Wicca retards reeeeee about normies. Imagine not having magic powers in 2018, SMDH

143  2018-07-10 by QueenOfTheIncels


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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/u/ngunn86 Can you do a magical spell to turn Snappy into a real boy?

He's real if you believe he is.

I'm glad you all get some sense of joy out of reading this. I'm sure we look ridiculous to outsiders - there's lots of symbolism and metaphors being used, but I'm not afraid to admit if you don't understand the language it seems absolutely ridiculous. I'm happy to answer any questions someone may have.

Why doesn't my dad love me?

He's real if you believe he is.

If he can't post bussy he's not real :-(

I'm glad you all get some sense of joy out of reading this.


I'm sure we look ridiculous to outsiders - there's lots of symbolism and metaphors being used, but I'm not afraid to admit if you don't understand the language it seems absolutely ridiculous.

I don't think it's a language barrier responsible for making you look ridiculous famalam

I'm happy to answer any questions someone may have.

Okay, sure, is this a fun LARP or are you actually fucking retarded?

I don't think it's a language barrier responsible for making you look ridiculous famalam

I'm happy to look ridiculous. I happen to not be one of the spell casty people on that forum - to me Occult is just philosophical study. I read lots of old books, and find spiritual understanding by seeing how the same concept was talked about in different spiritual traditions.

Its kind of like self psychology - learn to master your own thoughts so you stop useless worrying, and self defeating thoughts holding you back in your life.

Okay, sure, is this a fun LARP or are you actually fucking retarded?

Magic is just prayer with props. Besides, is any religion a fun LARP or just fucking retarded? Maybe a little of both. I'm a very spiritual person - I also sing in a church choir, and go visit little old ladies in nursing homes and co minister a worship service for them each week. This is just another level of my spirituality.

So... You basically see occult as Jungian?

What's wrong with a little self psychology?

All religion is fucking retarded.

Some of it is a fun LARP, but it's still retarded.

Its almost entirely ridiculous if you take it literally.

So why not take it with a huge grain of salt, and use the metaphors to help you understand some stuff in your own experience, and how to make your life better?

Because it's still a massive retard festival.

I don't need to pay thousands of dollars and read dozens of books on dieting to know I need to eat less fucking cookies either.

Look at this dork still trapped on the material plane by spending money.

How do I get a Japanese gf

How do invite mailer daemon to sex?

TIL Snappy is a demon

/u/sageredwood - Can you teach me a magic spell that will help me summon bussy?

I heard something about chanting "loosey bussy" in the mirror then getting an /r/drama post to 5000 upvotes.

You know, you could be the next mod to offer this.

With or without the fursuit?

If you're not wearing the Fursuit, u/SnallyGaster won't even care.

It takes a while though.

/u/sageredwood have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


Trigger warning, I'm about to get mean.

You got-dang kids new to get your heads out of you got-dang asses!

/u/sageredwood you gotta add spoiler tags to your trigger warnings. I glanced down and saw the profanity accidentally, and am now scarred.

Questions like:

  • How do I summon Demons?
  • How do I use magick to make someone love me?
  • Can magick make you high?
  • Will I talk to spirits if I take drugs?

If I can't use magic to make u/QueenoftheIncels love me, than was use of it is it even to me!?!??? My romantic date night idea of having a demon Butler serving us after I seduce her magically, followed by us getting high on magical marijuana is ruined!

You're totally right. The thing is that people who make these questions are so immature, selfish and ego centered that they will continue to post questions like this.

/u/AquarianMoon8th Please help, the immature, selfish and ego centered /u/SAC-Lawn_Gnome is trying to use demon magic to make me his magical roastie sex slave, I need you to summon a bigger demon so I can turn the tables and transform him into /u/pizzashill's waifu pillow, give him a taste of his own medicine, ya feel me?

You fool, getting you to transform me into u/Pizzashill's Waifu Pillow was my plan all along! *manical laughter

When entering into a relationship with a magically coerced sex slave, don't forget to bring a condom.

Kinky 😏

I don't know any magic to make a sex slave, but you can visualize your desires.

If I can't use magic to make u/QueenoftheIncels love me

> picking u/QueenoftheIncels over u/normie_girl

I find u/Normie_Girl's enormous penis too intimidating πŸ˜”


Can you transform me into TayTay?

Sorry, not today.

But like theoretically, if I get enough mana, can I become taytay? This is always been my dream so I'm willing to dedicate years to learning magick if need be.

