Drama in r/changemyview when a user compares gay people to people with Down syndrome.

50  2018-07-10 by Ghdust


Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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Good dude-bussy ! Lmao!


This, but unironically


Most people don’t want their kids to be gay because then they won’t have grandkids. I’m sure if they let me bitch about my retard grandkids for a half an hour that this stigma against bussy would finally end

That and it’s just a lot of shit to deal with. Kids are hard enough without the added element of different lifestyle choices

Kids aren’t hard to raise if you’re not retarded. They’re frustrating and take a lot of time but they’re not hard. Pat your kid on the head, pretend to be interested in shit they like once a month, and don’t hit them and you’re a model parent compared to most of these dipshits

r/drama reproducing


I think you're projecting a bit Ed.

i think


Yeah, that's a fact.

Ed is so retarded he would figure out how to reproduce asexually.

But as you can see then they raise retarded grandkids! Raising kids that don't do that is probably much harder (well, except if they are gay ofc).

lifestyle choices

lmfao, how's that fent treating you?

Taking the bait head on

Swallow like a good little bitch while you’re at it

jokes on u i was only pretending to be retarded

Meh I wanna as expecting someone else to take the bait but you’ll do I guess

Talk better


Dude bussy lmao

There’s nothing funny about sodomy, the Qawm Lut will be purged as with the “irony” of the kaffir.

At least downies don't have a flag, or a whole month, or a parade filled with naked people.

Honestly, most people I have met with Down's are happier with themselves than most of the queers I have met. Gays want "rights" and "equality", downies just want to color, eat chicken nuggets, and drool.

You have to go back.

To where?

It’s what people say on here when you post in a mean subreddit they don’t like >:( “haha Mayocide and Bussy!!! Oh no mean comments! You have to go back!!!!”

I only post here tho.

Then your comments have been deemed to mean. You should say Bussy a lot or what we these faggots around here have decided is allowed

you have to go back

To where>

there are many subs that will acomodate your alt right homophobic bussy hate. MDE is a great one, it's a sub for a failed comedy group that turned into an alt right hang out for some reason. lots of hating on the jews, lots of LARPing about how masculine they are, lots of hating gays and trannies, you'd love it.

the redpill maybe? they are also kinda alt right but mostly they just hate women and LARP about how they totally bang them all the time. not sure if they hate fags, but they are very try hard with attempting to appear manly all the time, so probably.

the donald is an easy one, i'm sure you know that one.

well there are at least 3 suggestions for subs that would suit you better than this one, don't let the door hit your bussy on the way out ! lmao !!!

ok fag


You're describing yourself as a vvvv good BOYE

This is true. MDE and Cringe Anarchy posters are happier with themselves than the rest of the Reddit population.

21 : 3

You've never talked to another person

Not true, I talked to your mom last night.

While that dude is crazy, I do thing it'd be interesting to know about what sexuality parents would choose for kids in a hypothetical world with designer babies.

Straight. Why would it be anything else?

Cause some people like to appear progressive.

Asexual. Less worrying about your kid getting knocked up.

Some people would leave it up to chance

Fuck that. If you had a choice between your kid being male or female, why would you choose female?

Idk, I've heard a lot of stupid Male southerners hope their daughters turn out to be lesbians...its got a weird incest vibe to it like they dont want any other dicks in their kid...its also attatched to their fantasy of their significant other hooking up with other women because it's not cheating...if their daughter only fucks women then she can never be a slut

i really want to post that copy pasta about having a daughter being the ultimate and final cuck, but i don't have it saved and i'm too lazy to hunt it down.

but just imagine that i did post it.

Why would it be anything else?

Current_Year intensifies

there's no benefit to choosing your kid being gay. Obviously they can't have children so no grandkids and they're also part of the sexual minority.

there might be preferential hiring, scholarships, grants.

Artificial insemination and donor wombs exist. It's more costly, but if you really want second-generation crotch fruit, there are ways for your faggots to produce grandkids.

My daddy saw a gay walking by us one day- a fag around my age. He was obviously gay because he was doing the stereotypical gay walk.

After my father realized that the homo wasn't doing the walk as a joke, the expression on his face turned pure disappointment- even I hadn't seen him disappointed that much.

Later that day he told me how these people (homos) should be able to seek medical help and therapy for their condition, if they ever wish so.

I can't even imagine how life would've been if I were into the bussy.

