/r/inceltears subscriber conducts a "social experiment" on OKCupid with two profiles, one of them being a bit of an asshole. This guy does worse than the friendlier one, this proves ... something, apparently.

110  2018-07-10 by YameteOniichanItai


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It's amusing to me how blupers and incels both have inklings of how people work, and yet instead of trying to get at the truth, they choose to pick an extreme and sit with their silly biases. If they even tried to get beyond their perspectives, they might actually be rational people. But why be rational when you can sit in an echo chamber for daily hate hour?

Tldr, gas them all

bring the meteors

gaslight them all

personality matters to a degree , looks are also pretty fucking important. the hotter the girl is, the less likely she'll date someone not attractive.

reality isn't hard to figure out.

It isnt, and yet both these groups apparently can't spot the obvious

They want fairness in rewards, they should accept the world was never meant to be fair in that way, it's fair to the dominant. If you are born attractive or wealthy, you have a leg up, if not you will have to work harder or give up. That is life.

Hot chicks aren't that hard to get ffs. Jesus I've seen downright ugly and poor dudes slay pretty much because they didn't sperg out and had something to chat about.

yeah, although a "not retarded personality" isn't being a feminist and "respecting women" like IT thinks it is. it's just being fun and interesting.


It's amusing to me how blupers and incels both have inklings of how people work, and yet instead of trying to get at the truth, they choose to pick an extreme and sit with their silly biases.

This is pretty much the US politics in a nutshell

based centrist

dramacels HATE him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I knew I would find the king of IT down here.

people making fun of incels ARE THE REAL incels

people complaint about racists ARE THE REAL racists

classic cirque strikes again!! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

Imagine being so autistic that you participate in a group chat for some retarded backwater subreddit.

Well I'm glad I'm free from this degeneracy πŸ˜‡

people making fun of incels ARE THE REAL incels

When it comes to hopeless and depressed virgins, there is only one group more pathetic than them: the people who spend all day obsessively making fun of them.

IncelTears might not be incels, but that doesn't make them any less pathetic.

Cope harder πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘




i see you're in your rightful spot drowning in downvotes


imagine caring about downvotes


enjoy another downvote

Maybe it's me, but Evil Dustin just looks obviously fake and less believable than Good Dustin

I was afraid that Good Dustin and Evil Dustin would get a similar number of likes, in which case I was planning to cut bait and not publicize the results.

Sir Francis Bacon spinning in his grave

>I'll just withhold the truth because it contradict my worldview

And they wonder where the term "bluepilled" comes from.

On top of that, the Incels retarded little Black Pill social experiment was at least verifiable. They archived everything and made sure everyone could see it publicly for themselves.

This guy not only flat out states he would've hidden the results if they got a "similar" number of likes (completely clueless that the result could also show more support of Evil Dustin and not be close), he goes on to defend the fact that none of his claims are verifiable in any way, that he agrees it looks fake and poorly edited, admits the guy is average (whereas Incels virgins used a hot guy) and that his claims don't hold up.

How the fuck do SJW's make Incel faggots seem reasonable?

This only proves that personality matters for average-looking men. Personality still doesn’t matter for Chad.

That’s not the point. You’re not Chad, so who cares? This is an attempt to prove that personality matters, period, and if it matters for Dustin, it matters for you. That’s the incel claim, that personality doesn’t matter.


Good Dustin still didn’t get a lot of likes. The Atomic Blackpill guy did much better.

Good Dustin is a man on OkCupid; I can tell you from experience that he’s doing just fine for a man on OkCupid.


This is OkCupid. Incel experiments are always on Tinder.

And that’s a flaw of incel experiments. They deliberately choose a platform where results are based on looks. Tinder isn’t the only way to date.

How the fuck do SJW's make Incel faggots seem reasonable?

Because incels, while bitter violent sociopaths, actually base the blackpill on some kernel of the truth twisted out of proportion while the communities built to oppose them can't just say "yeah dating as am ugly dude sucks and isn't fair but you can't be violent murderers about it and there are things you can do to mitigate your natural bad luck" they have to try and prove that there isn't even a kernel of truth to it and that the only problem incels have is that they're dickheads.

Wow, OKCupid likes, that definitely proves that the "good" guy is going to get laid with hot chicks. Only someone retarded enough to do a "social experiment" for /r/inceltears could make fucking incels look like the sane ones.

Most of the men who post on inceltears are involuntarily celibate themselves also, I'm getting real tired of imbeciles using tinder and okcupid as a means of evidence or support for their opinions. Fuck ock and tinder, most men and women with anything going on in their lives wouldn't want to use that shit.

Meh mileage will vary... In my area office dating is pretty much a no go and dating friends of friends can get messy so online dating it is. Hell most of my married friends and family met online.

online dating isn’t popular

Get off the internet grandpa

Fuck online dating, it give people more of a reason to be socially retarded.

