Noted koopa, amber frost of Chapo single-handedly causes the DSA Retard Caucus to collapse

76  2018-07-10 by jetblackjelly


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what does chapo have to do with this?

Yeah I am also confused. There is drama backstory missing

IIRC she organized some door to door drive for the dsa, and these idiots asked if there was something for them to do and she gave them alternative options as it's not always feasible for people in wheelchairs to go door to door. That wasn't enough for these dweebs so they bitched and moaned to the point it got cancelled. They continued to get snarky to Amber who her credit didn't really take their shit because they were a bunch of whiners. She also did this which is kind of funny

that screenshot lmfaooo

Amber is a chapo host...

I know what does Amber have to do with this particular situation. I know she's a member of DSA, but did she cause this shut down? Is she a leader in the party?

She's a prominent member of the DSA and has been for quite some years, here she is leading a march on the first day of OWS.

She also has the power to deflect the attacks of idpolers as she has the blood of the Great Khan flowing through her veins.

Does anybody know what her actual ancestry is? She's talked about her family being fairly poorish Appalachians on the show, at least in part, but from the looks of her I suspect there's more than just good ol' Scotch-Irish genes at play.

Definitely inbred scots irish

This is a continuation of this awesomeness!

So in May the DSA DWG (Disabilities Working Group) managed to shut down the DSA Medicare for All canvassing day with a harassment campaign. Talk about shooting themselves in the foot!

And now apparently the counter harassment campaign forced the DSA DWG to shut down!

There are few things more hilarious than retarded left eating itself, especially when they are actually literally retarded lol.

This was an interesting story, I remember. At least Amber was smart enough and self aware enough to realize what a shit show pet community projects can be when it's swarmed by moralistic megalomaniacs. Anyone who calls themself an "organizer" today should contact their nearest OSHA office to inquire about the next seminar offered on maintaining personal safety.

u/guccibananabricks is ur time 2 shine:

Here's an annotated summary of the extended slapfight between the DWG and id-pol elements of the DSA and Amber Frost/Chapo/anti-idpol DSA people, which Gucci and some other people compiled over at r/stupidpol, which is basically the meta-sub for Chapo people who want to complain about extreme morons on the main Chapo sub and also elsewhere in left-of-center politics.

Wew lad the whole situation was even worse than I thought. At what point do any of those groups... you know, do work? Its like they exist just to throw rocks at each other. Thanks for the link

the work is 90% acting like a loopy hellride

Offline DSA is in the midst of a civil war between relatively normal people and idpol freaks. In most chapters the normal people have been winning, NYC is one of the holdouts where the idpol freaks are still very vocal

I don't think OSHA is prepared to deal with murderous psychos driving alt-blight mobiles into crowds.

By the way, one of the committee helpfully posted a doc with chapotraps making fun of them, I enjoyed reading the linked threads:

why am i blocked by this person

Because you are an alt right ableist obviously!

Here's a direct link to the doc:, enjoy!

who the hell would take the time to make this

None of the resigned leaders of DWG are physically disabled, so...

wait seriously

from the medium article I was under the impression they were wheelchair bound

No, it was mentioned somewhere that they personally would have no problems going up the stairs.

thats because youre still foolishly assuming some level of good faith. they got offended on behalf of a hypothetical wheelchair-bound person who doesnt actually exist

the same people who think socialism is the answer to all ills?

They probably use an automatic blocking script that also blocks followers of blocked people.

lol what a maroon, that guy makes "Gay Communism is Good" button

i guess he forgot to add "at the Gulag"

Autistic queer marxist, talk about being redundant.

Those fat titties can not be stopped

Point me to the mentioned fat tiddies, son.

lets just say they're more like conceptual fat titties

So... Not fat tiddies at all.

yep its more of a meme. in reality she is just a flat chested koopa kid looking bitch, who gets paid like 6 figures just so Chapo Trap House can say they aren't all white men on the podcast, despite her not appearing on most episodes

But guuuuuuuys they are the dirtbag left . They don't get bothered in futile exercise of liberal for reals , workers of the world, leave your problematic behavior and join us!

This isn't a good example for arguing that Chapo isn't dirtbag left when they managed to harass the idpol lefties into dissolving their retard brigade.

Wait...hasn't the DSA grown as fuck thanks to the show? I assumed that being leftist r/chapotraphouse was the memepodcast of the DSA

They've helped grow the DSA, but to their credit the chapo idiots have fought back against the purity testers who got bootyblasted because a door to door campaign wasn't accessible enough for disabled people.

Good for them! It's moving to see people not being completely retarded always.

I think some leftists hate Chapo for being problematic


I certainly do.

Ha, ha!

Lol leftists

Position your main boyoyoyong.

What the fuck is a "koopa?" I only know them as the turtles in Super Mario.

Why all do these people write in such a stilted manner?

They have to be careful to avoid being problematic

F35s, Imperialist Wars for Other Peoples' Property and Full Metal Patriotism = Democratic State Department Socialists of America.

I just went on an hour long deep dive into these freaks. Iā€™m out on the other side feeling a lot more pessimistic about humanity

DWG resigned! šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‚