I'll kill a dog to own the libs

14  2018-07-11 by pepperouchau


You are another culturally programmed millenial internet dude with this weird bitterness towards women. One female accuses a guy of mansplaining incorrectly and you come here to “delight” in her downfall. The culture is sick and it makes me sad.


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oh wait how about some family guy

/u/ScarredGrey you need to toughen up or next year when you get to high school, the kids are going to bully you mercilessly

Doesn't even watch the superior /r/familyman smh

See it's a funny show

How is that not some kind of Henry Rollins/MDE crossover sub.

Trump's going to win 2020 just from Democrats playing to the lowest denominator.

The lack of self-awareness is just fucking beautiful. /u/ScarredGrey, you're a special one.

I would kill a dog not on it's leash biting my dog. While the owners just watch letting it happen. What about that is shocking?

/u/ScarredGrey for someone preaching about personal responsibility you sure are scapegoating a lot.

No I just had an owner have their dog off the leash and their pit bull attacked my pitbull and they were 20 year old punk Hooligans and they blame me for their dog being off their leash that's liberalism right now that's motherless homes right there for you that's pussy's not being able to take responsibility for their own actions and I had a woman in her forties come out and say those kids were giving me a lift from you doing nothing wrong.

But liberals always make excuses that's how you can tell that they're liberals.

You are delayed.


A pibbie owner and a conservative? That's worse than, may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, a mayo.

Mayo and conservative are synonymous in God's country.

Lol this guy is definitely all three

Wannabe tough guy calls everyone "liberals", says they're responsible for preventing his violent and unsocialized shitbull from mauling anything.

u/ScarredGrey could you be a more typical nanny dog wrangler?

My dog was attacked not attacking again literacy classes are available for the low IQ.

I don't feel bad I have a pitbull and I keep them on a leash but I have little ladies have those little griping yipping dogs, not on a leash and try to f*** with my dog. But if he bites her head off he gets taken to Doggy jail not them for not keeping their dog on a leash or keep in them behaving well around other people. If you don't put your dog on a leash you're responsible if your dog goes wondering into the street or goes attack another person's dog. There's so many examples in this country and other countries liberalism is another evidence of it. people failed to take responsibility for their own action or inaction.

/u/ScarredGrey I'm sure there are programs in your state to help with literacy issues and I bet they won't even mind your meth habit

Sorry to burst your bubble but I haven't done anything worse than a few non-addictive drugs like weed and liquor.

Hard drugs just don't have a good benefit to cost ratio for me to try.

But shity stab in the dark...

He's an anti-vaxxing, electric skateboarding, libtard-wrecking machine this one 😃