Both sides are the same. Also retards

At least incels acknowledge that women are into Chads, IT chooses the sad route of denying it.

Inceltears is somehow worse than incels. Explain this

Shitting on someone is fun, but corraling all your buddies, renting a venue, hiring a guy, setting a pre-meet menu, coordinating asshole blinkage, etc., isn't.

Imo it's because any rational person sees r/braincels and goes "oh look, a group of misguided, disillusioned young men" and goes on with their day. They don't feel overly upset that incels exist because it doesn't affect them, and they realize the ideology is BS.

Meanwhile inceltears and pizzashill dox themselves and conduct social experiments because they're committed to proving these people wrong when it's basically impossible. All inceltears is doing is whining impotently while pizzashill gets his photo genderbent.

Did you know? In multi-cat households, cats of the opposite sex usually get along better.

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the reason the posters in inceltears are so militant is because they're incels too, in all but name. they don't identify as incels, but lead pretty much the same existence. that which they hate is a reflection on them

IT is full of white male feminists.



The fact that you needed to correct him is sad.

explaining memes

You have to go back

It's mostly incels in recovery and femcels or as I like to call them uncletomcels

tomcelitus is no joking matter

Those uncletomcels have the can't beat them, join them mentality.

There was this post on IT that was about a midget who was dating a really tall MtF trannie. And from this they concluded that height doesnt matter.

This was a real post with real people actually agreeing on this seismically stupid reasoning.


Height doesn't matter rwhen you both have a cock

Bros before hoes!!

Or when you’re ripped as fuck. Or famous. Or both.

Please link this. I've never thought I needed an IT post more in my life.

Any subreddit that is purely based on hating something (even in light of incels being laughably pathetic) will eventually turn into a complete circlejerk.

Stare into the bowl and the shit stares back.

Because incels, while bitter violent sociopaths, actually base the blackpill on some kernel of the truth twisted out of proportion while the communities built to oppose them can't just say "yeah dating as am ugly dude sucks and isn't fair but you can't be violent murderers about it and there are things you can do to mitigate your natural bad luck" they have to try and prove that there isn't even a kernel of truth to it and that the only problem incels have is that they're dickheads.

Yeah but that one desperate chick who liked Evil Dustin probably likes bad boys and puts out.

I see the "alt-right" Dustin and the "normie" Dustin, but where's the "male feminist" Dustin?

What was I expecting to happen? I wasn’t sure. I was afraid that Good Dustin and Evil Dustin would get a similar number of likes, in which case I was planning to cut bait and not publicize the results. (Hey, I’m just being honest -- like incels wouldn’t do the same if their experiments didn’t go as planned.)


I watch Meet the Spartans around once every three months. Most hilarious movie ever made and anybody who disagrees with me can fight me.

Ugh. I'd honestly be somewhat interested in the results of this "experiment" if they hadn't sabotaged Evil Dustin with this implausibly bad profile.

That movie sucks so hard

Replace Meet the Spartans with Paul Blart and you'd have a Grade A pussysmasher.

The profile on the right looks obviously fake. Also Dustin looks exactly how I imagine male feminists look like.

There's a pretty big fucking difference between being assertive and dominant (which women like) and being an unpleasant asshat (which women don't). Imagine being such a bluper fag that you can't make out the difference.

Hey dummy.

Stop trying to be tough and mysterious.

Maybe try being a sweetiepie.

If that doesn't work, try being a cutie patootie.

Maybe try being a sweetiepie.

Instructions unclear. Became a male feminist and rapist.

Whatever works

Incels are obviously retarded, so it's really sad that this guy still finds the need to completely misrepresent them. If he were actually confident in the hypothesis he was going for, he wouldnt have made the 'bad' profile so intentionally repulsive

Those who fight incels should see to it that they do not become incels

Just smile.

Inceltears is the moronic sub out there and funny enough, it takes it's self seriously.

So cringe boomer-esque right vs boring mostly apolitical center/left? Who goes to these shitty online services to hookup with some dude who has nothing but cringe politics on their mind? /r/inceltears why?

His writing is fucking cringeworthy

I can definitively tell you that I’m pretty fucking good at writing online-dating profiles



How are the SJWs making the incels look logical. They done fucked up

Numales exposed by other numales.

Top IQ

Just one problem with this "theory": Evil Dustin comes off as a try hard sperg while Good Dustin is boring as fuck. Of course the boring guy got more likes, many people assume that Evil Dustin is a troll. Besides, the guy just said that he'll withhold the results if they both get a similar number of likes, which is pretty telling. It's basically "I'll hide the truth if it contradicts my worldview."

Also, the Atomic Blackpill thing got way more likes on Tinder and OKC compared to your 17-1 and 29-1, simply because at least Incel virgins used an attractive guy instead of some soyboy.

Time to face the facts, numales/soyboys/blupers, women want attractive nice yet assertive men, not pushover soyboys who would dare not talk to a woman because of "toxic masculinity", accept the facts, incels have already.