r/worldnews discuss whether the Chinese Communist Party is a good government

77  2018-07-11 by Baconlightning


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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How ignorant do you have to be to think, the government of china is a good government.

How idiotic do you have to be to state that X government is "bad" or "good" without defining your terms? Maybe you should start by defining "good government," because you know, one thing about "good government" is "good economy" and while the USA has been dealing with unemployment and sluggish economic growth, China and its people have thrived and prospered. Your orange tumor and the rest of the little polyps all seem to think that these two are correlatives - at least to the extent that every American president tries to take credit for the "strong economy" (sic) under their administration.

Shut up commie

At least you can call Trump those things without having to worry about the state stealing your organs.

You and watermark should be banned from even drama of all places for your banial cringy tanky room temp iq rants

at least they balance out the MDEfugee shills somewhat

the only way to fight retardation is more retardation imo

I literally have been banned for three days b4 actually

room temp iq

That would be a really cold room temperature


My IQ, if you set the room temperature to it, that would be like a really cold room.

Dont put yourself down for pity points sweaty đŸ€—

I don't deserve any pity, as a mayo I am not human.

Have fun in the Gulag commie faggot

How ignorant do you have to be to think China has a “good economy”


The country is third world with massive income inequality and corruption.

Their PPP per capita is actually $18,066 now, which makes them at least middle income. Also it's amazing considering where they started from.

This would imply having to believe a government that is closed off, censors everything, and is corrupt to the core.

It is also very easy to improve based on the technology of other countries ahead of you.

The same reasoning gets used to justify Stalin "pulling farmers out of poverty and turning them into an industrialized country" which I read all the time.


China unemployment is 4%. US unemployment is 4.1%.

The horror.

Also, trusting Chinese government statistics on literally anything.

You just have to be young enough not to remember the Cold War. My family immigrated from Communist Romania, and I still remember with fondness having to wait in line for hours to get basic necessities, not having electricity half the time, and my neighbors being dragged off to God knows where in the middle of the night for pissing off someone in the local government. Ah socialism...

In certain eastern European countries, wearing anything Commie-related will likely get you beat up. People there still remember how it was to live under Communism.

Now, if you're a 20-30-something American on the other hand...

In college I had a professor from yugoslavia that lived in now croatia. He said its ironic that he would have kids show up in communist clothes ie che guevera or red army shirts or whatever and he would then lecture them for 5-10 minutes how bad communism is

Guy was great

China is capitalist, they call themselves "communist with Chinese characteristics" but that's just branding. They don't have universal healthcare. They do have a stock market with companies like Alibaba and Tencent that are among the 10 most valuable publicly traded companies in the world.

Actually it's "socialism with Chinese characteristics". That's Deng Xiaoping's phrase. He's the guy that won the post-Mao power struggle and cucked the CCP.

Today they are a capitalist country with a lot of government intervention, their corporate tax rate under certain conditions can be lower than America's.

what does china have to do with communism?

Well they claim to be communist, for one.

come here and open wide, I've got some chocolate pudding for you

Yes, life in China without any of these things before the CCP took over sure was great.

Life without food for the 20+ million that starved to death after the CCP took over was awesome too.


Sure love the average life expectancy almost doubling under Mao because life before 1949 was hell on earth.

Congratulations to China for winning the “Most Improvement” award, like the retarded kid in class that finally learned to tie their shoes. Now if they can catch up with the rest of the civilized world and ditch the authoritarianism for Democracy we might be getting somewhere.

Yeah, let's blame the CCP for what happened before they came to power!

There’s plenty to blame the tankies for since they took power.

Which is why you blame them for starting from a low base in 1949, makes perfect sense.

Mao clearly should've gone back in time and make life in China before 1949 not hell on earth so their policies doubling Chinese life expectancy would be more ordinary instead of record-breaking year-on-year. Or maybe the CCP should've won faster?

Life before 1949 was hell on earth because China went through the brutal Japanese invasion and then, once the Kuomintang won that war, the Communists stabbed them in the back and started a civil war that ravaged an already destroyed country.

China in 1980 was better than China in 1949; China in 1949 was better than China in 1959 (at the height of Maoist influence on economic policies); China in 1980 was about the same level as China in the 1930s, before all the events in the aforementioned paragraph.

once the Kuomintang won that war, the Communists stabbed them in the back and started a civil war that ravaged an already destroyed country.

It always make me laugh when clueless folks try to lecture me about things they don't know.


The KMT backstabbed the CCP which started the Civil War, buddy. And that was before the brutal Japanese invasion.


