SRDer manages to completely disappear up his own asshole.

23  2018-07-10 by asdfman2000


This has been an attack, it's occult warfare, and her number one goal is Reconciliation, Restoration, and Reunion of their marriage and family.


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lmao this breaks almost every single submission rule they have there.

For a while SRD mods seemed to be making some sort of effort against the fart-sniffing over there, but now it seems they've just said fuck it.

At this point the sub's been a methane production factory for longer than it wasn't, I'd give up as well if I were them.

You're not wrong, but as anathema as it is to this subreddit I've got some fond memories of SRD. There were some absolute shitshows on there back in the day. It earned me my first ban on reddit (/r/lgbt, I made a mildly critical comment about one of their mods), it introduced me to the infamous 'I'm one of the most intelligent people in all of history' Darqwolff thread, it showed me an argument about scrambled eggs that spanned three days and five subreddits. It's hard seeing it like this.

Yeah but most of that stuff stopped by early 2012. When all the powerusers fled over here and the /r/cringe mod team took over it was doomed.

I just find it funny that the initial userbase basically kickstarted /r/tumblrinaction, while the current userbase is all about gross problematic creepy menz.

This is what happens when a mod team treats anyone who makes a -broke clone of their sub with anything but rolled eyes and mockery.

it was submitted by a mod too, smdh

Are a bunch of college kids unironically talking about punching up and how racism isn't real unless it's institutional?

fucking lol

Man srd is so boring

Soooo much copypasta in that thread, I think that I'm gonna get fat.

Dear racists on the internet: you have been played. We got you. We got you good. We have shown to the world that the values you shout about so very loudly when your hatespeech is disallowed are vapid, disingenious and an attempt at manipulating the discourse through dishonesty.

My prediction: They will call us liars and insist that the obvious satire from N8theGr8 was, in fact, real racism.

"Things white people are good at: Being completely clueless" -N8theGr8

You have been played.

Reddit and the rest of the social media sphere: I hope this little experiment has been enlightening to you. I hope that you can now easier recognise when you are being played by the extreme right.

Racists REKT EPIC STYLE Complation #8



That whole description of "punching up", god what an insufferable asshole. The funny thing is that if you take out the "I'm better than you because I'm inferior to you" attitude that drives that mentality, the response he got is the same thing he hopes to accomplish when he "punches up".

He wants people to realize that the stupid things they do are stupid, by making them experience those things from the other side. And, here he is, the target of a political correctness freakout, because he said something mildly insensitive.

It would be nice if he realized that, and learned the same lesson he wants other people to learn, but no. He's too far up his crazy rabbit hole of thinking it's ok to abuse white people, he's just digging it deeper.

Best take I've read on this 🤩

I'm stupid and mayo. Could you rephrase this?

No. It’s not my job to educate you.

\> calling a SRDine a "SRDer"

MDErapefugees out!

not reading all that

Thats a lot of fucking words

u/Merari01 imagine spending that much time and effort to publish a virtue signalling novel. Nevermind your a powermod of course you 're a fag

Seems like some salt got in the mayo over here.

Obviously this SRDine is way up his own ass. But I gotta say it's fucking hilarious to me when I see people who love to say racist shit under the guise of "lololol get a sense of humor guise" but then absolutely flip the fuck out if you make fun of white people.

It's like when someone posted a joke on /r/ImGoingtoHellForThis about white girls sucking black dick and the entire sub went absolutely apeshit

Anyone got a link? This sounds hilarious.