Sorry bro, Tat-tay is a no-way.

Wtf I hate magick now. I hope Allah punishes you all for this sin.

Y'all can try.

you know I really want to retool my gamergate pasta for wicca but I just don't have it in me.

Eating a 1/4 of mushrooms at age 14 and seeing 2 hours into the future shaped my views on time not being cyclical. I'm 43 now, not sure if I would have arrived at that theory without the shrooms.

/u/aka_defocus has a lot of pasta potential tbh

Is this what they mean about drugs ruining your life?

Yeah, and I've been told explicitly by a DMT being never to do DMT again. I did it an hour later and it told me it was just kidding.

You don't want to end up like u/thepsychoshaman, where you don't even listen to your DMT beings anymore.

It's a dark place, admitting that your DMT beings are part of your brain. Stay in school.

More like, drugs ruining your ability to chill.

Possibly, I'm director for a health care corporation.

food addicts, animal hoarders or anime collectors

ΰΌΌ ぀ β—•_ β—• ༽぀ DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ΰΌΌ ぀ β—•_ β—• ༽぀

They targeted Wiccans.


We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than literally nothing saying we did....

I really want this audiobook.

Honestly, why didn't u/sageredwood just cast a spell to make these people go away?

Also, lol at calling their hocus pocus a loaded gun. If magic was real, science would have covered that shit long ago. Also youtube

/u/sageredwood is 29 years old and thinks he has magic powers

Millennials were such a mistake

Everyone knows you need to be 30 to become a wizard!

Lvl 30 spells or gtfo. What do you think this is, fireball casting for idiots?

I cast magic missile at the ghetto

I'm lvl 33 and have +2 grumpiness -2 knee pain and +10 in alcoholism.

... I think I need a reroll.

Check out his r4r

I hope this bigboi finds the love that he apparently can't summon with magic

Careful, he might curse you lmao

Height 5:10 Weight 230 (I work out regularly if that helps, but yes I can stand to loose weight)

I received a number of PM's last time I ran this from a lot of women, many of which were even close enough to meet. Some were very nice but things just didn't work out, you ladies know who you are and what I'm about to say ins't about you. However, I feel that some of you may need to have this clearly explained.

I'm not your @#$\%ing freak, OK. when I post on r4r, I don't want PMs from weirdos that assume I'm down for all kinds of weird, @#$Sed up, high risk sexual or illegal behavior just because I practice a strange religion.

LMFAO sorry the roasties wanted you to be their tubby gimp, /u/sageredwood

Well, at least I'm not an Incel. I may be frustrated with my R4R results but at least I can say I turned more sexual partners down than you ever had.

I'm not an incel, I am woman who they regard as their queen and I am a cruel, tyrannical dictator

I may be frustrated with my R4R results but at least I can say I turned more sexual partners down than you ever had

LOL, yeah famalam, I might not be Shakira over here, but I'm pretty sure I'm doing better romantically than a fat manchild who thinks he has magic powers

Your username would suggest otherwise, and I mean, shit dude you asked earlier today if I could cast a spell to get you boi pussy. I doesn't get more desperate than that does it?

Look, you're clearly going through my post history trying to insult me. It's honestly as funny as it is sad. Don't get me wrong I find the attention faltering, but I can't help but feel that an Incel might be able to be more productive with their time.

You might consider me "a fat manchild who thinks he has magic powers" and that's fine, you go ahead. I'm still going to the gym, I'm still meeting people, and I'm still living a happier life than you.

Hey, I tell you what. I like people that make me laugh. If you ever want to go the gym and improve yourself, maybe quit the whole Incel thing, I will wing man for you. All the people I meet are into the occult, and some of them are kind of crazy, but hey you got to start somewhere right?

Dude, don’t let these assholes get to you. Neville from Harry Potter grew up into a pretty handsome feller, and he was a fat wizard too. After high school, things will get better.

Neville is best boi.

Your username would suggest otherwise

I'm not an incel, I am woman who they regard as their queen


The name suggests exactly what I said it did

and I mean, shit dude you asked earlier today if I could cast a spell to get you boi pussy

Women can like bussy, it's 2018, don't kinkshame

It doesn't get more desperate than that does it?

Bussy is the best hole one can find on a human body, fuck yeah I'm desperate for it, make with the magic, Hefty Potter

Don't get me wrong I find the attention faltering

You should summon a dictionary demon, because I don't think that's the word you wanted

You might consider me "a fat manchild who thinks he has magic powers" and that's fine, you go ahead

Okay I will

I'm still going to the gym, I'm still meeting people, and I'm still living a happier life than you.