The Shanghai massacre of April 12, 1927, known commonly as the April 12 Incident, was the violent suppression of Communist Party of China (CPC) organizations in Shanghai by the military forces of Chiang Kai-shek and conservative factions in the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party, or KMT). Following the incident, conservative KMT elements carried out a full-scale purge of Communists in all areas under their control, and even more violent suppressions occurred in cities such as Guangzhou and Changsha.


Japan's invasion of the rest of China was in 1937, after the first invasion of Manchuria in 1894. This was also after the five Encirclement Campaigns waged by KMT with Nazi German advisers and the subsequent Long March where the CCP were reverse-decimated and reduced to guerrilla warfare.



Guess what? The KMT was so inept and corrupt they lost against literal peasants, who filled up the ranks of the CCP. Man, if you live in China and you can't even get the chronology right, how the hell do you think you have an authority to speak about how life was like in the Mao years?

Clinically retarded

How ignorant do you have to be

Uh excuse me but in 2018 the correct term is woke.

Tbf, compared to the previous ones, it's pretty great.

Ebil cheeto man hates china therefore china must be good!

Imagine 3 billion people being this incompetent...

Mao shot all the competent ones.

China's Xi banned pics of Winnie the Pooh.

As a parent, I feel like everywhere I turn, someone is warning me about the dangers of letting my children watch TV. While I agree that it can be harmful in large doses, honestly, what really matters to me is just making sure that when my children do watch TV, they’re watching shows that impart some sort of positive value into their lives. This also means steering them away from programs that might affect them negatively, which is why I never allow my children to watch anything featuring Winnie the Pooh, the fat virgin.

If you’re unfamiliar, Winnie the Pooh is a brainless bear who lives in the forest and slowly makes the world bad. He has beady serpent eyes and zero genitals, which is something we know because he never wears any pants or undergarments. In fact, he’s practically bragging about not having a penis. But even if he did have a penis, he wouldn’t know it, because his fat belly would keep him from seeing anything below his sad bear tits. It makes me mad just thinking about it. This bear, he just wanders around eating honey out of a jar with his bare hands like a fat savage. I hate it.

One thing that can be assumed about the dickless sad sack called Winnie the Pooh is that he is a virgin. He clearly has never fucked. He is a simpering, high-voiced virgin who spends all his time leering at a little boy named Christopher. It’s disgusting. I don’t want my kids being exposed to that. I’m not going to be like, “Hey, kids, come watch the emasculated bear with the scary fingerless hands who’s never fucked a day in his life and who is obsessed with a little boy of a different species.” That’d be irresponsible and gross.

For those who are unfamiliar with Winnie the Pooh, he is a simpering, high-voiced virgin who spends all his time leering at a little boy named Christopher.

“But what do you let your kids watch?” you might ask. I’d much rather my kids watch the fuck machine named Big Bird. Big Bird is the towering human bird from PBS who you can tell is just constantly fucking. He’s got that swagger. There are a lot of good lessons children can learn from a major-league pussy-crusher like Big Bird, such as the importance of confidence, courage, and friendship.

Winnie the Pooh, on the other hand, wouldn’t know the first thing about courage. If he were on United Airlines Flight 93, for example, not only would he have not joined the revolt against the terrorists, but he probably would’ve gotten down on his yellow knees and sucked the terrorists’ cocks one by one. “Oh, bother!” he would shrug as the al-Qaeda operatives drilled the back of his throat with their pube-slathered ding-dongs.

What a coward, this pathetic bear.

I cannot fathom how any parent could ever willingly expose their children to trash like Winnie the Pooh. It seems like a guaranteed recipe to ensure that your kids grow up to be pitiful, dead-eyed perverts who will never know the heavenly joys of fucking. If you want your kids to grow up to be brave and smart, you should let them watch either the impressive sex duck Big Bird, the cunning potato named Arthur, or Babar the indoor elephant. Winnie the Pooh is a walking disease, and if I ever catch my kids watching him, I will spank them with my belt. And if you’re a good parent, you will do the same.

This is a scammer account.

I pretended to be a girl in the new roblox server for 18+ only. Little did they know I am a 12 year old boy. At first we just played roblox together, but we worked up to more. I even skyped dressed as a hot and sexy "with poor connection" so the video would blur. After many seductive photos of my ass in my sisters underwear I convinced him I was the real deal. It took me 3 weeks to become his girlfriend.

Eventually I scammed this man out of $600 because I convinced him I would come visit if he paid for the flight. I was lucky it paid off because i had spent nearly $200 on make up and many hours of my roblox time watching makeup tutorials to pull off this epic con. He also gifted me over 500 robux.

