someone they were stupid for saying casual sex and drugs aren't fun.

aren't alt righters extremely conservative and prudish? literally not one political post in my entire history.

it shouldn't be hard for you to go in my history and solidify you're claim that i'm apparently alt right , then again as previously stated, you're mentally 12.

I'm not reading through your shit again, but I looked before and it was at least half alt-right/redpill.

yeah you've said like 4 times that my whole post history is alt right, yet you can't post one example.

i hope you get over your autism one day.

my entire post history is alt right, so post one message lol.

Why did you just delete your last comment, which I was in the middle of replying to? Damn, I lost it now. But ok, here is a comment which displays your thought process pretty clearly:

how is any of that alt right?

that post is me saying that incels are stupid for saying women should be sex slaves, because in such a society, rich men would just own all the women.

not sure how that's alt right, or why you're so retarded, but thats like the closest example you can find of me being "alt-right?". just admit you were wrong and stop this foolishness, seriously.

I'm not talking to you anymore because you keep deleting replies while I'm replying to them and that's fucking annoying because I'm not going to rewrite everything. But I mean

incels are stupid for saying women should be sex slaves

No one is debating that. Most people have reasons for why women shouldn't be sex-slaves that don't involve "uber-chads," or even take the distribution of pussy into consideration.

the logic incels have is that if women were sex slaves, they'd get laid more. i outlined how they would actually have LESS chance of getting laid, since in cultures where women are property, rich men horde them all.

i mean, the fact is morally wrong to enslave women should be a given, but i was just pointing out the faulty logic in their twisted desires.

either way, none of that has anything to do with alt-right politics, and that's the best example you could find, so it's time to admit you were wrong sweety.

i know that's hard to do, but it can't be harder than taking pizza's greasy willy into your body.

This is a VERY INTENSE MOGGING, seriously. We are DONE, son

you know, after talking to you for a while, it seems less impressive that pizza got himself a roastie. he obviously just slums it and dates total retards anyway.

Now i know you are 100% either a fat retard or an alt.

Not fat or an alt, only retarded over certain things.

You forgot fat.

I weigh 125 lbs and I'm 5'7" (ot but ps and I are a combined height of about 12' tall, mogging ~95% of couples) so no try another insult, I'm not fat.

Found the fatty!

In the mirror? (Literally why would you try to insult me on something I just explained doesn't apply? Might as well call me the n-word, see how effective it is)

No u

Nice comeback

Found the fatty!

In the mirror?

No u

Nice comeback

My sides

You're too rotound to have sides.

He does not look or seem 6’5” lol

Like 6'3" same diff.

he was he was 6'2 in the incel thread.

you need to get you and your alts together and get your story straight pizza.

lanklet prolly

So pizza is 5'2"?

So pizza is like 5'5"? Lmao

I am deeply shocked to hear about Slick Shilly's severe depression..

It's like a couple wisps of hair felt bad for him and decided to grow anyway.

Guaranteed his name irl is Rodney or Steve.


He's was more childish looking than I could have imagined.

He looks like a teenage Shia LaBeouf.

starting to think y'all ugly.


I was hoping he didn't require a shave to make him look older. How does that even work?

Can I show my face here too

Yea daddy πŸ˜©πŸ’¦

Pizzashill looks like that Freshman who gets picked on in school, so he hangs out with 7th and 8th graders who think he's all cool because he's in high school and has plenty of half-full cigarette butts his dad left in the ashtray next to the toilet.

Nice lips.



nice dsl

Wow, he's got his mugshot face on point.

hahaha how fucking forgettable are you u/pizzashill

lol, is pizza so dumb that he didn't realise being 6'2 is a massive benefit to getting roasties? i'm 6'1 and women literally say "oh i'm so glad your tall" when i meet them off dating sites.

He looks like a prepubescent Elon Musk got genetically and mentally spliced with Elliot Roger.

Also what the fuck is wrong with your nostrils? They look like two hare lips.

TIL /r/braincels are mostly short Indian men πŸ€”

Works out statistically, most of humanity is short Indian men.

if they are, then they really are incel tbh, cause every girl i've known who mentioned indian men literally said they were gross.

it never began for currycels πŸ˜”

/u/pizzashill wow it makes sense why you are a retarded leftist. You can never be successful in your life looking like a disgusting mutt. It feels so good knowing I'm way more attractive than you. Disgusting creature.


sorry for that. Got too angry. I love you bro. I think if you shaved you would look better, idk if you can grow a beard or not.


Pizza no matter what I love you despite all the hate 😘 πŸ•

It feels so good knowing I'm way more attractive than you.

prove it gayboi

That is a wispy thin mustache.

When an incel brags to the incels. He looks like the kid in school who bites girls arms

That's a type of guy?

That's oddly pacific.

Like the ocean?

He looks like the guy who sells you weed and tries to turn it into a social event and you have to just sit on his filthy couch surrounded by empty pizza boxes and Mountain Dew bottles while he weighs out your baggie as slowly as humanly possible.

Should have known he’d look like a sad little boy. Also nice facial hair lmao πŸ˜‚

looks exactly how i imagine a /r/drama user would look

my only advice to the dude is take care of the shit between his nose and lips and maybe take a pic from a better angle with better lighting next time and he’ll probably be a lightyear ahead

This is everything I would imagine it to be. Now imagine this kid with pubes for an upper lip smugly pretending to be an authority about politics. Memerson was right all along.

Memerson was right all along

Ugh that hurt to read.

So that's who is behind the screen, angrily clacking the keyboard, calling you mentally deficient because you disagreed with him about gas taxes or school lunch programs. Well I for one am humbled.

that, "mustache" is an absolute abomination

/u/pizzashill I can't grow good facial hair either buddy, just shave that shit.

I shave daily. Like holy shit, I take one picture in which I didn't shave for 2 days and you retards can't comprehend that's not how my facial hair looks 99% of the time.


I'm not happy though. I have severe depression. Still no reason to viciously attack someone that was never mean to you.

I want to make fun of this but I cant. Its just sad.

Charcoal spreadable men's face mask is 7.99$ at your local osco pharmacy please buy some

Thanks pizza for helping my self steem!

u/pizzashill my man wtf r u doin

oh... oh no....

FAS is truly a pandemic in our community

/u/pizzashill would bang.

u/Pizzashrill You need to post this in r/short too. Maybe they can learn something.

If you can't grow a beard or a moustache then don't fucking bother. It looks like someone glued pubes to your face.

Oh wow, he looks...exactly how I expected. Moving on.

Why isn;t this a stickied thread?