You're a 30-year-old man who thinks he has magic powers and tries to find girlfriends on Reddit

If you ever want to go the gym and improve yourself, maybe quit the whole Incel thing

Not until I conquer them and make them my eunuch slaves

I will wing man for you.

No thank you

All the people I meet are into the occult, and some of them are kind of crazy, but hey you got to start somewhere right?

Nah fam I'm square


You got me, I made a typo.

You're a 30-year-old man who thinks he has magic powers and tries to find girlfriends on Reddit

I try to find girlfriends everywhere, not just Reddit.

Not until I conquer them and make them my eunuch slaves

Ok, if you want to be the women who collects Incels like their pokemon, be my guest. If you can't do any better than that I suppose it's at least better then growing old with nothing but dildos, cats, and your tears.

I'm square

I'm square too, but I can at least lift the women I meet. I'll be a triangle eventually. Seriously if you're still square I would stop shit posting and go to the gym. I'm improved my life and attitude a lot. Hey, maybe you can do better then friend zoned Incels if you work out, just a thought.

Ok, if you want to be the women who collects Incels like their pokemon, be my guest

ZOMG hashtag goals

If you can't do any better than that I suppose it's at least better then growing old with nothing but dildos, cats, and your tears

Nah fam /r/TrollXChromosomes is thatta way

I'm square too, but I can at least lift the women I meet. I'll be a triangle eventually. Seriously if you're still square I would stop shit posting and go to the gym.

Jesus fucking Christ. "I'm square" means "I'm good." Mayos are the fucking worst. Cancel yourself, white boy.


I'm improved my life and attitude a lot.

I love getting preached to about health and fitness by a fat person who's still fat but "making progress."

Maybe if you stayed away from Mayo you wouldn't be desperate to get Incel bussy. I mean really you're too damn thirsty for those Incel bois. Incel's by the way, have got to be the world most low effort fuck... it's kind of pathetic.

I know you don't mean to hurt me darling, it's just an outlet for your sexual frustrations.

Maybe if you stayed away from Mayo

Yeah I'm 230 right now and my target weight is 210. I started training like 2 years ago

Maybe if you stayed away from mayo you would have lost more than 20 pounds in the past two years

Well, I kept the weight off at least :)
But, hey feel free to give me any advice you want about weight management.

I love getting preached to about health and fitness by a fat person who's still fat but "making progress." "not making progress."

You have a BMI of 33 which is obese. So you mean to tell me that you have magic powers but you can't abracadabra away your man tiddies and lose more that a sad 20 pounds in two years off an obese frame?

Lol, You got out a calculator just for me. How thoughtful.

Well I will answer your question as best I can.

  1. I'm doing a lot of weight training and I have been working on improving my dead lift weight specifically. Unfortunately, improving this sometimes requires me to increase the calories in my diet. It would have been more efficient to loose the fat first and add the muscle after. I'm working out how I want and I'm happy with the results so far. Thanks for asking.
  2. Too much mayo.

I'm doing a lot of weight training and I have been working on improving my dead lift weight specifically

Not an excuse for still being obese

Unfortunately, improving this sometimes requires me to increase the calories in my diet.

No, it fucking doesn't, this is fat people logic. You are obese. There is nothing you could do that would make you need to add more calories to your diet.

It would have been more efficient to loose the fat first and add the muscle after.

Yes, so that's what you should have done, but you didn't, because you're a witchy boi who's apparently capable of magic, except the sorcery required to not shove fast food down your maw

I'm working out how I want and I'm happy with the results so far.

You go girl

Too much mayo.

Yeah I'll say




Man, all you do is quote me and make snarky little comments. That's been the point of this entire post.

Do you even have original thoughts? I'm starting to think that you don't. I've gone into your post history and your top post has only 153 up-votes. This post will catch up to it soon. I hope it become's your most up-voted post just so I can have the satisfaction of knowing you can't accomplish very much on your own.

Also, if you're trying to insult me your really bad at it. I don't know if you have noticed but you're agreeing with me about half the time, especially on the last comment. I mean really, you gave up on calling me a retard and you're now calling me fat. I'm sure you will think of something next, but not without going though my post history first for "inspiration"

Man, all you do is quote me and make snarky little comments. That's been the point of this entire post.