11/10 would do again. It was actually a nice weekend when I flew to visit him and didn't even mind sucking someone's cock for the first time. We're looking to move in together in October.



Now there's someone who needs to stay off the internet, like forever.

Xi dada also decided to regulate the usage of the alphabet "n" for a day lmao

Any party that brings us closer to mayocide is good

Chinese are the original mayos

Their founding father is literally Mao.

Chinks are honorary mayos though.

Lol @ all the obvious Chinese shills in that thread. Not even the Russians are that blatant.

No you don't understand Xi is great president! No looks like Bear of Pooh! And certainly didn't seize power because of fear of slowing economy giving his adversaries room to check his influence!

If you wanna see blatant Chinese shilling then take a look at r/Geopolitics.

Yeah, I've noticed that sub, how blatant can they get? However, I don't think most nongs in /r/Geopolitics are shills, I think they're overly nationalistic genuine ccp fags

fiddy cent army out in force

cyka blyat


суĐșĐ° is not the same thing as "cyka". Write "suka" instead next time :)

help Vladimir Putin is raping me

They don't even have to pay anyone anymore. They just let their foreign exchange students discover social media and let them do it for free.

They're so obvious on reddit. They're even worse and more common on YouTube, just search for literally anything that's slightly critical of China, they'll be there with "but whut about the us huh???" Comments in seconds.

lol @ all the obvious Chinese government shills who got booty blasted over their shit tier government

Don't worry they'll just build another ghost megacity to meet regional GDP numbers. All's good!

tfw you build absolutely empty cities with infrastructure leading to no where in an attempt to get westerners to invest in your country because your economy is a house of cards

mrw a nation takes the same economic blueprint of Florida

the same economic blueprint of Florida

Which part? South FL is pretty good but North FL is a total disaster

Oh the using real estate as a boost to GDP numbers despite softish demand... Although the the Fl gov't doesn't pay directly their tax rules basically subsidise construction.

I mean a lot of those towers even in Miami were zombie buildings. I think finally after 10 years the slack tightened but I haven't checked.

I just picking on fl because I can, but it happens in most every construction addicted local market (see: Ave A and Upper Midtown in Manhattan).

Oh shit the I-4 Eyesore getting brought up in r/drama?! Neat.

They are cities without infrastructure. Developers build them under agreements where people agree to buy a house that is not currently hooked up to the grid, and is so unlivable, under the condition that it will be hooked up to the grid a few years in the future. That's why they're empty. It's a cheap arrangement in an economy where buying housing can be wildly expensive.

Honestly people overblow the whole "ghost cities" thing hugely. If that were the source of their economic growth that bubble would have burst a long time ago, people have been talking about that for like a decade.

The tumblr train of thought;

"Trump and capitalism is bad, therefore China and socialism must be good!"

China is capitalist, they call themselves "communist with Chinese characteristics" but that's just branding. They don't have universal healthcare. They do have a stock market with companies like Alibaba and Tencent that are among the 10 most valuable publicly traded companies in the world.

They don't have universal healthcare.

Social services depend on your Hukou. I.e. housing registration. That was an old system the Communist government had for limiting movement, you were given a housing registration based on where you live and were born and weren't allowed to move it without permission. Now it's basically a caste system, people move to rich urban areas with a poor rural Hukou and the social services are off limits to them. Meanwhile if you were born with a nice Hukou, like a Shanghai, Shenzen, or Beijing one, you have access to near western levels of social services. Basically it's a way for these rich urban centers to take in a lot of poor workers while limiting their financial obligations to them.

near western levels of social services

Not even close. I work in Shanghai, my colleague are mostly Chinese, and I have been to the hospitals they go to (the one time I had to use an hospital I went to a private clinic). They are far away from first world standards.

Wow they really hate capitalism.

God this pisses me off. Especially because people who pull the edgy contrarian "[China / the USSR / Cuba / ISIS / living as hunter-gatherers in the rainforest / whatever bullshit] is better than [the U.S. / the "West"] because [one extremely specific reason that's probably either a misrepresentation or not true] schtick" don't actually believe the thing they're asserting. /u/Pint_and_Grub, if China's governance is so good I suggest you fucking move there so your retardation will be shielded from the rest of us by the Great Firewall.

Oh baby, oh girl, you’re going to be upset. Sorry for hurting your feelsz. But you picked mostly 2nd world nations. News flash, most Rural Americans live in a 3rd world poverty quality of life. Living anyware in Uganda is the same as living in rural Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas....