I wouldn't choose

It's an intersting point though. Lately there were some articles cheering on Island "eliminating" downy babies, but the reality is those babies were simply aborted at a 97% rate.

Now, imagine you could assess your child's sexuality with 100% accuracy in the womb. How many people would abort if they had the possibility?

I know I would. Can't let another 🤢cis🤢white🤢male🤢 in this world.

Flashing back to all those blog posts about women saying they'd abort if they had a male baby.

yeah and you get China and India with totally out of wack sex ratios. and we all know having a ton of single young men who can't get laid is just a wonderful thing for a society.

That's a good thing because

A) Manocide NOW.

B) Incels would cease to exist as woman would fight over men

Tbh the degenerate lifestyle of the gay community actually seems worse than the child-like innocence of downies.

Implying that straight guys wouldn't live a similar lifestyle if girls were more accepting of/into casual hookup as much as guys.

You do realize your comparison is on crutches... heck, it's primed for wheelchair...

ill put you on crutches

nah it's not. look at all the comments straight men constantly make on reddit, straight men are degenerate perverts. most of them just aren't hot enough or good enough with women to constantly have casual sex.

it's harder to be a degenerate as a straight dude than it is to be one as a fag, but the filthy desires of men are the same across all sexualities.


Well it would be more degenerate.

Implying that straight guys wouldn't live a similar lifestyle if girls were more accepting of/into casual hookup as much as guys.

Well someone's got to prevent the West from turning into The 120 Days of Sodom.

they really dont tbqhwyf

im ready for a massive intergalactic orgy

Thank you incel

He could but then he'd be a fag

I don't think the cousin-fucking mayo southerner would change his target demographics once females were "easy going".

Yes gay people live such happy fulfilling lives, that's why their STD rates, drug abuse rates, and alcoholism rates are through the roof.

Tbf, having sex while doing drugs and alcohol seem significantly more fun than doing none of those thing.

Wow people who have been stigmatized and oppressed while alive have issues leftover from that and all of the sudden letting them marry doesn't fix it huh


You can check my post history, no chapo lol

You can check my post history

I'd rather suck on a shotgun

Just admit you were wrong and can't identify a real centrist

much like Hitler, I did nothing wrong

centrists love the bussy fam.

stigmatized and oppressed while alive

ugh. the less stigmatized and oppressed they are, the worse they seem to become

Just like mayos. When left unchecked horrible things happen. We need an alien race to keep us in line

mayos are the gays of races


there is only one gender: the human gender!

ergo: trans don't real.

You forgot your QED

Maybe they’re just a bunch of fags you ever think about that?

Wow epic style

Imagine posting serious comments on a subreddit meant for literal retards and getting mad when faggy retards don’t play along lmao

Imagine being so unimaginative he thinks just posting facts to bussy blast alt righters is srs posting lmao

“Hahah I’ll say Bussy! It’s funny because people on this say it too!” - a fag (you)

Great argument.

im not arguing with you im just making fun of you

Oh no I'm so hurt you called me a fag Pls don't deport :(

Lmao fag


That argument is russell's teapot for queers.

Russell's teapot sounds like it was for queers anyways

Last time I checked homophobes get fired from their jobs and are metaphorically tarred and feathered. But please go on about gay oppression in 2018.

while alive

Hmmm I didn't seem to say 2018. In fact I seem to imply that there are 30-50 year old gays who have been genuinely opressed and attacked by society


implying that having constant sex, being drunk and on drugs all the time isn't fulfilling?

Yes dude, people who have many partners and abuse drugs and alcohol are always happy people, they never have emotional problems, nope never.

TIL all rock stars who do drugs and party and fuck hot girls all the time are just sad inside.


Wow I never knew /u/transexualwiener was a such a wise person. When I grow up, I hope I'll be as wise as you.

want some wisdom? drugs and sex are fun. everybody loves getting wasted and fucking hot people, literally everyone on the planet unless they are somehow fucked in the head.

people with intense emotional issues often seek escape through pleasure, and do it excessively. however that doesn't mean everyone who has casual sex or gets wasted is dead inside. lots of people are emotionally healthy and have sex cause it fucking feels good, and do drugs/drink/smoke weed cause it feels good.

you are projecting your sexual repression and conservative prudishness onto everyone else. maybe you're bitter you can't get laid so you convinced yourself casual sex is degenerate, idk, but it's not fooling anyone.