That's the point of this entire sub nigga

Do you even have original thoughts? I'm starting to think that you don't. I've gone into your post history and your top post has only 153 up-votes.

Oh no how will I find true love on /r/r4r with such disappointing karma

Also, if you're trying to insult me your really bad at it.

I got you to seriouspost, so my work here is done

Oh, I take off the kid gloves and just like that you're done. Ok have it your way, you can't think of anything on your own so I guess this is the best we can hope for out of you.

My serious post was the one you ripped off. I'm still laughing.

Holy shit you're the most obnoxious person I've seen on Reddit. This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact you believe in magic and everything to do with you being a snide cunt.

Lol, dude chill.

You guys decided to post about me and drop my user name in the comments so they would be sent to my inbox.

You bet I'm being the snideyist of cunts over this. I can't let you guys have all the fun without me.

Yeah it's hilarious how you get assblasted about minuscule points that mean absolutely nothing in the short term, let alone long term.

Is this...the power...of hermeticism?


I'm just feeding trolls while stuck at work bored out of my skull. Can't say it's anything more than that.

Besides, QueenOfTheIncels is desperate for bussy, her words not mine. So the ass blasting is doing her a favor right? I'm just paying it forward my good man. One lol for another.

You should summon a dictionary demon, because I don't think that's the word you wanted


Make with the magic, Hefty Potter


Don't get me wrong I find the attention faltering

You should summon a dictionary demon, because I don't think that's the word you wanted

I think he meant fattening. He finds the attention fattening.

(Because he is fat.)

post lewds

Chubby bois need lovin' too.

More cushion for the pushin'.

OMG brutal. Yeah I'm 230 right now and my target weight is 210. I started training like 2 years ago when I was a 250 butter ball. I enjoy weight lifting far more than running, so my wight has plateaued for the last 6 months. It isn't all bad; my dead lift keeps improving and I'm at least at the point where I'm turning the girls down for a change lol. Love the meme by the way.

Unless you're absolutely shredded, 5'10" and 210 is still too hefty, friendo. Aim, erhm, lower.

I'm training to add muscle, so yes 210 is accurate. I was authentic all through out college and got my weight down to 180 only to get into a friend's weight class. I'm a heavy weight that is just how I'm built.

What are your maxes?

I'm a heavy weight that is just how I'm built.



I never said I wasn't fat. You can be both big boned and fat.

you know most of those PMs were from dudes trolling you right?

You know this reply is from a dude trolling me right?

holy fucking shit that is just begging to be a pasta

I know I was

This is as good a post as any to agendapost in, so here's my take on it. Science is magic, and vice versa.

Its just different ways of talking about the same thing. 'Magic' is just metaphor. If you get hung up on the supernatural shit, you can easily miss what they are trying to teach. After all, the name (Occult) literally means hidden, they are trying to hide the true meaning in metaphor.

I don't believe that there is such a thing as supernatural, its just very colorful and memorable language used to describe very natural things.

I don't believe that there is such a thing as supernatural, its just very colorful and memorable language used to describe very natural things.

I get that, guy, but the thing is that you seem to be the minority in that crowd

Again - I'm glad you're having fun with this! If you are just looking for the ridiculousness, that is what you will find. I'll be the first to admit there seems to be an abundant amount of that on r/occult.

There are lots of people posting on there who meet all the stereotypes in this thread. There is a small, but vocal, minority on that forum that often tries to steer some of these lost souls, the kids who want to summon a demon etc, toward a more healthy and fulfilling spirituality.

Retarded 14 year olds asking how to jump to a dimension where they have a 6 inch dick killed dimensionaljumping, now retarded 14 year olds being raped by succubussies they summoned will kill /r/occult.

If you're role playing, better roll for initiative.

After all, the name (Occult) literally means hidden, they are trying to hide the true meaning in metaphor.

And the point of that is ... so that you can laugh at all the people who think you aren't speaking metaphorically? The occult is really just a giant drama factory? Praise Seitan!

I love seitan

The point of that is the people who used to study this stuff ended up on the fiery end of a stick, so they hid what they were saying in symbolism. Most people still believe the bullshit that was said to justify burning people, instead of asking why the authorities were trying to suppress them.

Why were the authorities trying to suppress them. Let's hear it.

That you have the power to control your thoughts, and experiences.

What controls a thought?

They feared what they didn't understand. Why do you think witch burnings (although most witches burnt were random women) were a thing?

You're not wrong, but this audience will never understand this comment. They don't know what a Grimorie is, or who Solomon was.