I’d suggest you read this... it’s an eye opener. http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/rwss/docs/2010/fullreport.pdf

Nigga what? I'm from one of those states and came from a family of below median income. I still had a GameBoy, and PS2, plenty of food, a house with heat and appliances, etc., etc. Show me a kid in Uganda who has shoes, let alone any of that shit.

Never mind the fact that RURAL AMURICA IS POOR has nothing to do with what I initially said. Move to GHINA if you like it so much.

Most of Rural America... Yeah it’s shocking and very upsetting to most Americans. That they can achieve the same quality of life in most 3rd world nations.

Bruh I'm not debating it sucks to grow up poor in the Deep South, I'm from there dipshit. Not really sure why you're bringing this up. Anyway, I'll pay for your one-way ticket to GHINA if you ever decide to move there, which you clearly do not, despite how great you profess it to be.

I’m not professing it to be great. I’m presenting information that evaluates the world’s poverty. The quality of life in most of Rural USA is no different than most of the 3rd world.

I’m presenting evidence that Trumps “shit holes” are just as bad as most of the Rural USA. Not all of the Rural USA is as bad as 3rd world nations however most of Rural USA idols as bad.

I’m presenting information that evaluates the world’s poverty.

Why? It's irrelevant to the conversation.

The quality of life in most of Rural USA is no different than most of the 3rd world.

As someone who grew up in the rural south and has also been to Sub-Saharan Africa, no, no, no it fucking is not.

I’m presenting evidence that Trumps “shit holes” are just as bad as most of the Rural USA

Once again, why?

Not all of the Rural USA is as bad as 3rd world nations however most of Rural USA is as bad.

I suspect you've never been to either. The median income in Mississippi, the poorest state in the U.S., is like $40,000 per year. The average income in Sub-Saharan Africa is less than $1,000 per year (granted, you have to account for PPP and the like).

You can cherry pick and make up statistics. The evidence and sources say otherwise.

Median income in Mississippi: $40,000/year.

Median income in Sub-Saharan Africa: less than $1,000

Yeah OK d00d

You can Cherry pic and present evidence without sources but it does nothing to make your case.

You haven't provided any evidence for your claim even though it's outright retarded on its face. Do you want me to show you how to type "median income of _____" into Google?

Please point me to where in your .pdf it says anything remotely supporting your position.

News flash, most Rural Americans live in a 3rd world poverty quality of life. Living anyware in Uganda is the same as living in rural Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas....

Lol what are you on? Kansas is richer than Germany and France. Are they also third world countries.

I think Ugandan kids would be fucking thrilled if they could get fat by eating mcdonalds everyday.

Yea, Kansas has considerable wealth inequality. USA has more billionaires than any other nation. That doesn’t mean everyone has access to billions of dollars. And most of Rural America has a 3rd world poverty level quality of life. Read the report. It heart breaking to know the level of poverty in rural America.

I'm not reading some 200 page report over a reddit argument.

I wouldn’t even comment on a topic I’d read less than 1000 pages of quality information on. You and I must have diffrent standard for knowledgeable conversation.

Daring to comment without having at least a PHD in the subject

You’re a drama queen, babe.

You do realize what sub this is, right?

Bruh where are you even from. The claim that RURAL AMERICA is as poor as fucking Liberia is laughable on its face to anyone who has been to those places, seen them on TV, or left their room in the last decade. I'm convinced you're just a troll at this point. 6/10 you've concededly russled my jimmies.

Well U.N. financial experts agree. It upsets most people’s world view of American exceptionalism. It’s not all of Rural America, Texas, California take care of their people. It’s most of the rural Midwest almost all of Appalachia. It’s not all, just most.

How can it be MOST if the median income in those places is like 40x what it is in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Please present your source for median income.

Places in west Africa are bad, however the cost of living is cheaper and access to health care is about the same as rural America, to say it’s non existent. Doctors Without Borders has been going to service rural America for 25 years now.

Please present your source for median income.

Here you go



You're actually such a fucking moron it's unbelievable that you think any US state is close to 352.30 USD per capita

Okay d00d move to Burundi if it's so nice then

Have you been to rural america? Fucking urbanite.

Yeah, most of it is severely hurting and depressed.

You just linked a 200 page book with no indication of where it supports your hilariously inaccurate assertion.

You think global poverty can be understood in less than 200 pages? I thought it was a good summary. I expected the report to be closer to 10,000 pages.

200 pages hours of Reading. I wouldnt feel comfortable commenting on a topic I’d read less than 200 pages about.

