Boomers fantasize about trumps nutsack

48  2018-07-11 by PieLiedv2


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Just as I suspected, basketball size, made of high quality American chromoly steel!

/u/bjax9er Way to be horny for the president, fag

anyone who says they haven't fantasized about being with him, whether its tender lovemaking or kinky hatefucking, is 100% a liar

I still ship Trump x Rosie

i want to steal daddy's DICKlaration of indePENIS >:)

The woman in blue is expressing her opinion of how large a single testicle belonging to our POTUS is.

Jesus Christ Q-people are stupid as fuck.

I used to know this guy Sheepfucker who had one huge testicle...turns our he had a hernia that he didnt fix for years, it almost killed him

Centipedos, just like you 😉

I'm not...

So you don't love everything daddy does?

Say something shitty about daddy

He doesn't leave people like you but blasted enough

Aww, good try centipedo 😄

qanon touched my junk liberally. he strapped me in to his qmobile and he couldnt keep his offensive hands off of me. he was performing many red flag touches. i couldnt believe what the fuck was going on. i told qanon the deep state would not approve of a president touching an underage kid for free.

can you believe it? qanon did all this. he picked me off the street, strapped my arms and legs down in the qmobile's passenger seat, and just wouldn't stop fondling my cock'n'balls.

they definately were red flag touches. the goddamn referee he had in the back seat kept on raising up this red flag every time he touched my junk but did qanon care? NO WAY! he just kept on doing it. I couldn't believe what the fuck was going on, indeed. I pleaded with qanon but to no avail. I told him the deep state would not approve of such a wealthy man touching an underage kid like me (at the time I was 13) without at least compensating me for the trauma and the use of my body as his own personal plaything.

this got to him, worrying about his image. he continued to fondle me, all the while ignoring the referee's red flags. then he drove the qmobile to my house and ejected the seat i was in! it was amazing. but surprisingly, after I woke up the next morning, my bank account had $150k in it!!! Can you believe it?????????????????????????

I imagine the Qmobile being one of those early 90's conversion vans

The woman in blue

/u/bjax9er, how old are you?

Wow, this thread has triggered the shitlibs. They just don't understand how geotus can have bigger balls than the entire democrat party combined!

Does your family still talk to you?

Why yes they do, and they all voted for the best president ever, Donald John Trump

It's okay snowflake, killery has another shot in 2020. But 2-1/2 years is a long time, she gonna have a tuff time when 5,10,20 is making America great again. 2-1/2 years of misery to go!!

In which election did you first vote?

Why are you so angry?

Because it was her turn man ;_;

Hahahaha it's her turn to go to prison!

Why are you trolling me bro?

How can you support Drumpf man, he's a racist!

He is? I didn't know that, what did he do?

He's jailing brown babies. That's literally fascism.

it's her turn to go to prison


shit or get off the pot

When did /u/GreatTelephone first rub one out?

A. To "Blossom"

B. To /u/wil

C. To Telltubber

D. To YouTuby (Ew)

Blossom that show from the 90s with the white girl with the wacky hats and the big ass?

You forgot her extremely large snout.

Too young to include Mallory from Family Ties or ALF. You fucking greenhorn.

You think Pizzacel is over millenial age? Bless your heart.

I thought we were talking about /u/GreatTelephone. Probably also a wretched millennial, but can we talk about ALF?

Gordon Shumway fetish cuts across all demographics. Its time we stop kink shaming

I respect the honesty.

What do you think is going on with Imran Awan and his family that worked IT Security for Wendy Washerman Schultz and the DNC prior to the 2016 US Presidential Election?

I think homie couldn't answer cause it was his bedtime

How immersed in your ameritard bubble are you that you can't even recognise the biritsh pm lul

How pathetic ones life must be when a stupid meme makes them shit themselves.

Haha ok dude keep sucking daddy Q off silly mayo

Strange handle you have there, watch out, the man from Alabama is coming for you!

Do you ever feel guilty about 9/11? You do understand those hijackers were just defending themselves from people like you but those poor NYC shitlib pedos got caught in the crossfires, right?

Take your medication

Take your Super Male Vitality.

Id rather be triggered to shit by a single meme than have to wear depends around the clock like most babyboomers

Imagine being an american loloolololololololol.

no thank you

You know abnormally large balls are a sign of a hernia and you should probably be worried about him but no...all you can think about is having them in your mouth

Why are you so angry?

No dummy, it's the law! A democrat law in fact. Not only that but 80% of the children crossing our border, come without their parents. Many are being trafficked by sick fucks who mean to harm them. Now tell me how he is racist again?

What do you think about Trump's friendship with renowned pedo Jeffrey Epstein and the fact that he often flew on Jeffrey's plane nick named the "lolita express"?

All lies, they have never been friends, and trump has never been on his plane. Prove me wrong!

So trump (according to the rag vanity fair) allegedly had dinner at his home? And the proof they were friends is where?

I think you might be a glitch from another universe cause there's no way another person from this universe could be this retarded without having died already.

Prove they were friends dipshit! Come on, rub your 2 brain cells together and prove it! They are both billionaires living in the same city for years and your proof is one sentence, from a tabloid magazine?

I'm not the one who put up the article. I just know you're sperging the fuck out over your daddy being called a pedophile. How often do you fantasize about his nutsack, my dear boy? Do you imagine him rubbing his taint on your face while he calls you Ivanka?

Y'all are some sick fucks, seek help!

This went exactly as I hoped it would. Thanks for helping me climax.

Whispers in your ear we made this together.

You're a pedo.

A democrat law that remove children criminals for crimes other than illegally crossing the border, trump orders that should be counting crossing the border as grounds for seperating children when it was literally never this way and its totally the dems fault, genius.

So trump allegedly had dinner at his home? And the proof they were friends is where?