Niggercide, AIDS, and ebola, comprise the Great Mayo Hope. Niggercide is the leading cause of death among Americoons and Africoons.

0  2018-07-10 by mukumukum


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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I urge you motherfuckers downvoting to post here and downvote me to my face.

I urge you motherfuckers downvoting to post here and downvote me to my face.

Mayocide urself.

After you cuckside you're self.

After you cuckside you're self.

no u.

you're self

Behold le master race in all its wisdom

Livin’ life on the cuckside

How old are you? Don't answer, just think about the question.

Hes already guaranteed not to reproduce, lol.

Get a job white boi.

I got a job for you first, black girl. It involves your ebony boibussy and a big veiny steamy white dick.

But i'm an employed white male.

Facts aside, you clearly have an affinity and preoccupation with melanin rich cock. Since you're just a poor white boi maybe you should get caught committing a crime.

Then when you're in jail you can fulfill several personal goals as well as following in the footsteps of your family. Namely you can become a felon (like your absentee father) while taking some of that sweet, sweet black dick (you obviously crave) right up your poop shoot.

Get 2 birds stoned at once, as they say.

Sorry but commies and faggots are not male. Antifa cucks like you are basically just women with beards, pretty sure your testo levels will support this too. You seem to think that being employed is some kind of a great achievement, and you seem to think that I lack employment. Your whole rant tells me, that sometime in the past, you were unemployed and considered yourself a huge loser, then got yourself some shitty 9-5 job and now try to use it to feel better about yourself, not very successfully though, I think. You also seemto have some fantasies about black faggots, typically of mentally ill leftists, which you are trying to project onto me.

You shouldn't get so upset, it exposes your poor education.

Take another hit of fent, and lust for your cousin. It'll help calm your nerves.

Who's upset? You're the one whose unironically getting butthurt and personal because I called you out for what you are, a non-human cuck commie.

Any other buzzwords homie?

Clearly you're upset as exampled by the language you're using, the poor grammar, and all around poor disposition.

We get it, you're insecure and lack self esteem and so you lash out at everyone around you in an attempt to bolster yourself emotionally. You have trouble coming to terms with the utter failure of your existence and so you screech and reeeee.

I downvoted this too

I'm so proud

I just downvote you 😃

im downvoting you right now

U wot m8?

Lol you're a pussy

thanks u/mukumukum, very cool!

This is why we need mayocide.

Why don't you do something about it then? All talk, no walk.

Don't need to. Mayos are going the way of the panda.


hates black people

posts in r/blacktraps