That's why I'm trying to reach them with some meme magic.

Bitch nigga don't underestimate me I have read a dozen introductions to wikipedia articles on occultism

Eww meme magic. Nerd shit alert.

dude, wicca is like 80 years old, knock it off with the ancient mystery. it's at least get into some Golden Dawn OTO shit nowhamsayin?

I never identified as Wiccan in this thread, and I don't claim to be.

the name (((Occult literally means hidden)))

you guys get it?

I know; call demons mental constructs if you want to, it makes little difference if you're evoking Asmodeus or externalising your mental state by seeing shapes in candle flames.

What's the scientific version of demons and tulpas?

A demon may be understood as the thing in your own head preventing you from reaching your desires.

Philosophy isn't science.

Of course it isn't. It is just a different way of trying to understand the nature of the Universe.

But psychology is.

That's arguable.

People in the thread were literally talking about summoning demons though. Carl Jung's ideas may have validity, but there is just no evidence in any sense that the demons they are referring to exist.

I'll be real here for a moment: I don't really jive with those people. I think they are very hurt, and the Demons they are seeing are manifestations of nasty parts of themselves. Basically: the demons are exactly as real as they believe them to be. Of course, this is true of a lot of things...

I feel like that could be said of the entirety of the occult community though. If you "cast" a love spell and subconsciously influence yourself into being more outgoing or confident then you could say that the spell worked. I wouldn't consider that to be an example of magic existing though.

You are absolutely on to something there. This is absolutely a way to shape your subconscious, and nudge yourself into action. I don't think this is the place to get into a philosophical debate, however.

Most people sit around memeing on the internet, and feel depressed because their life is going nowhere - why not use some mental (spiritual) tricks to get your ass moving in the right direction? I'll just say this: if it's bullshit, and it works, is it really bullshit?

so if none of the supernatural aspects of the occult are real, and it's all just placebos that make you more confident or other shit, why even bother with it?

it's really just a huge over complicated mess if all it is, is just shaping how you think through feel good ritual placebo, wouldn't you say?

If you study a painting of a mountain - its not REALLY a mountain. It represents a mountain, but it's just a bunch of pigment speared on canvas. But you look at the painting because it's beautiful, and the actual mountain isn't actually visible at the moment.

You could analyse the painting with a mass spectrometer (a scientific method) and find that it is 40% hydrogen, 20% carbon, 15% oxygen, and other trace elements. This is an absolutely true fact about what it is you are really looking at, but how useful is it to you, really?

I study the Occult, in a similar way that people study Art. The thing it represents is a thing a beauty, if you can get around the fact its just pigment speared on canvas.

that was a bunch of gibberish that didn't remotely even answer my question.

if it's bullshit and it works, is it really bullshit?

Yes it 100% is. I get that you're not actually trying to hurt anybody, but if I sold bullsit cancer pills to somebody who recovered from the cancer that wouldn't make my bullshit pills any sort of cure-all.

I'm not trying to sell cancer pills. I do believe that if done correctly this, like any spiritual path, can lead to very real healing. The healing may be psychological, but that's real and helpful too.

Say a prayer, AND take a pill. If one doesn't work, the other will.

Psychology. It's all in your head/subjective reality.

Science is magic

Except they won't let you publish papers about "thaumaturgic approaches to curing cancer".

This is unironically because of superstitious scientists.

Perl and the Key of Solomon are nigh indistinguishable.

What's JS?

Don't speak that name in this holy place.


I recommend getting a match and some tinder.

Unix but reimplemented in JS.

Praise be!


you don't get how these spiritual retards think. they believe in vast conspiracies involving evil cults running the world, and that's why science doesn't tell people that magic and super powers are real.

Are they the ones who go on about lizard people?

that is a common one. david icke is a popular spiritual "guru" type who does seminars around the world. he believes the world is owned by shape shifting reptilians, and that the moon is actually a giant hollow space station where their base is.

all politicians and world leaders are just reptilians in disguise as humans, and they collectively manipulate reality to make sure people don't know about their inherent supernatural abilities. that's one theory, there are many more, like the world being run by satan worshiping cult leaders, or the illuminati, who have secret occult knowledge but fight to make sure humanity doesn't know it exists.