Have read less than 200pages on issue of global poverty and American poverty?

You're making a specific claim about specific American states. THATS the claim that would need to be supported here. However, glancing through the index suggests that there isn't even a portion of the document that would be directly addressing those places.

So you just made up something ridiculous and cited that thing hoping no one would even click it. I respect the hustle, you managed to rustle some jimmies.

Lol, no. Complex problems of social issues and financial society issues can’t be summarized in small sentences. You have to understand the global poverty issue to compare American policy issues.

It literally doesn't mention those American states at all. Dude now I'm convinced you're sincere but YOU haven't read it.

I fucking love this kid.

If you could keep him replying, I would greatly appreciate it. Reading his posts is super entertaining.

Ah, whatabout [USA], the ccp-tatd's good old argument

Whataboutism? How?

I’ve said China has bad government policy.

Lol are you for real?

Living anyware in Uganda is the same as living in rural Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas

This is one of the most profoundly retarded statements I've ever read that was written with sincerity.

It’s shocking to most people. It super hurts their feels and tips over their world view. Rural America is hurting and we can make a change for the better for them. They need help. Education and jobs placement program

Rural America is hurting != Rural America is on par with Uganda. Your hyperbolic bullshit helps nobody.

unfortunately it’s not hyperbolic at all. The UN report on poverty has had this exposed for several years now.


It’s, not all rural America, just most of it. Most of rural American families can’t afford to eat at McDonald’s more than once a month.

Most of rural American families can’t afford to eat at McDonald’s more than once a month.

Then why are they so fat?

Dude, just open up Google Earth, turn on photos, and look at a bunch of random photos in Uganda vs Mississippi. In Uganda, you are going to have trouble finding a paved road outside of the capital. That is not the case in Mississippi, some people's driveways out in the country are dirt roads but that's about it.

I grew up in Mississippi, I now live in Virginia. While I will admit that the infrastructure in Virginia is noticeably better, you're exaggerating quite a bit saying that MS is literally third world quality.

You could use google image search and see pictures. Or you could read a report put together by the world’s Formost leading experts on global poverty and take a well researched understanding of the issue.

Not Google image search. If you search for "Uganda [whatever]", you'll mostly see what a bunch of pictures of Uganda that reflect what westerners want to believe about Uganda. Google Earth with the photos layer, pick out random pictures from locations that show what that location actually looks like.

I agree that the level of poverty in the third world compared to underdeveloped sections of rural America is often exaggerated. Pretending they are at hunter gatherer levels of development, or still in tribal stages, when they are well beyond subsistence levels. But Mississippi's development > Uganda. Not in the least because we are able to receive federal aid from one of the richest central governments in the world.

Or you could read a report put together by the world’s Formost leading experts on global poverty and take a well researched understanding of the issue.

You probably should have lead with this bro, I wasn't even going to bother opening up your link because I assumed it was some blog in pdf format put together by a socialist group.

  • Eugenics and high IQ

  • Right behind The Free LandTM in tech development

  • Can't be infiltrated by Russian bots because only verified citizens can use the internet

  • Tight grip on free speech- the people need no say in anything because everything is already perfect

  • Minorities are assimilated or are being forcefully assimilated right now, perfect unity is achieved.

  • Goodboi points for obedient lads

China is unironically the best nation with the best government, faggots.

Maintain your safety

Seriously though. China is the only nation that is prepared for the 21st century techno-warfare. Literally every nation is exposed to subversion via the internet. Political unstability is benefitial for the enemies of a country, which is exactly why Russian bots exist. Fake news are just a side effect; the real intention of the bots is to cause division (wont bother finding sources on mobile, but you can google for some keywords and find good articles).

China literally can not be divided by memetic warfare. That's their thing- they're obsessed with unity. Which is also why they drool over Hong Kong and Macau. Whereas USA is exposed to online bots, for example. Or Iran (because they don't have a grip on their population like China) is exposed to other political tools such as the recent protests that came out of nowhere.

China is literally the ideal nation for modern politics. It may not be the ideal nation for its citizens, because it isn't, but whenever shit goes down, they'll be the most ready.

They may not be "good", but I would be confident in saying that they have their population under control and are at low risk of losing power any time soon. That says theyre doing a pretty good job at something.

"This is what good government looks like."

Posts in r/The_Mueller, r/Politics, and r/esist

Of course

Holy shit that's one of the most obviously botted threads ever

IMO we really need an American Chinese Communist Party, that advocates for establishing a single party Communist dictatorship that's actually capitalist in nature.