Discord users are the biggest retards to ever exist

63  2018-07-11 by uniqueguy263




I am the best discorder 😏


I'm on a smol /int/ discord that used to be a roastie discord until all the whores left, praise Allah

And a few investing discords. The smaller with less women the better

I'm talking about the retarded discord specifically for this sub, ur fine unless you don't post there

I wasn't ready to buy into OP's premise, but damn, you really live that "loud discord retard" life

Wtf is discord?

Voice and text chat service used by gamers.

sounds pretty gay

might check it out soon

irc for normies

Rip I miss IRC

all the cool kids still use it for programming discussion bro


lol no one seriously discusses programming

Either you know your shit

Or you dont

>What are circlejerks

The easiest way to identify an autistic retard on a college campus.

A service to leak pictures from patron and women ecelebs then to hold group jerk off sessions


This☝️is the correct ✔️ answer 😋😏

If all the drama discord users would stay there and stop shitting up the sub it might actually make a difference. But probably not.



Me because I always forget it's there

What about me I use the discord

Imagine my surprise

Tbf normie_girls discord is smaller and seems normal. The main /r/drama discord is a degenerate hive of weebs, hentai trap boards and furries though. Very disgusting.

She ain't gonna fuck you, bro

>implying drama gussy is desirable.


Hey brotato chip, you're pushing an open door. I believe she's Australian. 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

There is this girl named Hildegard on discord and I think she's pretty cute. She's the admin of a incel dungeon.

Hilde is gr8, seconded. There are lots of cool people, OP is just salty he got banned.

How do you get banned from a dumpster fire.

Piss all over the flames.

I guess some really can't turn off the autism.

Nah, I'm just annoyed with power user bullshit making this sub lamer

I don’t think many power users use the discord,you’re not the only one who scorns it.

But true or false: You never sperged about Discord before this banning.

I never got banned lol. Never used it

But v is a pretty trustworthy guy.

Naw I lie all the time.

OMG, Hildegard is in the drama discord too?! 😻 I hope beyond hope she is in the this sub as well, I'd throw u/Ed_Butteredtoast or who ever the fuck in a woodchucker in a heartbeat.

I don't think she ever comments here or uses the sub much, if at all. The discordverse has plenty of crossover however, with all kinds.

😸 it is indeed a small world.

Nice try FBI

oxyl is nice.

Then again, oxyl is a bot.

Still, he's always polite, always tries to be helpful, and listens well, not interrupting constantly with annoying memespeak. So that's all positive. Really his only downside is that he's not a real boy. Otherwise, 10/10.

this but unironically

-> this

I wouldn't want to associate with anyone who uses discord.

I feel like if you care enough about r/drama to join its Discord server, you've failed as a human being.

This is just a cope from not accepting you post on reddit dot com forward slash are forward slash drama

discord is full of weebs and furfags

basically tf2 then

It was made by weebs and furfags. Cough /u/allthefoxes cough

but foxes was a powermod before being a discord yaaaasss queeeeeen

That's why I left it.

Also because one of the mods turned out to be a no-joke anti-semite. Like full on erase the race level. It's sad.

Give names nerd

Pimm. Believes the Jews should all be killed because of Palestine stuff. Anyone who points out Palestine attacks Israel constantly apparently wants to kill all Muslims.

/u/Physicsismymistress you realize Isreal is full of assholes yes?

That's not true at all. You, however, kept saying the Palestinians deserved death. Then you said ppl from Muslim countries were bad, even though you had a friend from a Muslim country (me). Now you're gonna shit talk me on Reddit?

This is an outright lie. I pointed out that Israel had a right to defend itself from constant rocket attacks. You said I wanted to genocide all muslim people. Then you started talking about how everyone in Israel deserved to die for stealing land.

You are an anti-semite. You hate Jewish people.

And had was the right word.

I like how you ran to my gf to complain about me. I've left you alone all these months and stayed out of your way; why don't you do the same to me?

Because you're an anti-semite.

And I never told her all the stuff you told me, glad to see you two don't feel the same respect.

I'm not an anti-semite though. You however advocated for ethnic cleansing.




So maybe let's go back to the part where we left each other alone and moved on with our lives, okay?

All of those were after you made your bullshit accusations and unfriended me. I leaned into it specifically to bother you.

I'd rather get to the part where you apologize and things go back to the way they were. But I don't think you're capable of that, what with your desire to see every Jew in Israel dead.

Lol whatever you say cole

There was a time where what I said mattered to you. You ended that for the fourth or fifth time because I pointed out that Palestine wasn't blameless in the violence at the border. You accused me of wanting to murder you personally for saying Palestine shouldn't bomb hospitals. And I still would have been ok with having you as a friend, because I fucking liked talking to you. I really, genuinely valued you as a friend. And you threw me away, not for the first time either, because you couldn't handle disagreement. Yes, I baited you afterwards, and I'm sorry for that, but you treated me like dirt and you said some genuinely fucked up stuff in the process. I actively want to be friends with you again anyway because my brain hates me and seeks out bad choices.

I hate that my memories of you are tainted and want that to not be a thing. I'm sorry for calling you out publicly and I'm sorry I didn't say that sooner.

I "threw you out" because you said some horrible shit about people from Muslim countries. You don't get to do that and still be friends with someone from a Muslim country, you know? If I said horrible shit about bi guys, you would have every right to throw me out.

If you wanted to hash things about between us, my PMs and DMs are open. You were never blocked. PIMM#4922. But don't start airing stuff on /r/drama of all places.

I said horrible shit after you threw me out because I was angry and hurt. Everything I said before then was just... basic morals. "Don't fire rockets at schools" feels like it should be absolutely bare minimum ethics.

I said horrible shit after you threw me out because I was angry and hurt.

You were saying the stuff before.

"Don't fire rockets at schools" feels like it should be absolutely bare minimum ethics.

"Don't shoot Palestinians civilians" feels like it should be absolutely bare minimum ethics

Civilians rioting at the border while trying to illegally cross at the same time as rocket and mortar attacks targeting hospitals/schools.

And I absolutely was not saying it before.

That's literally not what was happening. Your racism against Palestinians is what causes you to determine everyone there was rioting. People are allowed to protest Israel oppressing them without getting shot at by the IDF. Everyone agrees they were civilians except for scum like you. As long as you continue like this, we can never be friends. I will never be friends with someone who supports military action against protesters.

The only one lying here is you. There were rocket and mortar attacks coming from Palestine during the protests. Then the protesters tried to illegally cross the border. If someone was trying to kill you, would you let them get closer?

You are an anti-semite who advocates for the deaths of all Israelis and when it's pointed out Palestine is actually trying for that you go berserk.

Learn some self reflection before you lose everyone else.

There were rocket and mortar attacks coming from Palestine during the protests.

Then go shoot those people. Don't shoot medics and journalists.

Then the protesters tried to illegally cross the border

That's not a capital offense, asshole.

If someone was trying to kill you, would you let them get closer?

You have no evidence that the protesters were trying to kill Israelis.

You are an anti-semite who advocates for the deaths of all Israelis and when it's pointed out Palestine is actually trying for that you go berserk.

You're not only factually wrong about Palestinians, you're lying scum. I don't know what you're so goddamn butthurt about recently that you've decided to start a fight with me all these months later, but go work on yourself you piece of trash. Keep goading me and I will ban you.

Ban me then. Don't have a reason to keep visiting this place anyway. Not with Nazis in charge.

Did you get bullied in the discord op?

Are you mad about it?

I'm a good boy on discord tho