Thank the world for crazy people, they make for good amusement

my who i previously mentioned believes that aliens are going to come to society, and take all those who are worthy to another dimension. she literally broke up with me because she believed she had to have no earthly attachments otherwise she can't go with them.

she even quit her job and let the lease run out on her apartment, since she believes this is happening in the next few months. i just went on a date with a girl who believed that satan was ruining her life because she started going back to church, and the devil didn't like it.

idk why the fuck i'm a magnet for these fucking whackos, but i've met so many of these people that i know all of the most whacky beliefs off by heart.

I have dated some crazy girls, but damn, you have me beat by a mile

Meme magic brought us donald trump and need it, what can wiccans offer?

You jest, but one of them is a Daddy lover

/u/pmmeyourproblemsolva Can you use magic to make Daddy president forever?

Congratulations, you have been selected as a finalist for the Biggest Loser on Reddit reward. You have met the criteria.

1) Taking shit out of context.

2) Not understanding the situation.

3) Belittling people who think differently than you.

4) Being a karma seeking loser.

Please submit any additional reasons you would like be selected as a loser to the current responder.

For additional information please see:

Congratulations, you have been selected as a finalist for the Biggest Loser on Reddit reward. You have met the criteria.

1) Taking shit out of context.

2) Not understanding the situation.

3) Belittling people who think differently than you.

4) Being a karma seeking loser.

5) Pretending like getting a response from a normal reasonable person is a successful troll.

6) Using the term "daddy" to describe the rightfully selected POTUS, like you should, you cucked ass loser.

Please submit any additional reasons you would like be selected as a loser to the current responder.

Don't worry man, some day you'll be old enough to drive and you can put all this 12 year old immature drama behind you. I mean, I assume you are 12, please tell me you're not a grown ass adult stuck in JR high mode.

please tell me you're not a grown ass adult stuck in JR high mode

Said the guy who thinks he's a magical witch

Again, I never said anything like that, I'm not sure what part of your head is so broken you managed to come up with that while scouring other people's comment histories to see if anyone supported the rightfully elected president. Fuck off retard, even as a troll you fail, pathetic.

I'd pursue this further but I've moved on to /u/mukumukum, Blessed Be

That's okay, you're not worth my time, or anyone else's for that matter. Try not to shoot up a sorority when you finally snap.

Lol imagine being this unironically bussyblasted πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Imagine being such a fucking loser you think that's an insult. Sorry dude, got a life besides the internet to live, no idea what a bussy is, probably don't need to know, get real pussy don't need bussy.

So we can thank Wicca for getting rid of Scott Pruitt?

Its hard to understand divine intervention.

The real magic is your endless supply of image macros.

I'm working overtime here, but i'm starting to run on fumes.

I <3 you

Skeletons aren't evil, you fucking tissue-ist.

Guilty as charged.

I understand how someone believes in god because of childhood indoctrination but how does someone start believing this shit? Have to be a special kind of retard.

People want to believe that everyone else is normal and that they're special. Most people grow out of this around 15-20, retards stick with it for the rest of their lives.


i've known lots of these kinda people. most of them are mentally ill, or have experienced massive trauma to the point of needing their entire life to be a fantasy LARP so they can escape the horrors of the real world.

my ex gf used to be sane and normal (somewhat), till she experienced two deaths of people close to her, and now she believes in whacky new age shit and all kinds of nonsense. she believes she will ascend quite literally into another dimension in the next few months. it's because she couldn't deal with the trauma she suffered and needed the world to feel like a magical place where she is in total control, and she's special and going to be protected and allowed to go to a better dimension that isn't this horrible world that gave her nothing but suffering.

it's kinda sad really , but these kinds of people are just fucked forever.

That subreddit is going to get people killed. Do the admins not care that demon-mongering is going on right under their noses?

  • How do I summon Demons?

You don't, they don't exist. Stop being such idiots.

  • How do I use magick to make someone love me?

You don't, nobody ever will until you stop being an idiot and maybe hit the gym and/or turn 12

  • Can magick make you high?

Sorry, only autistic.

  • Will I talk to spirits if I take drugs?

Sure, you can also talk to animals, doornobs, and that old penthouse magazine you're hiding under your bed.

/u/sageredwood Don't take this lying down, turn him into a frog!

How about some meme magic?

tell me more about the talking penthouse magazines.

These people seem mentally ill

nah. look at the way that OP is written. they're not mentally ill, just teenagers/preteen girls.

The OP is 29 and people replying have admitted to being as old as 43.

teenagers constantly lie.

Yeah but the cool age to lie to be is early to mid twenties not 43.