He's also a Psychologist! Truly a renaissance man.

i don't need a psychology degree to know that most prudes are sexually repressed. even studies show the most conservative american states have the highest rates of porn addiction. their sexual repression comes out in other unhealthy ways.

enlighten me my friend, for I am deebly confused. What is it that you mean by "sexually repressed"?

casual sex is a normal thing people with normal sex drives do when they are single. i like to fuck girls, if i don't have a girlfriend, i might try to fuck attractive women for fun.

getting drunk is something almost everyone does where i live, also everyone i know does drugs from time to time. these people are all sane, all have careers and shit, and lots of them are in relationships even.

if you think fucking strangers for fun and doing drugs makes someone mentally ill, you just don't live in the real world, and something is off about your upbringing or personality.

What is that you mean by normal? Normal sexual behavior today is different from normal sexual behavior 100 years ago, and it'll different in 100 years from today.

If you have the urge to do something should you always do it?

if you think fucking strangers for fun and doing drugs makes someone mentally ill, you just don't live in the real world, and something is off about your upbringing or personality.

It's the other way around. People who do drugs and have casual sex are compensating for something, in my view.

i'd wanting to fuck people just cause you're horny and they are hot was pretty much normal for humanity since the dawn of time. casual sex didn't just suddenly get invented in the 80s.

i'd say wanting to fuck people just cause you're horny and they are hot was pretty much normal for humanity since the dawn of time. casual sex didn't just suddenly get invented in the 80s.

There was a time in history when adult males would get horny and have sex with people who were of questionable age, and in the 60s and 70s there were some French philosophers who thought that sort of thing should be allowed in modern society. Is that normal?

what exactly is the danger of casual sex?

Maybe not casual sex in particular, but the principle of doing whatever your urges say seems a bit dangerous and anti social to me.

people in ancient times used to be pedos, so that means that adult men and women fucking for fun in the modern day is somehow wrong.

stellar logic.

Maybe not casual sex in particular, but the principle of doing whatever your urges say seems a bit dangerous and anti social to me.

you said that anyone who has casual sex PERIOD, had some kind of emotional issue. that's such a hilarious and sexually repressed sentiment it's not even funny.

people in older times used to be pedos, so that means that adult men and women fucking for fun in the modern day is somehow wrong.

No, im saying sexual urges shouldn't be the primary guide of your actions. Which is what you seem to be advocating here:

you said that anyone who has casual sex PERIOD, had some kind of emotional issue. that's such a hilarious and sexually repressed sentiment it's not even funny. it's literally the most basic and normal human function, it's called a sex drive.

Again, just because you have an urge to do something doesn't mean you should do it. Are people who are dieting repressed because they're stopping themselves from eating food when they're hungry? Are you repressing yourself when you stop playing video games to study for test?

No, im saying sexual urges shouldn't be the primary guide of your actions. Which is what you seem to be advocating here:

as long as those desires are for consenting adults, then it's fine. you have yet to name one logical reason why people should be avoiding casual sex or why it's harmful.

as long as those desires are for consenting adults, then it's fine.

Why adults? Remember normal people in the past didn't believe that, and neither did the french intellectuals.

you have yet to name one logical reason why people should be avoiding casual sex or why it's harmful.

If we're using an Atheistic and materialistic worldview like the one you believe in, there isn't, but the logical conclusion of that world view is that all sorts of degenerate things should also be allowed that you currently don't believe in, as pointed out by the aforementioned french intellectuals. Are willing to completely commit to that position? I sure wouldn't be.

Why adults? Remember normal people in the past didn't believe that, and neither did the french intellectuals.

why are you hellbent on comparing casual sex to pedophilia? this is honestly very strange.

why are you hellbent on comparing casual sex to pedophilia? this is honestly very strange.

and still, you've not provided one logical and sound reason why people should avoid casual sex at all costs.

I want to create a base so we can base all of our sexual ethics off of. If you can answer how your worldview objects to pedophilila we can move forward to talking about other things.

lol. obviously i object to pedophilia.

obviously i object to pedophilia.

I know you do.

i've already clearly stated that as long as sex is happening between CONSENTING ADULTS that i believe it's fine.

Why adults?

what the fuck, can we stop talking about pedophilia?

Answer the question. It should be very easy, Idk why you're struggling with this.

because it's unethical to fuck children, they can't consent, duh.

they can't consent

Says who? All humans are moral agents aren't they?

i'm not engaging in this convo anymore.

