A /r/ChapoTrapHouse Soy Daddy is Letting His NEET Fanboys Lick His Boots With An AMA

31  2018-07-10 by QueenOfTheIncels


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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/u/CodyDad420 Ditch those losers and come chill with us instead!


r u jelly lmao

This might be a controversial opinion but I think Nazis are bad. Bring on the downvotes.

Listen up, reddit, this is I M P O R T A N T

Give this B R A V E individual some gold and smash that mf updote button

I thought the podcast people hated the sub for being unironic tankies.

Yeah but they need those tankies to buy their book because they want $$$, tl;dr capitalism


The hosts probably are not aware like 50 percent of people using their sub now don't even listen to their show and it has just been co-opted as a general leftist sub that is now dominated by unironic tankies.

Same with mde but instead of tankied you got goosesteppers

Hi, as the child of two Cuban immigrants, my parents are staunchly against anything remotely tied to socialism due to the violence their families experienced and witnessed prior to immigrating to the US. How would you argue any leftist policies against someone who sees them all as a slippery slope to what they see as evil?

Imagine failing your parents this badly.

Tbh I wouldn't blame them for considering a pist-birth abortion.

“How do I tell my parents they are wrong about things they went through?”


Is he the skinny one, the ugly one, or the ugly/fat one?

The og cast consists of ugly/fat guy ugly/less fatter but still fat guy and one decently attractive guy, the one doing the ama is the ugly/less fatter but still fat guy

Oh no please don't have contrapoints on, I actually like her videos but I don't want to be forced to listen to Chapo again.

I get recognized on the streets of Brooklyn regularly

No he fucking does not lol.