Questions like: *How do I summon Demons? *How do I use magick to make someone love me? *Can magick make you high? *Will I talk to spirits if I take drugs?

Somebody's no fun..

I feel that I'm special, and have a magical gift. can you please help me develop this super special awesome magical talent? I need this awesome cool spirit power by like sometime next week, but my friends and I are going to the beach later so I can't spend too much time working on this, K Great :)

Lol, dumb fucking goyim.

u/sageredwood: Prove to me that β€œthe occult is dangerous”. I think you’re a delusional little fancypants LARPing in the forest in a robe. See? I clearly have a negative aura, am a psychic vampire, and you need to cleanse your spirit of my evil. Put a curse on me. Ruin my sexual organs with your powerful salves and ointments. I dare you.

Be a real witch. Not a little bitch.

What do you consider proof?

Something other than the bad fiction make-believe you were planning on providing.

Well that's not very specific?

A real, confident Alpha Chad Warlock would never put a question mark on the end of a statement.

Sorry I'm not Chad Danger Thundercock. Better luck next time buddy. I sure you find one someday.

practicing witchcraft in 2018

not even knowing the basic Thundercock spell


I know, aren't I just the worst?



Something that is testable and repeatable

I think you already have a curse on yourself - you seem to feel the need to cover your own insecurities by shitting on others.

/u/sageredwood has found a spiritual path that helps them find meaning in a chaotic universe. You found a forum to shit on others joy. Who's the asshole?

Who’s the asshole?


Who did I shit on exactly? I've enjoyed this post quite a bit so far.

witch do you even know where you is?

Yes, I know where I is.

dass good

Who's the asshole?


That gay meme has nothing to do with the retardation that is /u/pizzashill, dumbass

Sorry, I'm running out of meme finding juice.

Cool, I've been shit posted. I have enjoyed many shit post and troll post on Reddit, so I suppose it's finally my turn; might as well make the most of it.
Let me address a few things.

  • I'm not Wiccan, and I never claimed that I was. I practice Hermeticism. Y'all can lol till you're blue in the face, just try to lol at the right religion.
  • I don't have anything against "normies" or new practitioners. I was frustrated with a long string of meeting new occultist and then watching them bite of more then they can chew. They would typically end up really messing their life up or just burning out and giving up. I get that my post comes off as a rant.

Now I want to address a few questions in the comments.
u/BIknkbtKitNwniS, you asked,

I understand how someone believes in god because of childhood indoctrination but how does someone start believing this shit? Have to be a special kind of retard.

Well, to answer you're question, I was exposed to alot Hermetic, Wiccan, and Gnostic text while studying and categorizing legends and folklore as part of a university course. I began practicing and eventually converted. You're still free to think I'm a retard, however I at least want to make it clear that these religions have as much history and tradition as more well established and mainstream religions.
U/QueenOfTheIncels, Sorry, I have no way of turning anyone into a frog or summoning bussy. You're on your own for know. If I find something I will let you know.
Well have fun everyone. Best Regards, Sage Redwood

been shit posted

what magical spell stops people from making up stupid fucking past participles

your replies from /r/drama will only get meaner from here

All good fun to me.

i mean, you say that

Hey man, I already said I enjoy the humor in shit post. If you can't lol at your self, what can you lol at?


I'm not Wiccan, and I never claimed that I was. I practice Hermeticism. Y'all can lol till you're blue in the face, just try to lol at the right religion.

A retard be any other name would still be as retarded, and you can't expect a non-retard to give a flying fuck about your autistic little distinctions

I don't have anything against "normies" or new practitioners. I was frustrated with a long string of meeting new occultist and then watching them bite of more then they can chew.

Which is nothing, because "summoning demons" isn't real and you don't have magical powers

They would typically end up really messing their life up

No, it wouldn't, because your little LARP isn't real

or just burning out and giving up.

i.e. They figure out quickly that they don't have special powers and move on with their lives, unlike you, a 29-year-old with the mentality of a preteen girl at a sleepover

I was exposed to alot Hermetic, Wiccan, and Gnostic text while studying and categorizing legends and folklore as part of a university course.

LOL imagine racking up thousands of dollars in student loans for the privilege of being turned into a retard

You're still free to think I'm a retard, however I at least want to make it clear that these religions have as much history and tradition as more well established and mainstream religions.

Right, but the difference between this fanfiction and established religions is that they don't think they have super speshul powers

Sorry, I have no way of turning anyone into a frog or summoning bussy. You're on your own for know. If I find something I will let you know.