Because you're going to lose. It's only a matter of time before materialist liberals like you start to advocate for pedophile rights just like the French intellectuals did in the 60s.


You laugh. You wont be laughing when you're a 70 year old man wondering when it all went wrong.

this is honestly the most hilarious use of the slippery slope fallacy i've ever seen. like , just because adults have sex outside of relationships, that means in 40 years we'll all be fucking kids.

do you realise how insane you are?

this is honestly the most hilarious use of the slippery slope fallacy i've ever seen

It's not the slippery slope, it's reductio ad absurdum.

just because adults have sex outside of relationships, that means in 40 years we'll all be fucking kids.

Whenever I try to ask you why it won't you brush it off and pretend like you don't have to answer.

Reminds me of when LGBT say they don't have to be incest rights activists, when incestuous people use the SAME DAMN ARGUMENTS LGBT PEOPLE USED TO GET ACCEPTANCE.

you know, i'd like to know your beliefs on sex actually, they are likely far more interesting than my own. how do you think people should have sex? only in marriage? only in a committed relationship?

outline your views on the right and wrong use of sex for me. my views on sex are pretty fucking basic man, i like fucking girls, i don't have to be in a relationship to fuck them, sex is fun, as long as no one is hurt and they are all legal age it's all sunshine. that's it, that is where my beliefs end, nothing radical.

you seem pretty fucking far out there so lay your beliefs on me.

I don't really know what my beliefs are im still trying to figure it out, it be honest. What I do know is that the "le let everyone do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone" is really stupid and baseless, and ends with all sorts of debauchery becoming permissible.

Here's what I believe: that there is one correct way for humans to live their lives and there are several incorrect way for humans to live their lives. What that is i've yet to figure out. I leaning heavily towards Christianity or something similar like platonism or whatever im not sure yet.

you should just become a monk or something, give up sex and romance all together.

Sometimes I want to, but then I won't be able to watch this shitshow we call civil society fall apart and deteriorate into barbarity.

well you can just be an abstinent nofapper, yet remain in society and watch it all degenerate into pedophilia and murdering each other for fun.

seems pretty /comfy/ to me.

what do you jerk off to? i can't imagine you look at porn, i mean if people just fucking outside of relationships sets you off, watching girls who's job it is to be railed by black girls isn't ethical.

do you just stare at the ceiling?

TIL all rock stars who do drugs and party and fuck hot girls all the time are just sad inside.

have you listened to literally any rock star talk about their lives? or jesus just listen to the lyrics even, half the time it's about drug abuse or relationship troubles

everyone has relationship troubles, not just rock stars, relationships are shitty.

but no one here is going to convince me that fucking hot groupies and being constantly blitz wouldn't be bomb as fuck.

It's bad for you the same way too many calories is bad for you - it's a bad decision that historically only really privileged people got to make.

I thought you were a reformed chad..

That shit really inst fulfilling.

it's better than anything else life has to offer.

Advocating gussy slumming in MY drama!


Dude gussy lmao

They are, just not with the majority of men.

child-like innocence of downies.

Of course you would prefer the kids, pedo.

not a pedo, I'm only interested in teenage girls who are above the local age of consent

not a pedo

I'm only interested in teenage girls

MMmmh. 🤔

Not only teenage girls, also older ones but of the teenage girls only the ones over the age of consent

Also liking teens isn't pedo.

Also liking teens isn't pedo.

Surething pedo.

It's literally in the definition that teens aren't included.

Surething pedo


OP, that's not exactly what he did.

Comparison is apt.

Even in the movies and TV, parent first reaction to finding out about it can be interchanged in both cases.

Let alone the freakout in real life.

That's offensive, people with down syndrome are valuable and contribute to society.

Down syndrome people have more sex with women than incels do.

Do they?

rape is sex right?

if you believe in evolution then you see being gay as a serious abnormality

if you don’t believe in evolution well you probably think gender is a social construct

but master told you that l'evolution was le chinese hoax.

cool my own Reddit stalker!

why isn't it doing copy paste

did it get lonely and desperately run here to keep it going.

oh no. it thinks we're friends.

awww. it remembered.

master is awake and tweeting btw

what master say

if you believe in evolution then you see being gay as a serious abnormality

Lol are you in middle school? It's not that fucking simple you bitch.

there’s zero hard evidence it’s more complex

You're really fucking stupid