Nigga, your post history is made up of all the "magical" experiences you're apparently having and you can't do something as simple as summon bussy?!

Best Regards, Sage Redwood

How come trannies and occult spergs always give themselves these hella gay Game of Thrones-y names

Nigga, your post history is made up of all the "magical" experiences you're apparently having and you can't do something as simple as summon bussy?!

Well, I've never needed or wanted to... so nope, I don't have anything for that.

LOL imagine racking up thousands of dollars in student loans for the privilege of being turned into a retard

I didn't major in religious studies, so I didn't go to university to become a retard. I enjoyed the class and took it as an elective. Lots of people take art, music, or literature, that doesn't mean their aiming to become artist or writers.

Hey, thanks for the detailed reply buddy. Have a good one.

ngl man this is pretty autistic

keep up the good work!

Mommy 😍😍😍

I'm not Wiccan, and I never claimed that I was. I practice Hermeticism. Y'all can lol till you're blue in the face, just try to lol at the right religion.

If you believe you have magic powers like harry potter you're wiccan

You're still free to think I'm a retard, however I at least want to make it clear that these religions have as much history and tradition as more well established and mainstream religions.

And yet somehow manage to be more retarded. It's truly magical

Well, magic is kind of the point.

My friend, this is exactly why Occultists stay in the closet. I'm sorry we got shit posted. They don't just want to shit post us, they want to get us riled up by calling us to this thread by name.

They aren't going to understand what hermeticism is, or anything else. There's really no use to explaining it in any but the most simple or general terms.

Oh I know that, but it's just really funny to wind them up and watch them go.

I mean, they are down voting the one teeny tiny bit I tried to share. People simply don't want to hear it.

You were doing well. Wrapping yourself up in an in-thread circlejerk isn't going to convince anyone, however.

You are absolutely correct. I'm sure there is a lesson in here for me, somewhere.

they want to get us riled up by calling us to this thread by name.

Actually we summoned you using a pretty standard xyber-magyykkh ritual, u/ngunn86.

And I fell for it. I hope I was a good sport about it all.

Well you didn't get mad, that's pretty much the best outcome that doesn't involve not responding.

Why the fuck do you subscribe to arse-backwards Mayo """alchemy""" that is, in practice, simply a mongrelisation of Gnosticism, neo-Platonism and Christianity, when you could instead spread your bussy wide and open yourself up to the power of the True Way as practised by the finest scholars of China for thirty-six hundred generations?

Read the Yi Jing, brother.

however I at least want to make it clear that these religions have as much history and tradition as more well established and mainstream religions.

So are the ones that believe man came from bamboo, doesn't make it less retarded.

/u/sageredwood are you really surprised that retarded teenage shit appeals to retarded teens?

The occult as a hobby can be compared to firearms


No, I'm not all that surprised really.

So you admit this stuff is retarded?

I admit a lot of teens are into it.

So you admit this stuff is retarded?

At least my sub doesn't use pink font on a pink background.

At least my sub doesn't use pink font on a pink background.

Oh shit you got us totally rekt damn /r/drama on suicide watch

No problem friend. Let me get that for you.

Change This:

.hsBtmu .SQnoC3ObvgnGjWt90zD9Z:visited .xfe0h7-0 {

  1. color: rgb(255, 140, 192);


To this:

.hsBtmu .SQnoC3ObvgnGjWt90zD9Z:visited .xfe0h7-0 {

  1. color: rgb(0, 0, 0);


There you are, clear legible text that meets the WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

Oh no, it's retarded.

/u/sageredwood what do you think of The Book of Thoth? It's what I primarily used during my stint of reading Tarot. My experience was often too real. I hit the nail on the head often but the predictions always had a negative outcome. I stopped doing readings after a friend killed himself in a snowboarding accident that I had predicted 3 months prior, I blamed it on the deck

Will I talk to spirits if I take drugs?

Well kinda

"Dmt, clockwork elves. I DONT WANNA SEE THEM"

-Alex Jones


Man they took this post right to the chin...

*magic *magic *magic *magic

when you start unironically spelling magic with a k like these meme religion following fucks u seriously need to debate ending it all

do you people just browse the most obscure and retarded subs on reddit just to find drama? i mean, i know the answer is yes, that question was rhetorical.

All these newfags come here with questions like "how to summon demons" and "how do I get high with magic". This infuriates me!

Oh wow, so they're not that crazy.

That shit takes time and responsibility!
